Bachelor course in Environmental studies and its indispensable need in the present era


Environmental studies is an interdisciplinary field of academics that incorporates both physical science and biological science. The contributing fields include physics, atmospheric science, physics, soil science, chemistry etc and many other areas of science.  It mainly deals with the relationship of human being with the environment, their interdependence, and effects.

What is the need for environmental studies?

The earth we live in today is full of challenges and changes. Every day we come across news about various problems that human beings face across the world. They include diseases, poverty, famine, pollution, natural disasters etc. Such problems are making life on earth very difficult and we cannot continue with this for long. We have to develop sustainable means so that we can live in this world without destroying the planet. For example, we can use farming practices that will reduce the use of water and chemicals. Another example is the use of transportation methods which consume less energy and do not pollute the environment.

Importance of environmental studies

Environmental study helps us to find solutions to problems that we face today with our lives and the environment. It incorporates a complete view of the various components of the environment including water, land and sir. The population explosion in our planet is depleting our natural resources and polluting our air, water and land. This will lead to a situation where our future generation will have to live in a polluted planet without enough resources. Environmental study is the need of the hour which will help to use our resources in a judicious way without destroying the planet.

Bachelor course in environmental studies and its relevance

Bachelor course in Environmental studies will give insights about the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the inter relationships that exist in the world. It also deals with the identifying and analyzing various environmental problems that are man made and naturally occurring. The course will give a deeper understanding on how to develop solutions to such problems without disturbing the balance of our ecosystem and also evaluate the risk associated with different problems and its impact on the earth and human life.

Environmental studies will help us in building a sustainable future which supports human life on this planet by conserving natural resources and reducing pollution. It helps in building a better tomorrow without compromising today’s needs.



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