Combined Defense Services Exam (I) General Knowledge Papers


Combined Defence Service (CDS) examination is conducted to recruit candidates for the various posts in Indian Air Force, Indian Army and Indian Navy. CDS examination is conducted two times in a year and candidates have to go through two rounds of selection, first written test and second interview. The written examination comprises of three papers, English, General Knowledge and Elementary Mathematics. Only those candidates are interviewed who successfully clears the written test. In interview which is conducted at one of the Services Selection Centers the interviewer tests the personality and intelligence level of the candidates.

Exam Pattern

The General Knowledge paper is of 100 marks and time allotted to complete the paper is 2 hours. The question paper has 120 multiple choice questions. The questions are set to test the knowledge of the students in General Knowledge, Geography of nature, History of India and other matters of everyday observation. The candidates have to mark one option out of 4 options provided for every question. Answers are to be marked in a separate answer sheet which would be given for this purpose. There is negative marking and one third marks will be deducted if any answer is marked wrong. If he/she marks two options then that question would be considered wrong and there would be same penalty.




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51 Responses to “Combined Defense Services Exam (I) General Knowledge Papers”

  1. 51
    Dilip kumar:

    most respectfully i beg to say that i am student of B.A II year
    After passed B.A III i want to join ima so i can know how i join ima. please give me advise.

  2. 50
    santa rao:

    who is the highest authority person of indian naval service

  3. 49
    Mohammed ali:

    Plz…..send me cds 2 previous quens keys.

  4. 48

    previous question papers of combined defence service examinations conducted for female candidates

  5. 47
    Godwin Simon:

    send me passed questions and answers for military dssc.

  6. 46
    chidi egbo:

    send all dssc passed questions and answers to my email:[email protected]

  7. 45

    i applied OTA plz send to my mail last ten years qstns mail:[email protected]

  8. 44

    sir i have calculated that i had attempted 88 question in which 39 is absolutely wrong in general knowledge paper and in english paper 60 is absolutely right so what is probability for getting ssb call would you aware me that

  9. 43

    please send me previous question paper for cds

  10. 42

    sir,i need the entire details about how to apply for cds exam,send me syllabus and previous question papers and also advise which books are better to reffer?

  11. 41
    ajit singh:

    sir my self ajjit sing. I m prepread my self for cpf upsc. Sir i request to u plz send last five yearr solved previos year both paper part-1 and part -11. On my email

  12. 40

    respected sir, i would like to know about the current affairs.can u send to my email id sir

  13. 39

    plz….send me quetions&answers for GK

  14. 38

    dear, sir i want ask you that examination paper of indian military and air force are same or something differ from each other

  15. 37

    sir send me cds 2012(!) answer’s of question paper.

  16. 36

    Respected sir,
    I have calculated my marks for ota -eng -85 & gk 31. There r only 30 seats for women.Would i be able to qualify the written cds 2012?
    Thank you

  17. 35

    Sir send me IAS question papers also.

  18. 34

    Requested Sir,
    Please send me OTA last 10 yrs sample paper.

  19. 33

    plz give me question paper ota exam of privious yr

  20. 32

    sir please send me a ota question papers of last 10 years

  21. 31

    please send me previous question paper for cds

  22. 30
    prem kumar:

    plz….send me quetions&answers for cds GK

  23. 29

    CDS EXAM after 12/02/2012
    plese send me all info..

  24. 28
    anu radha:

    please sir give me a previous year paper of cds exam papers

  25. 27

    sir please send me 5 year ota examination my [email protected]

  26. 26

    hai sir,im srinivas frm appearing 1st time for dis exam.want 2 know how many qualifying papers for exam of ota?

  27. 25

    hi sir,i am applied to cds exam,so plz send me last 10 yeas previous solved papers to my email [email protected]
    thanking u sir,

  28. 24
    shailesh verma:

    i would require the solved question papers of previous cds (ota) exams.

  29. 23

    GATE 2012(M-Tech) is conducted on the same day,please inform me at what TIME it is being conducted on 12-02-2012?

  30. 22

    I am done my hardware & networking diploma and persuing 2nd year B.A student. and my date of birth is 15-08-1990.i want to know wheather im eligible for giving the exams of Indian Military Academy and Officers Training Academy . i want to know from where i have to apply for this and all eligibility details… waiting for the reply………… thanks

  31. 21
    About Cds last cutoff:

    Please tell me cds cutoff 2011. . . .

  32. 20
    aryan mrinal:

    SIR i have given cdse 2011- 12 ..and i am geting the following marks maths- 40, eng - 50 gk - 10. so is there any possibility of my selection.
    is sectional cut off is given importence in this examination??

  33. 19


  34. 18

    I m an airman and I want to become an air force I want some guidlines. so plz help me

  35. 17

    eyes specs are made by which chemical??

  36. 16

    please send me CDS(ota) solved all papers.

  37. 15
    rahul tomar:

    please sir give me a previous year paper of cds exams

  38. 14

    i would require the solved question papers of previous cds (ota) exams.

  39. 13

    the animals of a particular region

  40. 12

    please send me CDS solved all papers.

  41. 11

    I would like to know when the solved papers are released for these exams, are the keys for CDS and UPSC prelims released any time close to the date of the exam conducted? I would like to know the websites the keys are available. I have been trying to look up the key for the CDS(I) exam that happened this february but in vain.
    kindly help me out with this.

  42. 10

    hello, anyone please give me ans key of cds1 held on 13-02-2011

  43. 9

    i need previous question paper for cds exam

  44. 8

    question papers for previos years.

  45. 7

    please give ms answer for CDS 2011(1)GK,english paper and maths also

  46. 6

    Solved question for ota
    of cds1,2011

  47. 5

    does any one have the solved paper of CDS 1 2011

  48. 4

    Hello! anyone please give answer keys for 2009 & 2010 CDS question papers….. Thanks & regards.

  49. 3

    Hi sir i’m mahesh frm AP,i’m appearing 1st time for dis exam.i want 2 know ,how many qualifying papers for 1st stage of qualifying exam of officers training academy

  50. 2

    i am studying mechanical engg & i want 2 become an army officer… what type of work is alloted to me …………..what is the expected salary……….please answer

  51. 1

    i need the dates of cds exam