AFMC (Armed Force Medical College) conducts an entrance exam for students who aspire to get admission to Armed Forces Medical College Pune. The exam is conducted on national level. AFMC is the first medical institute in India. Students after completion of their MBBS course from this institute can work at least for 7 years in armed forces. The entrance exam is conducted every year.
Structure and Syllabus
The duration of AFMC test is 120 minutes. It will be having 200 multiple choice questions. There will be 50 questions from Biology, 50 questions from Chemistry, 50 questions from Physics, 25 questions on Intelligence, Logic and Reasoning, 25 questions on English Language and Comprehension. For every wrong answer there will be negative marking. The question in the entrance test will be based on the syllabus which is generally followed by higher secondary boards.
Eligibility Criteria
The basic requirement is qualification in 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English. The minimum mark required is 60% marks or above in PCB. They should not have scored less than 50% marks in English and in other science subjects. Those who have passed any other examination which is equivalent to plus two with PCB and English as their subject Candidates should also have passed mathematics in 10th standard.
Those who are appearing in the current year of 10+2 examination before May 2nd are also eligible to apply. The lower age limit is 17 years on or before 31st December of the applying year. The upper age limit is 25 years. There is an exception of 5 years for those belonging to SC, ST or OBC.
Candidates who are currently doing B.Sc final year should be 24 years on the year of application. The candidate should be an Indian citizen. Those who have migrated from Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan and any other country with an intention to reside permanently in India can apply. Students should not be married. They are also not allowed to marry in between the course. Candidates should be physically fit.
How to Apply?
Prospectus and forms can be purchased from (Admission Cell) Armed Forces medical College, Pune by paying Rs 155. The Demand Draft should be addressed to Commandant, AFMC, Pune. Candidates should also send two separate papers of 9cms x 5cms in size with the DD. Candidates should also enclose a request for obtaining the application form and the prospectus. They should also enclose a self addressed envelope with a stamp of Rs 45/-. Forms should be addressed to Officer-in-charge (Admission Cell), “Armed Forces Medical College, Pune 411 040 ”
How to fill the Form?
Candidates who wish to apply online can download the application form from the website. The form should be printed on A4 size paper only. Candidates should fill in all the details very carefully. They can send the filled application form with a Demand Draft of Rs 250/- to AFMC Pune. The applicants should also enter their name and registration behind the Demand Draft for reference.
Candidates can also purchase the form from designated post offices by paying an amount of Rs 250/- through a Demand Draft. The format followed here is same as the one followed for online application. They should also send a self addressed stamped envelope with the candidates address. The envelope should also have a 60 rupees stamp and the size should be 11”x13. AFMC does not accept drafts taken from nationalized banks. Money sent through any other medium such as post, money order, cash will not be accepted.
Important Dates
- Entrance Exam will be held by May 1st week.
- Application can be purchased from December 3rd week 2010 to January last week
- Final date of submitting the form is February 1st week
- Results will be published by last week of May
- Interview will be by June
List of AFMC Exam centers
- Yol
- Visakhapatnam
- Vasco-Da-Gama
- Varanasi
- Vadodara
- Udaipur
- Thiruvananthapuram
- Tezpur
- Shillong
- Secunderabad
- Ranchi
- Ramgarh
- Pune
- Port blair
- Pathankot
- Naziabad
- Mumbai
- Mhow
- Meerut
- Lucknow
- Kolkata
- Kanpur
- Kamptee
- Jodhpur
- Jhansi
- Jammu
- Jalandhar
- Jaipur
- Jabalpur
- Gwalior
- Guwahati
- Gorakhpur
- Golconda
- Gaya
- Devlali
- Delhi
- Dehradun
- Danapur
- Coimbatore
- Cochin
- Chilka
- Chennai
- Chandigarh
- Bhopal
- Belgaum
- Bathinda
- Bareilly
- Bangalore
- Bagdogra
- Aurangabad
- Ambala
- Allahabad
- Ahmednagar
- Ahmedabad
- Agra
Contact Address for the AFMC Exam
- Admission Cell, Tel No: 020 - 2682 0028,
- Fax no: 020 - 2687 4759
- Officer-in-Charge (Admission Cell), Armed Forces Medical College, Sholapur Road, Pune - 411040
- Website:
Reference Books for AFMC Exam
- 10 Mock Test Papers for BHU by Panel of Experts
- AFMC – Pune Solved Papers by N. Khurmi
- AFMC Explorer 2011 by Dr. Sandeep Ahlawat.
