AFMC (Armed Force Medical College) conducts an entrance exam for students who aspire to get admission to Armed Forces Medical College Pune. The exam is conducted on national level. AFMC is the first medical institute in India. Students after completion of their MBBS course from this institute can work at least for 7 years in armed forces. The entrance exam is conducted every year.
Structure and Syllabus
The duration of AFMC test is 120 minutes. It will be having 200 multiple choice questions. There will be 50 questions from Biology, 50 questions from Chemistry, 50 questions from Physics, 25 questions on Intelligence, Logic and Reasoning, 25 questions on English Language and Comprehension. For every wrong answer there will be negative marking. The question in the entrance test will be based on the syllabus which is generally followed by higher secondary boards.
Eligibility Criteria
The basic requirement is qualification in 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English. The minimum mark required is 60% marks or above in PCB. They should not have scored less than 50% marks in English and in other science subjects. Those who have passed any other examination which is equivalent to plus two with PCB and English as their subject Candidates should also have passed mathematics in 10th standard.
Those who are appearing in the current year of 10+2 examination before May 2nd are also eligible to apply. The lower age limit is 17 years on or before 31st December of the applying year. The upper age limit is 25 years. There is an exception of 5 years for those belonging to SC, ST or OBC.
Candidates who are currently doing B.Sc final year should be 24 years on the year of application. The candidate should be an Indian citizen. Those who have migrated from Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan and any other country with an intention to reside permanently in India can apply. Students should not be married. They are also not allowed to marry in between the course. Candidates should be physically fit.
How to Apply?
Prospectus and forms can be purchased from (Admission Cell) Armed Forces medical College, Pune by paying Rs 155. The Demand Draft should be addressed to Commandant, AFMC, Pune. Candidates should also send two separate papers of 9cms x 5cms in size with the DD. Candidates should also enclose a request for obtaining the application form and the prospectus. They should also enclose a self addressed envelope with a stamp of Rs 45/-. Forms should be addressed to Officer-in-charge (Admission Cell), “Armed Forces Medical College, Pune 411 040 ”
How to fill the Form?
Candidates who wish to apply online can download the application form from the website. The form should be printed on A4 size paper only. Candidates should fill in all the details very carefully. They can send the filled application form with a Demand Draft of Rs 250/- to AFMC Pune. The applicants should also enter their name and registration behind the Demand Draft for reference.
Candidates can also purchase the form from designated post offices by paying an amount of Rs 250/- through a Demand Draft. The format followed here is same as the one followed for online application. They should also send a self addressed stamped envelope with the candidates address. The envelope should also have a 60 rupees stamp and the size should be 11”x13. AFMC does not accept drafts taken from nationalized banks. Money sent through any other medium such as post, money order, cash will not be accepted.
Important Dates
- Entrance Exam will be held by May 1st week.
- Application can be purchased from December 3rd week 2010 to January last week
- Final date of submitting the form is February 1st week
- Results will be published by last week of May
- Interview will be by June
List of AFMC Exam centers
- Yol
- Visakhapatnam
- Vasco-Da-Gama
- Varanasi
- Vadodara
- Udaipur
- Thiruvananthapuram
- Tezpur
- Shillong
- Secunderabad
- Ranchi
- Ramgarh
- Pune
- Port blair
- Pathankot
- Naziabad
- Mumbai
- Mhow
- Meerut
- Lucknow
- Kolkata
- Kanpur
- Kamptee
- Jodhpur
- Jhansi
- Jammu
- Jalandhar
- Jaipur
- Jabalpur
- Gwalior
- Guwahati
- Gorakhpur
- Golconda
- Gaya
- Devlali
- Delhi
- Dehradun
- Danapur
- Coimbatore
- Cochin
- Chilka
- Chennai
- Chandigarh
- Bhopal
- Belgaum
- Bathinda
- Bareilly
- Bangalore
- Bagdogra
- Aurangabad
- Ambala
- Allahabad
- Ahmednagar
- Ahmedabad
- Agra
Contact Address for the AFMC Exam
- Admission Cell, Tel No: 020 - 2682 0028,
- Fax no: 020 - 2687 4759
- Officer-in-Charge (Admission Cell), Armed Forces Medical College, Sholapur Road, Pune - 411040
- Website:
Reference Books for AFMC Exam
- 10 Mock Test Papers for BHU by Panel of Experts
- AFMC – Pune Solved Papers by N. Khurmi
- AFMC Explorer 2011 by Dr. Sandeep Ahlawat.
