Cochin University, B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering, 3rd Sem., Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Papers


Students who are pursuing Mechanical Engineering in Cochin University have to undergo Mechanics and Machinery paper at the end of the 3rd semester. This paper is very important for mechanical engineers and this is a paper mechanical engineers have to gain mastery over.

Paper pattern

The paper consists of no sections. It consists of ten questions divided into sub questions. The first four questions contain three sub questions and the rest six questions contain two sub questions each. The candidates have to answer four questions out of the ten.  The paper is set in a ‘or’ format, meaning that the candidate has to attempt question 1 or 2, 3 or 4, 5 or 6, 7 or 8, 9 or 10. They simply cannot attempt any four they choose. The question paper is totally descriptive. The questions will be both theoretical and numerical. Each main question is sure to contain a numerical problem in its sub question. Most numerical problems are diagrammatic where you have to answer the question after evaluating the diagram printed in the question paper. Referring the previous question papers will be helpful in cracking the exam.

Allotment of marks

The paper is for a total mark of 100. The candidates have to answer four questions in all and each question carry 20 marks. Each question contains sub questions and all sub questions carry equal mark. The mark of a sub question will depend on the number of sub questions within a question.

Duration of the paper

The paper is for a total of three hours. The candidates have to answer the question within this time. Before the exam begins, candidates will be allotted 15 minutes for reading the question paper.

About the subject

The subject is based on mechanics regarding fluids and also various machines. It is a subject based on physics and requires the candidates to understand every concept properly in order to score high marks.

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One Response to “Cochin University, B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering, 3rd Sem., Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Papers”

  1. 1

    i want mechanical engineering firsrt old question