- AFMC Medical Entrance Solved Papers by Editorial Board.
- Arihant 5 Mock Tests & Solved Papers for AFMC by Panel of Experts.
- Armed Forces Medical College, PUNE Entrance Exam Prep Books by Panel Experts.
- Chapter Wise Solutions of AFMC (PUNE) by Panel of Experts.
- DhanPat Ray Biotechnology & Environmental chemistry by M.MahaJan
- GK, English & Reasoning – Medical Entrances by Editorial Board.
- KHURMI AFMC by N.Khurmi.
- Medical Entrance Guide by G.R RaiZada.
- Mtg AFMC Explorer 16 Years Solved Papers by Dr. Sandeep Ahlawat.
- Objective Botany by Dr.Naresh Malik
Coaching Centers for AFMC Exam
- Tandem
- Sreekrishna Entrance Coaching Centre
- Sachdeva College
- Oasis Educational Services (OES)
- Helix Institute
- Excellent Institute
- Elite Academy
- Dr. Bhatia Medical Coaching Institute Pvt.Ltd
- Darshana Academy
- B.R.M Academy
- Achievers Academy
- ACE Tutorials (Medical and Engineering Wing)
- ACE Tutorials (Engineering Wing)
- ACE Tutorials
- A.K Vidyamandir (Medical Wing)
Study Plan
Few steps which should be followed by students in order to get a better result are:
Students should approach a systematic method to learn their potions. By solving previous years question papers they will become more acquainted with the syllabus. It will also help them to understand the pattern of the question paper. They should try to read and write down their notes regularly. They can also make a timetable and follow it strictly. Everyday students should at least study for 4 hours. Revision will also be another method to learn their portions well. If one wishes to take a break for a short time is also good. It will freshen up their mind and help to concentrate well. While studying one should focus and concentrate on it completely.
How and Where To Get the Results?
Results can be obtained from the official website of AFMC. Candidates should also enter their respective roll number as well as their date of birth. The web link is
Cutoff Marks
The cutoff of AFMC entrance exam depends on the result. If the winning percentage is high the cutoff limit will kept high and vice versa. The students having 70% in the exam will call for the interview process. But today the exam is highly competitive and hence the students score at least 80%+ can get admission into the Institute.
Score Validity
Similar to other medical entrance test the validity period of AFMC score is one year.
- AFMC Papers
- AFMC Official Website
- Fee Structure of MBBS
- Exam centers and Application Process for AFMC Exam
- How to fill AFMC entrance exam Form?
- Application Procedure for AFMC Exam
- AFMC, Pune, Armed Forces Medical College
- MBBS Colleges in Maharashtra
- Best Colleges for doing MBBS
- No AFMC exam from 2012
- AIIMS Books
- MBBS colleges in Bhubaneswar
- List of MBBS Entrance Exams
- Question Answers Set#4
- MBBS Colleges in Pune
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2,234 Responses to “AFMC MBBS 2012”
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sir my daughter wants to give afmc exam but her date of birth is 13.03.1996 and she is 11th now she wants to give afmc exam in 2013 and in march 2013 she will b completing her 17years so can she give afmc in 2013????
I have search you web site but i did not get any application form AFMC on line application form please reply me as possible as early as to where we can get down loaded.
When i can get the online application form ?
when online forms are available
sir, please tell me when online forms are avalible and what is last date?
When form will come online? please send date on my emailID.
what is the prcedure of getting form?
from where i can get the forms of afmc
from where i can get the forms of afmc
sir when online forms are available?
Is form of afmc are available or not…..???? for mbbs 2012
from surat,gujarat
from where i can get the forms of afmc & what is the dates of form submision of form please tell me…
from where i can get the forms of afmc
sir,when online forms are available?