- AFMC Medical Entrance Solved Papers by Editorial Board.
- Arihant 5 Mock Tests & Solved Papers for AFMC by Panel of Experts.
- Armed Forces Medical College, PUNE Entrance Exam Prep Books by Panel Experts.
- Chapter Wise Solutions of AFMC (PUNE) by Panel of Experts.
- DhanPat Ray Biotechnology & Environmental chemistry by M.MahaJan
- GK, English & Reasoning – Medical Entrances by Editorial Board.
- KHURMI AFMC by N.Khurmi.
- Medical Entrance Guide by G.R RaiZada.
- Mtg AFMC Explorer 16 Years Solved Papers by Dr. Sandeep Ahlawat.
- Objective Botany by Dr.Naresh Malik
Coaching Centers for AFMC Exam
- Tandem
- Sreekrishna Entrance Coaching Centre
- Sachdeva College
- Oasis Educational Services (OES)
- Helix Institute
- Excellent Institute
- Elite Academy
- Dr. Bhatia Medical Coaching Institute Pvt.Ltd
- Darshana Academy
- B.R.M Academy
- Achievers Academy
- ACE Tutorials (Medical and Engineering Wing)
- ACE Tutorials (Engineering Wing)
- ACE Tutorials
- A.K Vidyamandir (Medical Wing)
Study Plan
Few steps which should be followed by students in order to get a better result are:
Students should approach a systematic method to learn their potions. By solving previous years question papers they will become more acquainted with the syllabus. It will also help them to understand the pattern of the question paper. They should try to read and write down their notes regularly. They can also make a timetable and follow it strictly. Everyday students should at least study for 4 hours. Revision will also be another method to learn their portions well. If one wishes to take a break for a short time is also good. It will freshen up their mind and help to concentrate well. While studying one should focus and concentrate on it completely.
How and Where To Get the Results?
Results can be obtained from the official website of AFMC. Candidates should also enter their respective roll number as well as their date of birth. The web link is
Cutoff Marks
The cutoff of AFMC entrance exam depends on the result. If the winning percentage is high the cutoff limit will kept high and vice versa. The students having 70% in the exam will call for the interview process. But today the exam is highly competitive and hence the students score at least 80%+ can get admission into the Institute.
Score Validity
Similar to other medical entrance test the validity period of AFMC score is one year.
- AFMC Papers
- AFMC Official Website
- Fee Structure of MBBS
- Exam centers and Application Process for AFMC Exam
- How to fill AFMC entrance exam Form?
- Application Procedure for AFMC Exam
- AFMC, Pune, Armed Forces Medical College
- MBBS Colleges in Maharashtra
- Best Colleges for doing MBBS
- No AFMC exam from 2012
- AIIMS Books
- MBBS colleges in Bhubaneswar
- List of MBBS Entrance Exams
- Question Answers Set#4
- MBBS Colleges in Pune
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2,234 Responses to “AFMC MBBS 2012”
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AFMC question paper.
AFMC enterance exam which books are used to get success?
my birth date is 1 june 1995 ,can you plz tell me if i am eligible for giving entrance exam in 2012
JOB For Army
can i able to give afmc my 12th percentage is 59 but i am belonging to sc caste categary pls tell me sir
now i m in 12th standard can i aplly for afmc exam of year 2012.
when will the application forms be distributed?
Dear sir, kindly tell me the date of issuing the application form for entrance exam, 2012.
sir please inform when will be the applicalion form available.?
all about application dates,fair idea about filling forms of AFMC forms
is there any SSB interview for AFMC
please tell the age limit ? And also tells the last date of application form submitting? Cell no .+919730754758.
may i know from when the applications will be available in bangalore GPO. or is it already available
all about application dates,fair idea about filling forms of AFMC forms.
i live in solapur.then i how to give the form of afmc in solapur? or it is possible?and the maharashtra HSC student are applicble for this exam?
