PhD in mass communication


Mass communication is a very interesting and useful subject in this modern era. Basically mass communication involves sectors and ways of communicating with a huge number of people. Thus this course comes along with course of various levels, and PhD in Mass communication is one of those high level courses that are offered in this subject.

Under this course one need to study about the various ways of communicating with people, that too in mass. Communicating to mass is never very easy and thus requires some skills that are developed by certain course. Under PhD in mass communication, various ways especially new ways are taught and tried to be implemented by the candidates. Under this course, the ways of communication gets the prime priority and that is the reason that the courses are so much in trend.

One needs to have a master’s degree before applying for this course of PhD in Mass communication. The master’s level degree should be of a well recognised institute or university of India.

Course Outlook:

This doctorate level course is not having any fixed duration. The course duration depends on the thesis of the candidate. The candidate is awarded the degree as soon as the thesis is complete.

Job Prospects:

There are plenty of lucrative jobs after completion of this degree. One is readily recruited in various media networks and entertainment channels. Even MNC recruits these degree holders. Apart from all this, one can choose for a teaching profession after completion of this course.

Best Place to Pursue:

Xavier’s institute of communication
Symbiosis institute of mass communicatin



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135 Responses to “PhD in mass communication”

  1. 135
    kumar pratyush:

    i want do phd in mass communication and journalism . please tell me detail for admission in this course in bihar.
    kumar pratyush (Ranchi)

  2. 134
    kumar pratyush:

    I want do phd in mass communication and journalism.please tell me university in bihar.
    regards- kumar pratyush

  3. 133

    Pls. i wish to get all it takes to do PhD in mass communication in your noble institution, i have Msc. mass communication, in the university of Benue - Nigeria.i specialised in electronic media and wish to know all the courses that are inline with my area of study through my Email here.

  4. 132
    Husen Udaipuri MJMC:

    I have completed MJMC & want to do Ph.D from Rajasthan.Pl.provide me the list of universities of Rajasthan.

  5. 131


    I have done M. Phil in Mass Communication & Journalism.i want to do phd in mass communication,so pls tell me universities name & when the entrance conducted by them.

    Waiting for your valuable reply.

  6. 130
    khursheed alam:

    respected sir/ mam
    i have complete my m.a in mass communication 2010. i want to do p.hd please tell me best university in india and abroad. and tell me addmision forms of p.hd.

  7. 129
    rajesh kumar:

    I want do Phd in masscom and journalism please tell me university in bihar.

  8. 128
    Preeti Agrawal:

    I want to do Phd in mass communication and journalism. But my question is that can I do above degree on the basis of PG diploma in Mass Comm from ywca of delhi (its a vocational course like part time) and on the basis of Corresspondence MBA in media management from global open university. Both courses I have done. And my pg completed in Commerce regular from MJP rohilkhand univ. So pls tell me that can i do phd throguh corresspondence mba & mass comm diploma.

    Preeti Agrawal

  9. 127

    Iwant do Phd in masscom and journalism please tell me university in bihar

  10. 126

    respected sir/ mam
    i have complete my m.a in mass communication 2010. i want to do p.hd please tell me best university in lucknow. and tell me addmision forms of p.hd of these university.

  11. 125
    vijay thakur:

    respected sir/mem,
    i am an mba degree holder but i don’t take intrest in stress and pressurfull private job so now i want to phd actully i take intrest in public speakong and teaching so i have wish to do phd so kindly suggest me should i do phd in mass comunnication ?????????? if yes so please guide me and send best universties details of mp or across india.

  12. 124

    i am from sri lanka. i have done my mssc degree in sinhala mediam.i want to do mphil and phd in english mediam .but i have only genaral english knoledge.plese inform how can i do that and howmeny cost for that.and how to jioine the delhi university

  13. 123
    namita pandey:

    I did masters in Mass communication from Agra University and i scored 83 % in the course now i want to do Phd but as i dont know the entrance process and also about the syllabus of examination, i am bit confused as whether i should appear for the entrance exam directly or should i go for preparation, plz guide me, from where should i do my Phd and how do i collect the syllabus material and from where, revert as soon as possible, so that i could appear in this current session, Thanks

  14. 122
    kartar singh yadav khurai,bina:

    sir i want to do phd. in mass communication & journalism.
    Sir i have complited mcj in march, april 2011 from dr. Hari singh gour central university sagar. So give me some important information, from where should i do phd in m.p and out of mp. also can ran.
    I hope u will send me vitall information very soon.
    I am waiting for ur answer sir.

