PTU MCA 1st Sem-Programming in C (MCA-102) Papers


C programming is one of the most commonly used programming languages used all over the world for developing softwares and for performing basic functions in all areas of any multitasking and multi-function company. C programmers are developed in programming skills through this paper.  

Importance of the paper:

The paper is very important for the future programmers and those who write programs for organizations as well as for research and scientific purposes. Almost all companies recruits personnel trained in C and their services are taken for all major jobs in the company.

Paper Pattern:

The 75 mark paper is divided into two parts: part A and part B. part A consists of 15 short answer type questions which are all compulsory. The second part consists of 12 questions out of which only 9 are to be answered, the questions are to be answered in not more than 60 words.

Frequently asked questions:

Operators and operands, iteration multidimensional arrays, shorthand operators, compilation techniques, arrays of single and double dimension, trees and stacks and procedures for their  formation through arrays, basic input and output include streams and files, the standard library functions in C, fundamental data types, user defined data types and derived data types, sequential organizations. Purpose of drawing flowcharts and list of various symbols used in flowcharts, procedure to copy and concatenate two strings with and without using the required functions, c program to display various sorting techniques, selection sort algorithm, bubble sort algorithm, insertion sort algorithm.

Time and marks:

The paper is of a maximum of 75 marks and the maximum time allotted for the paper is 3 hours.

Recommended books:

C programming, SumitArora

Programming in C, TMH Publications

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One Response to “PTU MCA 1st Sem-Programming in C (MCA-102) Papers”

  1. 1

    Respected sir,
    am selvam. am prepare the ibps exam please give any model question papers.