Dear sir,
In the heading : “How to fill the Form?”
u have written:
AFMC does not accept drafts taken from nationalized banks.
…Please give the name of Bank
afmc enterance exam sample paper of MBBS
all about application dates,fair idea about filling forms of AFMC forms.
what is the last date of summit of afmc form
What is the publication of AFMC
Which books shouid be preffered\
is it compulsory to appear standard 12th from cbsc board in order to get admission in afmc ?
why there is no ,any type of reward for GENERAL cate. in cut off marks
How cn submit d form by online? Whts d lst date of submitting?
whats the date for admission form ??
kindly inform me that is there any freedom fighter quota..
whats the date of application form???????
will any physical tests conducted for the people qualified. height and any perticulars
kindly give me date ofform of mbbs entrance date.
what does physical fitness mean. what are the requirements? do you test it before writing the examination?
what is a last date of exam
What is last date of submission of afmc exam 2012
i want to fill online forms . how i can fill those forms ?
when does the entrance test for MBBS of AFMC advertisement publish for the year 2011-2012?
when does the entrance test for MBBS of AFMC advertisement publish for the year 2011-2012? Just inform me.
I want to Afmc form in secunderabad/hyderabad where place to collect afmc form
i would like to know how could i get the application form?and when is the exam going to be held?on whose behalf should i take the demand draft??
Dear Sir , I would like to know total how many seats are there to fill 1st year in MBBS and for OBC how many seats…?when will i get the application due date and when i should submit.
Date of application to be submitted for MBBBS and BSc. nursing 2012.
i want to know when the afmc forms will be available?
sir i wanted to know about eye vison what is the creatarea of eye site pse tell me because my eye site are weak.
will be there only one exam in overall medical exam
dear sir, i want your contact for more information about afmc exam so plzzzz tell me my mobile no is 7507080423 and my email id is
i would like to know how could i get the application form?and when is the exam going to be held?on whose behalf should i take the demand draft??
please send me last 15 years question pepars of afmc entrence exam
when does afmc result will be published? does 3429 M Niaz Mohammad Nazmul Huda Mithu. got chance .in this exam of 2011. session
I Want To Appear In AFMC Exam,Presently I Am In Class 12,And I Want To Know The Criteria For Appearing In The Exam?
Is there any concession in the requirement percentage in PCB for SC/ST?
sir now im in clas 12th..
and i want to apply for this xams..
does physical fitness in terms of stamina,strength,sprint etc. necessary after being qualified for the xam.???
how can i get the form of afmc 2012 and wat is its cost and on which date the examswill be held and where?
1.please send test papers ; many ceats sir
3.what is the syllabous sir
4.write the exam telugu medium students
1.please send test papers ;
2.write the exam telugu medium students
please send me last 10 years afmc question papers to this id ;
my brother in law daughter wants to studt mbbs atarmed
forces medical collge pune they are staying in tirupathi
and he is not having email so iam writing this mail from hyderabad
i want to know from you
1. the date from which the application willsell
2 last date of submitting theapplicatio
3when will they publish advertisement in news papers
4any college which will give postal coching for
entertrance test
thanking you
To Appear in AFMC enterance exams, please send application form ,syllabus and date for on /off line filliug up of the forms.
i wish to give the exam of afmc .now i am in 11 class . my dob is 1-03-1996 . will i allowed to give the exam next year.
dear sir,mere 12th me 58.80% h.kya me exam de skta hu,or me sc catogary se hu ,kya koi chut h .plz tel me on my id
how i get admission form of afmc?
Sir Please
Please fwd the application form to this email add so that I can apply for my son because lot of time I try to find out the same at website but could not got’ and when application form will be submitt to your cell please fwd the contact no also. Thank you.
afmc forms cost ,exam fee,application submiting date, exam date,
can u pls send the last five years question papers!nd also if i have to fill the form through the website how do i do it?
What are the physical std for AFMC (If any) pl specify.
Can a person who having spexed.
plz leak the question paper of afmc 2012 and send it
to my email id
respected sir/madam
i want to know that there is any hostel in institute
how many students are admitted
i m in 12th class and my birth date is 18.05.1995. so can i eligible for AFMC 2012 entrance exam? plz reply me fast
i sir/mam i want to ppy online so will help me to find the form
dear respective sir,….my question is “for the exam of NDA & to get the admission in AFMC MBBS COLLEGE the marks of 12th CET is applicable or not”???????