  15. 121
    susheel petwal:

    i want the details of all the colleges providing phd in mass communication through distance education?

  16. 120

    know about all private or regular univ. which providing phd in media

  17. 119

    plz provide me University list who offers phd in mass communication in india.

  18. 118

    I want to do phd in mass comm correspondence. olz guide me. i have done mass com from makhanlal university Bhopal. and having n experience of working in news channel for three years . and also having teaching exp in media institute for 2 years

  19. 117

    I want to do phd in mass comm correspondence. olz guide me. i have done mass com from makhanlal university Bhopal. and having n experience of working in news channel for three years . and also having teaching exp in media institute for 2 years

  20. 116

    i have done my master degree in mass comm. Now i want to do Phd in same which university is best for me plz give me full detail up to fee structure

  21. 115
    satyaprakash nayak:

    Sir, Please send me.
    How to apply phd in journalism in india?

  22. 114

    I have complete my m.a in mass communication. i want to do p.hd please tell me university in haryana and delhi state and tell me admission form of m.phil and p.hd of these university

  23. 113

    I want to join Ph.D in mass communication this year . Give me the list of colleges where I can apply now?

  24. 112

    i have completed m.a in mass communication i wanna do phd please tell me university for it

  25. 111

    Sir, I am completing my in mass com in sep. 2011. I want to do P.H.D in same subject. So kindly let me know the list of universities of India offering P.H.D in mass com. What is the criteria of it and also tell me when its form will fill? Do distance learning post graduate students are eligible for P.H.D. or M.phill?

  26. 110

    sir i will complete my m.s.c. in mass com in sep. 2011 I want to do p.h.d. in same sub so kindly tell me the list of uni. in India offering p.h.d in mass com. What is the criteria of it and also let me know the date of filling form and enterance exam. Can distance learning learning post graduate students do p.h.d or M.phill.

  27. 109

    Can I pay school fees on installment if I apply for Ph.D.abroad?

  28. 108
    sumandeep kamboj:

    i did M.Sc in Mass Communication …i want to know about the distance and reguler colleges or university details 4 P.HD approved by UGC .plz suggest me the time of admission and admission process…


  29. 107

    i am masters in mass com and want to persive phd in same subject.please suggest the universities and time of admission process.

  30. 106

    i am masters in mass com and want to persive phd in same subject.please suggest the universities and time of admission process.

  31. 105

    have done masters in mass communication. please tell me the details of universities offering p.hd. in mass communication and when the entrance exam held?

  32. 104

    i have done masters in mass communication. please tell me the details of universities offering p.hd. in mass communication and when the entrance exam held?

  33. 103

    i pursue for p hd in mass communication from jamia millia islamia. can u tell me about syllabus of entrance exam , which book i prefer for this

  34. 102
    vivek mishra:

    hi. i have done my masters in journalism and mass communication and intrested in Ph.D. in the same. i am based in delhi and want to know is it in Kurucshhetra univercity.

  35. 101
    Priyankar Sharma:

    From where i can get study material for preparation of phd in communication entrance exam.and what all i have to study.i am final year student of m.a communication…

  36. 100
    Renu rao:

    I want to do p.hd. in mass communication. plz tell me this course is available in bhu

  37. 99

    i have done MJMC and now i want ti do PhD in journalism & mass communication.please tell me about the enterence exam of phd in mass comm.

  38. 98

    please tell me about the enterence exam of phd in mass comm.

  39. 97
    naveen kr singh:

    i want to do M.Phil in mass communication and journalism through distant learning.
    where should I seek for this?

  40. 96
    Morufu Oyetope Oyekanmi:

    I write to apply for PhD in mass comm.
    I attended The Polytechnic, Ibadan to study Mass
    Communication (Print Option) and was awarded National
    Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) Upper
    credit in 1997 and 2001 respectively.

    I later proceeded to the University of Ibadan-premier
    University to study Theatre Arts (majoring in Media Arts)
    for my Postgraduate Diploma/Degree and I was bagged PGD Theatre Arts in 2005.And am about to finish my Mass communication.

    I have work as a Reporter,Lecturer,Public Relations Executive and am
    currently working as an Instructor in a polytechnic.
    ‘Am a member different professional organizations in
    Nigeria,like Advertising Practitioner Council Of Nigeria,(APCON),Nigerian Institute of Public Relations,(NIPR) and others.
    Kindly forward the application pack to me and let me know about available institution offering this course.

    Morufu Oyetope Oyekanmi

  41. 95
    Ojha Rabin:

    i am native of nepal, i want to do PH. D in mass communication in india - pls. provide me best university to complete my PH.D in india.