I like to admit my daughter in your afmc for M B B S 2012,I like to know the required syllabus & privious year solved paper for the test exam.Of the same for2012
i am sc candedate ,my qualification 10+2 required 59.5% in PCB i will fillup this form
when will the application forms of afmc be available….?
it is not avalable at belgaum head post office
want to fillform
When do we get AFMC forms for 2012 ?
When AFMC application form of 2012 will be available online?
are the forms for afmc medical 2012 out
sir after completion of Mbbs in afmc college. can i apply for M.D.
Is the application form is published online?
pls reply
when is the exam and how to take application form
I like to admit my daughter in your esteemed college for M B B S 2012,I like to know the required syllabus for the test exam.Of the same.
Respected sir,
How to get submission form for AFMC online?
could you please tell me how to apply online?i could nt find the app form….
when will the forms for afmc be availabale online?
or from where to take the forms?
when is the exam and how to take application form
sir,can i know the details of physical fitness like height, weight, chest, sight etc…
AFMC 2012 application is online only. This is a very short notice.Did they think of students from villages who don’t have internet connection. More over with constant power cut these days its really difficult to go to a broadband centre in the town , wait for the power to return and then apply an online form…..
They should have considered students from these ares and should have have applictaion avilable in post office and national banks
1.telugu medium students also apply afmc exam
sir, iam studying in +2 medical and my +2 medical exam start march/2012, Can I apply for afmc
When the application forms are purchase us….plz sir tell me the last date of submitting forms
As per previous year notification download of forms n purchase frøm post office is going 2 be over but this year is not started till 2day, why? Or if going on from other websites please reply me.
sir my younger brother is DOB 03/02/1996 can he apply in 2013
How can I apply for AFMC this year?
i pased XIIth in hindi medium can i wantd to apply for afmc xamination..
up to what rank i can be promoted
sir after taking MBBS can i specilaise in any certain branch
Dear sir,
I am studying my 10+2 exam in Andhra Pradesh State and I want to know when onwards online submission starts in the AFMC web site ?
when is the exam and how to take application form
How to apply on online forms for AFMC?
How to get forms ?
from which date we can get applications forms of mbbs of afmc 2012
Which are the post offices where I can get the admission forms in Jaipur?
sir pls tell me ki form kab tak aayeingey?? aur form fill karne ki last date kya hai????????
From where I get application form of afmc 2012 plz send link
When the application forms are purchase us……… Plz sir tell me the last date of submitting form
when AFMC application form of 2012 will be available online?
when will forms of AFMC 2012 will be out?
when will forms of AFMC will be out?
My daughter is giving exams of +2 medical(punjab state)(but domicile haryana)
please let me know about her eligibility for pmt enterance in general category all over india
my contact no is- 094160 - 227315 (naresh gupta)
my e mail id is
From where shall i get the AFMC entrance application form 2012?
Sir my dob is 20/1/1995 so m i eligible for afmc entrance exam?
When will Afmc mbbs online application form 2012 available.
1)This exzam is negetive marking?
sir please tell me how can apply for afmc online???
When will be the AFMC form will be available for filing
pls update the latest info about admission form because info which is provide by you is starting from dec last week 2010 and submitting last week in jan.
can we come out for services after completion of mbbs in afmc
I have 53% in 10+2 so can i apply for the same sir?
i am a student of XII state, frm ngp..
i wantd to apply for afmc xamination..
so i neede to know wat is the procedure for filling n obtaing the form..?
if i cound know this..
it will b a pleasure to fill the form..
thank u..!
Can a person who use spectalce be selected in AFMC? If yes what is the maximum power which can be used?
will be NCC reservation of MBBS seats in AFMC
Sir kindly can u say us that when shall the medical admission forms for undergraduates shall be published.i have a keen interest in it so sir plz reply us and say when it will be published so that we will be kindly grateful to u….
when will the applications for afmc be get
1. I have send DD for Rs 250/- for AFMC Application form but till application form not recd.
1) When you notify about entrance examination form of AFMC?
When afmc application form 2012 will be available online.