SIR,i want to how to crack afmc?andplease send me AFMC Examination question paper of last 10 year wid solution.does height matter in afmc nd what exactly ht need in afmc?sir i want to know the egibility,criteria nd syallbus of afmc plz send all requirement mention above on my…….thank u
Can the candidates apply online for AFMC examination?
Or any other modes for applying for the exam??
Sir, plzz tell me sir, mere number 12th m 58.9% hai PCB m kya m afmc ka exam de saktha ho
sir/mam,students studying in year 2011-12(+2) which date they want to write exam? before that when they want to submit the entry form?
indumathi; sir/mam,i have 12th passed 63persendage p-134,c-177,b-134and english-144 scored marks.i have studyed repet of cet exam .can i eligible for afmc exam plese inform where is avilable study books and 5 years question paper on my email address pls .thank u
if i have to fill form through webside,then how should i can send the money ndg
Sir/mam i am in 12th ,i want last 4 years question paper.So plz send me.
how to get seaty
sir, im a bio student with pcm. plz specify the date of afmc entrance exam for 2012.also send previous 5 years afmc question papers on my email:
Dear sir, i am going to appearing in BSc final examination in 2012.Sir i want to ask that,…..
What is the age limit for graduate candidate to appear in AFMC examination 2012 ?
Is there age limit relaxation for ST condidates ?
haw a son of army man can get addmission in afmc any rersive coto fixed for this
Sir i m 3 student ,may participat in afmc ?plz give me information
When will the forms for the AFMC 2012 entrance exams be distributed?
When is the exam date of the AFMC 2012 entrance exam?
What was the number of seats that were filled amongst the 130 seats of the AFMC in the year 2011?
Dear sir, i am ug biotech final year student , what is the procedure to join, pg microbiology in afmc?
what are the dates of year may 2012 ?
how to crack afmc??is there will training given to the candidates.
what is the cut off mark in afmc mbbs entrance exam 2011
sir i have 12th passed 53persantage and pcb 169 and english 55 .i have studayed repet of cet exam .can i eligibal for AFMC exam ?.please inform where is avilable study books and quations papers on my email address.Thanks.
sir my son 12th passed 53persantage and pcb 169 and english 55 .he have sudayed repet of cet exam .can he eligibal for AFMC exam ?.please inform where is aviable study books and quations papers on my e.mail address.Thanks.
What is the use of oligopyrene in mollusca,when they are non-functional & non-motile
when will the forms of afmc will be distributed.
what is the date of afmc exam 2012
dear sir/madam,the upper age limit for the eligibility for appearing afmc mentioned in your website is 25,but in other website it is 22.please clarified me the exact eligibility criteria.
Sir, plz. Send me AFMC examination qestion paper of last 5 years. Thanks.
Please give information of other ativities like gun shooting,swimming,etc after admission.
please send me question paper of AFMC last 10 years
on my yahoo id
hello sir/ma’am
hope u would b fine hale and hearty
actualy , i need to know that when is afmc medical (mbbs) entrance form for 2012 exams are out and please do send me 10 year question paper on my email id
i would be very grateful to you
yours sincerely
priyank faith prakash
i want to apply to afmc how i have to apply please tell me. i am a appeared in class 12 this year .i have pcb with may mail me at priyanka
sir,when the from of AFMC 2012 will realeased on internet?
dear sir/maam,
iam studying +2 could u plz send me afmc mbbs previous years question papers to my email…….thanking u
respected sir/madam.. i am a student in pcb, following cbse syllabus. when is the last date for the submission of the application for 2012 AFMC entrance exam? Could you please tell me the fee structure.. Does a military man’s child get any prefernce during admission?
how I get the MBBS Admission Form online? What’s the webside?
how I get the MBBS Admission Form online?
i m in +2. could u plz send me last 10 yrs AFMC questn papers..on my email i.d.
thanking u..
when will be the application forms issue?
dear sir/madam,iam 26 of obc category can i apply afmc for 2012-session and what is the upper age limit to be eligible for applying afmc.
in orissa where i get the application form.
dear sir,i am 26 and i fall under obc category.please tell me whether i am eligible for afmc 2012.