  42. 94

    i want t0 do ph.d in mass communcation & journalism in 2011 session. can u plz suggest me the name of the universities in india and when the exam held.

  43. 93

    I want to join Ph.D in mass communication this year . Give me the list of colleges where I can apply now?

  44. 92

    I want to do PhD or Mphil in Journalism and mass communication in West Bengal. now i pursuing M.A in journalism and mass communication. pls tell me the universitie’s name and also date of application form.

  45. 91
    regarding program of p hd in journalism:

    which university provids the various program in journalism p hd

  46. 90

    I want to do PhD in Mass Comm.I passed MA with maxi no but still today failed in NET exam. can u tell me what I should do next. Give all information.

  47. 89

    I want to do PhD in Mass Comunication & Journalism please suggest me the university from where I can do the research

  48. 88

    does teaching the undergraduate students in BMM college require a NET exam clearance?

  49. 87

    I want to do phd in mass communication. Can u plz suggest me the name of Universities in India offering the same. It ll be better if u suggest the name of some universities of East Region.

  50. 86
    Durga Choudhary:

    i want to do phd in mass communication,in tell me top university name , i am also decide Delhi , Jaipur, Varanasi ,Allahabad , kolkata , as u tell me another university but nice a great university, as u wish so harry up know, send me message 09334976379

  51. 85

    i am post graduate in mass communication and mba. i wish to do phd in 2011

  52. 84

    i want to do phd in mass communication & journalism in 2011session, pls let me know the name of the universties frome where i can do it, and when the exam will be conducted.

  53. 83
    aanchal gandhi:

    maine abi electronic mrdia ki h .mujhe ab phd krni h . so plz help nd tell me abt fee structure nd college nd kitne year ki h everything plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  54. 82

    give the information about CAD exam which is the entrance for Ph.d in mass communication

  55. 81

    i want to do phd in masscomm&journalismin 2011 session so pls let me know the universities which offers this course and when the exam will be conducted.

  56. 80

    i want to know that the ph.d prrogram in mass com in utter pradesh.

  57. 79
    Epshita Roy:

    i want to do phd in masscom & journalism in 2011 session, pls let me know the name of the universities from where i can do it, and when the exam will be conducted.

  58. 78

    i want to do phd in mass communication,so pls tell me universities name & when the entrance conducted by them.i will remain great full to u.

  59. 77
    Pratap Singh Rajput:

    after the m sc in IT i want to do either p hd or m phil which is easier to pursue? Give full details of both the courses

  60. 76

    Hi this is Rajkumar. I am Post graduate in mass communication. Please let me know about the enrollment for PHD in mass communication. From where i can do this course and the important dates too.

  61. 75
    Avinash Kagava N:

    Hi there,
    I am a 2010 passed out from M A in Communication from Madras Christian College . I’m looking for a university to pursue my Phd in mass Communication.Kindly help me in suggesting the same along with the dates and the tentative cost .

    Thank you

  62. 74

    Hi ,im complete my m.a. in mass communication nw i want to do ph.d in same field

  63. 73
    neeshu rathi:

    I have done my MJMC from Rajasthan University (Jaipur). please tell me the name of the colleges from which i can admit in Phd. When the exam will be cundutced for the admission in phd in mass comm.

  64. 72

    Hi this is Sheetal. I am Post graduate in mass communication. Please let me know about the enrollment for PHD in mass communication. From where i can do this course and the important dates too.

  65. 71


    I have done my masters in masscomm & advertising, And currently i am working with an ad agency as client servicing manager.
    I want to pursue phd in mass communication from any well known university outside india, pls let me know how to prepare for this and about the universities where i can enrol myself , if possible pls also help me with th fee structure and scholerships.

    Thanks & Regards

  66. 70
    Husain Tabish:

    Im working in media industry and just hav completed my M.phil in journalisam and mass communication. right now i want to pursue P.hd in this field,kindly guide me in dis regard

  67. 69

    i have pursued masters in mass comm from Rajasthan University (jaipur). What are the career prospects further?

  68. 68
    Reena singh:

    I have completed my MSc in mass communication and after that i want to join phd but i dont have any idea about the university which provides Ph.D course in mass communication so pls help me out

  69. 67

    I am pursuing M.A in mass communication through distance education and planning for NET exams, am i elegible to write the NET exam?

  70. 66

    I have completed M.Sc. in mass communication and after that i want to join phd but i dont have any idea about the university which provides phd course in mass communication or media so pls help me.

