
Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management Studies (KIAMS) conducts an admission process for admission to its 2 year Post Graduate Diploma in Management Program (PGDM). KIAMS was established in 1991 by Kirloskar Group of Companies. KIAMS provides its students with very good facilities and infrastructure for management education.

The Institute have major links ups with other elite management based Institute in India and aboard and candidates experience handsome level of exposure in terms of practical level. Training as well as vocational managing is give chief stress and candidates are prepared enough to handle any kind of scenario within the corporate line. The Institute offers the balance of quality as well as excellence that enable the candidates to cult out the best in them.

Candidates are shortlisted for this program on the basis of their CAT/XAT scores. Therefore in order to attain admission in PGDM program of KIAMS candidates have to appear for XAT or CAT. The candidates who are shortlisted on the basis of their CAT/XAT scores have to appear in a round of Personal Interview as well as General Discussion for final selection process.

Eligibility criteria:

Candidates should have a 3 years bachelor degree or its equivalent from any of the recognized institute with atleast 50% aggregate marks or its equivalent CGPA.  Candidates who belong to the reservation categories as well as those who belong from the defense background are offered relaxation in the above percentage eligibility criterion. Candidates who are in their final year of graduations are also eligible enough to apply. However these candidates have to provide the Certificate of Merit to the concerned authority of the Institute within a stipulated date. Failure to do so may result in termination of the seat of the respective candidate.

Availability of Application forms:

The forms for KIAMS are expected to be available in different centres of IMS Learning Resources, PT Education, Career Forum, TIME, Career Launcher, Cerebral Heights and Erudite. The form can also be obtained by post from KIAMS by sending a Demand Draft along with the request for form. Candidates can also download the form online through the website

Important Dates:

Last Date for receipt of completed application forms: February 10th, 2011
Group Discussion/Personal Interview: February/March 2011

Selection process:

Candidates are shortlisted on the basis of their CAT/XAT scores. The shortlisted candidates are then called for Personal Interview, Group Activity and Group Discussion after which the final selections are made.

Contact Details:

Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management Studies
Yantrapur, Harihar - 577 602
Karnataka (India)

Phone: 08192-241269, 241483, 241486

Fax: 08192-241270




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One Response to “KIAMS 2011 MBA”

  1. 1

    am i select for addmission