I am an aspirant to join AFMC for MBBS but last year i couldnt find appl.form from any post office in kashmir .wt should i do now?
plz tell me date of exam afmc in 2012 because i want to take admission in afmc college & i have completed BBA from gwalior mp
Sir i just want to know tht im having maths instead of biology may i able to fill up the form for Afmc or not.
IWANT TO SEE the date of AFMC exam
Can I Continue my education after MBBS degree?
sir i am cbse student
can i get seat there ?
what i mean is what is the syllabus followed here ?
i request you to please send me all the information that i need
i want attend AFMC can i apply for that.what is eligiblity, criteria, procedure,syllabus,pplication form.plz,plz,plz sir send these requirements on my id
dear sir im student of 12th pcb this year please tell me date of application from of afmc entrance exam 2012 & DATE OF PURCHES OF FARM
what is fee for one year
1.what is the fee structure of AFMC college…?
2.wil the student who get through afmc entrance exam,get admission in afmc institute?
dear sir,please tell me date of application form of afmc entrance exam 2012???????? send on my mob no 8149908316
sir, please inform the exact date of entrance exam of afmc 2012????
sir, please inform the exact date of entrance exam of afmc 2012
Sir, from where I get the reference books of AFMC medical enrance examination.
how I get the afmc exam form
i want to take admission in afmc plese sir i requested that more information about afmc college . i want to take admission for mbbs so u send me all question papers of mbbs to my email…………………………plese i really thankful to u
I have -4 power in my right eye and -2.50 power in my left eye. Am i eligible for AFMC entrance exam?
Is AFMC entrance exam included in cet???
sir i am doing my BSc Nursing 1st year. can i write AFMC entrance exam this year & if i am eligible while filling the aplication form i should give my basic qualification as +2 or BSc (N).
sir, pls. inform me about the date of entrance exam of afmc 2012 & also guide me that i may become able to crack afmc exam 2012 in my first attemt? sir is there any work of 10th class result for eligibility to attempt the exam ? if any then how many %age needed.
in which language question paper for entrance exam
My daughter is physically fit but her eyesight is 5.5.Dsph of both eyes are 5.5, cyl Right eye is 2.00 and cyl of left eye is 2.25. Whether she is eligible for MBBS in AFMC,Pune
is afmc mbbs enterance exam. included in cet for mbbs this year.
Please fwd application form or where we can get application form to apply for the year 2012 intrence exam of AFMC (MBBS)Thank you.
is there any requirements other than eligibility like mother or father should be in the army
i am mohammedali. i age is 20 ,my question is i can eligblefor written afmc exam
I secured 40 marks in math in 10 +2, in other subject more then 60…..
Am i eligible….?
May i come to know about AFMC coaching at kanpur.
dear sir,i want information of entrance exam
Sir i have completed my 12th exam with 81.4% in the year 2009 from cbse board and my date of birth is 20-12-1990, without graduation. and i am in army medical corps. so am i eligible for next yr exam in afmc. and would u please send me last 10 yr. paper solved in afmc. i will be greatly obliged
Sir i have completed my 12th exam with 81.4% in the year 2009 from cbse board and my date of birth is 20-12-1990, without graduation. and i am in army medical corps. so am i eligible for next yr exam in afmc. and would u please send me last 10 yr. paper solved in afmc. i will be greatly obliged.
Sir i have completed my 12th exam with 81.4% in the year 2009 from cbse board and my date of birth is 20-12-1990, without graduation. and i am in army medical corps. so am i eligible for next yr exam in afmc. and would u please send me last 10 yr. paper solved in afmc. i will be greatly obliged.
dear sir, i will be detail information of that exam please send the information on my email. my email ID is
kindly send me the syllabus of afmc entrance exam 2012
Sir my dob is 20-02-1990 so is i m eligible for afmc entrance exam?
Sir,i have scored 47 in physic but have 60.6% in pcb..I want to know that am i eligible to aplly in this exam?
sir my son is studying PUC II year He wants to take the entrance examination of afmc Pune. sir Please give detail regarding the application form and Precedure
Thanking you