  71. 65

    i want to do phd in mass communication,so pls tell me universities name & when the entrance conducted by them.i will remain great full to u.

  72. 64

    have done my masters in journalism and mass communication from madurai kamraj university, later done my mphil from mother theresa university - both distance education programs
    can i pursue phd

  73. 63
    lateef sk:

    I have postgraduate degree I want to do Phd in journalism

  74. 62
    sandeep kumar:

    notes for principal of communication

  75. 61

    l will submit my m.pill in april in mass communication. my graduation and master is also in this. i want to teach in bihar. what can i do.

  76. 60
    asfa khanam:

    i have done my masters in mass communication and graduation in english in english and want to pursue phd in mass communication ,how to prepare for the exams ,what to study in able to qualify the exams,date when the exms will be conduted ,what are the expenses to do this course

  77. 59
    pragati kothiyal:

    i am pursuing MA in mass communication and after that i want to join phd but i dont have any idea about the university which provides phd course in mass communication so pls help me out

  78. 58

    Hi, please help me out with the universities who offer the PhD in mass communication.please give me suggestion about the PHD program in India in media sector.

  79. 57

    Hi, please help me out with the universities who offer the PhD in mass communication.

  80. 56

    i have done M.A. Mass Communication. now i want to do Ph.d in Mass communication. Plz help me.

  81. 55
    Durga Choudhary:

    My self in Durga Choudhary.belong from Patna Bihar ,pursueing in the Master of Mass Communication in National Broadcasting Academy 2009-2010 Sarojini Nagar New Delhi.Reading of the Phd,in top University in Diploma course, which Bihar , Allahabad,Delhi,Himachal Pradesh,Banaras.
    Which of the Journalism in World value.
    be tell me Answer.
    9334976379 / 9661823574

  82. 54
    Hem Raj:

    i have done M.A. Mass Communication with 67%. now i want to do Ph.d in Mass communication. I want scholers detail. Plz help me

  83. 53

    pls offer me the universities / colleges offering phd in Mass communication,

  84. 52

    pliz inform me the names of universiies offering phd in journalism

  85. 51

    i’ve done my masters in mass-com from gju hisar,and m.phil frim vinayak amission now i want to do my phd in the same subject,please give the name of colleges/ university where a course is offered n the same stream.

  86. 50

    i have done M.A. Mass Communication. now i want to do Ph.d in Mass communication. Plz help me

  87. 49
    pradeep krishna:

    i m pradeep.i mwork in electronic media.i want to phd now.plz help me

  88. 48
    khosro rasooli:

    i want to admition in phd
    in mass communication and

  89. 47

    i m nidhi.,i did ma in mass comm from apeejay dwarka…i want to do phd now…plz help

  90. 46

    i want to do phd in mas communcation,how will i prepare for it and where can i apply

  91. 45
    swati arjun:

    i’ve done my masters in mass-com from gju hisar,now i want to do my phd in the same subject,please give the name of colleges in delhi where a course is offered n the same stream.

  92. 44
    varun kumar:

    i m done my MA(mass com.).Can u give me all infromation like ,university name and other infromation.

  93. 43
    Sudipta Roy:

    Is there any Course in phd in Mass Comminnucation In Visva Bharati University?

  94. 42

    i want to know that… when will be intrence exame.. for the ph.d…..i have completed my M.Sc.electronic media from IMC&MT KUK kurukshetra.sir, I want to know all detail about ph.d in mass coommunication

  95. 41

    i want to do phd in media or sound … pls give me the information

  96. 40

    sir, I want to know all detail about ph.d in mass coommunication (best university & entrance exam will be held.i want to know about the complete list of PhD in mass communication in india

  97. 39

    i select in entrans but confused .which subject select phd . i interest public relations , development communication & rural development. plese help me.

  98. 38

    i have completed my M.A. in mass comm from GJU Hissar. do give me the names of institutes from where ph.d in mass comm can be done

  99. 37
    mukesh thakur:

    sir i did PG in mass communication further i want to do PhD so plz let me know specialization subjects of phd. in mass comm

  100. 36
    shilpee seth:

    i want to know that… when will be intrence exame.. for the ph.d…..
    i have complete my p.g in masscommunication
    i want to apply for the reasearch.. in allhabad university,,,, other u.p university also…..
    what will be date for the examination…???
    admission will be.. marrit or.. entrance…. plz.. tell me… i m very tens…..plz….
    i want to do research in masscommunication…..this year…

  101. 35

    please give me suggestion about the phd program in india in media sector.

  102. 34

    sir, I want to know all detail about ph.d in mass coommunication (best university & entrance exam will be held)

  103. 33

    pl give me information about PhD in mass comm

  104. 32
    kireet joshi:

    sir, i want to know about when an entrance exam will be held in p.h.d. in mass com from lucknow university.r

  105. 31

    i want to know about the complete list of PhD in mass communication in india.

  106. 30


  107. 29

    i am interested in pursuing phd please let me know date of entrance exams for mumbai university or any other best university

  108. 28
    sumantra sarathi das:

    I am MA in mass communication. i m working in the department of mass media nd mass communication at indraprastha college for women, delhi university… please suggest me some university to pursue doctorate degree for the same and the eligibility and procedure.


  109. 27

    I am in 2nd year of Journalism and Mass Comm. I want to go for PHD in the same subject.Pl. suggest the name of institutes in Delhi NCR.

  110. 26

    tell me how many colleges in India i completed M.C.J

  111. 25

    please give me a information about the ph.d inrollment and tell me the name of the institute where the seats are vacant

  112. 24

    What are best places to do PhD in mass communication from north india?

  113. 23

    is there anywhere phd & mphill exam still remaining to be conducted for this session of which i can fill form for journalism..

  114. 22

    Sir,please give me details about mphil. and phd. program.
    and list of top insitution of where available these course

  115. 21

    please give me details about mphil. and phd. program.
    and list of top insitution of where available these course

  116. 20

    My master in mass communication is going to finishe on this august. After that i want to join the phd. For pursuing Phd either there is need of M.phil or not . What is the criteria for pursuing Phd ? please provide me fee structure and total duration for doing phd.

  117. 19
    neetu garg:

    I have completed M.A in Mass communication and now i want to do PHD in one of mass communication subject, so kindly provide the list of university where PHD course in “Mass communication” is available, so that i can take admission and kindly provide the fee structure too if it is possible.

    my contact number is- 09200188289

  118. 18
    neetu garg:

    what can i do after doing phd?

  119. 17

    I have completed M.Phil in Mass Communication and I want to do P.hD in Mass Communication. Kindly send the details.

  120. 16
    Ajay "Aazad":

    i m in last sem. in MJMC.i want to do PHD in Journalism subject, so kindly provide the list of university where PHD course in “journlism & Mass communication” is available, so that i can take admission and kindly provide the fee structure too if it is possible.

  121. 15
    Bhawna Gulati:

    I have completed my MA in mass communication. Now, I want to pursue PHD in mass comm in one of the subjects. I want to know which are the universities in India offering PHD in mass communication. And, what is the process. Please send me in detail. I will be very thankful for your support.

  122. 14
    Amitabh kumar:

    I want to nknow about Ph D in mass comunication

  123. 13
    sumit gupta:

    I have completed M.A in Mass communication and now i want to do PHD in one of mass communication subject, so kindly provide the list of university where PHD course in “Mass communication” is available, so that i can take admission and kindly provide the fee structure too if it is possible.

    Thanks and Regards Mob no:- 9990084394

  124. 12
    Mohd Haider Ali Khan:

    I have completed M.A in Mass communication and now i want to do PHD in one of mass communication subject, so kindly provide the list of university where PHD course in “Mass communication” is available, so that i can take admission and kindly provide the fee structure too if it is possible.

    Thanks and Regards Mob no:- 09990463867
    Mohd Haider Ali Khan Email

  125. 11
    ravi chhaviraj:

    i want to know about govt. college for phd in mass.comm.
    will u help me

  126. 10

    can i phd after cmpleted my post graduate diploma in journalism

  127. 9
    ashwani tripathi:

    i want to know that which university provides phd in journlism and mass communication. also want to know about the fees and procidure.

  128. 8

    i want to know about govt. college for phd in mass.comm.
    will u help me.

  129. 7
    vinod kumar yadav:

    age 45+ , working as a primary school teacher in rajasthan mjmc from VMOU KOTA(rajasthan) in 2002,net in the subject of dec 2003 want to do phd, how can i ?
    I-226,new civil lines
    hanumangarh jn

  130. 6

    sir i want to take admission in phd journalism and mass communaction in this session plaese reply detail of this course

  131. 5


  132. 4

    i want to admition in ph.d. mass comm.

  133. 3
    sunil rana:

    I am working in a national news papre in Shimla. I want to know that from which university i can pursue my Phd in journalism & mass communication. will this be correspondent or regular

  134. 2
    Jitendra kumar:

    i want to adimition in ph.d.

  135. 1
    shyo parsad:

    p.hd mass comm.