Could you just tell us the website where we can get all information regarding afmc 2012 exam.
I want application forms of afmc please give me the information.
respected sir,
maine 2009 me 12 ka exam diya tha .aur mujhe bio me compartment laga tha ,phir maine 2009 ke july me hi clear kiya tha. kya mai eligibile hu afmc ka exam dene ke liye .compartment student bher sakte hai
sir, when afmc online forms are available and what is the website please send the information to my email
Any reservations for ex-servicemen
sir,can u plz tell me hw 2 submit the application form of afmc clearly n where will i get the form
Can you give me a link to afmc online application its published.
which are the post offices where i can get afmc application in chennai? answer me please immediately
when afmc form will be avilable please inform to my mail Thanks you lot.
when appilications would v on d wesite….??
Kindly let me know the procedures to apply on line.I have already tried to get the form from website,but not able to get thr on line form.Please help e.
Rahul Parida
DAV Public School
can you give me link to afmc online application form when its published
Sir last year i couldnt find afmc forms n since 2 years i m preparing 4 it , please let me know y d afmc forms are still not i already lost a year 4 it.
How to download application form for mbbs from yourc website
Has the application form for the AFMC been released, if so what is the site address where i can see this?
when is the last date to apply for AFMC MBBS 2012 examination
can i apply for AFMC? I am from a middle class family.
when does on_line application form start for AFMC entrance exam 2012 ?
do you have any reservation
sir i m alok , i apply the afmc , but i have only 56% in class 12th. but iam sc. so iam eligible or not.kindly inform me as soon as possible .
thanking you, sir.
sir i m alok , i appliy the afme , but i have only 56% in class 12th. but iam sc. so iam eligible or not.kindly inform me as soon as possible .
thanking you, sir.
sir, my brother is studying vocational course(medical lab technician second year),is he eligible for afmc entrance exam. i hope u will give me information about this
I am pursuing my 10+2 ( intermediate ) and appearing for final exam to be held in march,2011. My date of birth is 02.06.1995. Kindly inform me about my eligibilty to write the entrance exam.
when afmc form will be avilable
what is last date of issue of application form of afmc
My no for any help 9124656782
Unable to find AFMC 2012 enterance form online. Please help. Alternately, please advice how to get a form locally in Jamnagar (Guj)
is there any online form . how can d.n.h student get afmc form
sir/madam i enquared in post office but there are no information so when i got afmc forms
i will pass out my boards exam of 12th in march date of birth is july 1997.would i be able to apply in entrance exam in the current year that is 2014?
when the forms for afmc 2012 pmt will be available?
when the forms for afmc entrance examination will be available
Respected sir/madam
i m in serving person in army medical core and i want to know dat is there any seat reserved for serving person? Plz reply as soon as possible
when will the application form come(date)?
Sir, when will be available afmc form 2012?
sir when application last date
send the online application form
Sir, please give information about the release of AFMC FORMS.
hello sir, iam from puducherry
when entrance exam date for
afmc sent yur reply
without dd (by cash)can purches the application form from post office?
Respected sir/madam,
How will get in afmc entrence application form?
Sir,I like to admit my daughter in your college for MBBS 2012 Course, How & when I will get online application form for AFMC enterace exam 2012
My date of birth is 29.4.1995.Am I eligible for entrance exam
when is the application for afmc entr.exam released?.kindly inform us via email.
When would be the forms of AFMC 2012 be available ?
How I apply form? where I get form?
how will i find form for admission
can we apply afmcpmt by online
where would be the forms for 2012 medical entrance for afmc be available?
sir,plz tell me when will afmc online application form be available for my son and how tp pay D.D if it cannot be taken from any nationalised bank?
Which date AFMC entrance exam form coming
when will be the forms of afmc mbbs 2012, be available and how can we apply for it online?
issue of mbbs entrance application 2012
my birth date is 30.07.95 am i eligible for afmc2012
how to apply for mbbs
sir ji when will i get application form ? and whreeee?
please tel me in detail…….
when would the forms for entrance released
may i know whether afmc online application is available or not?
i am searching it for 1000 times?
and no requred information is given about it to me after several questions
whenAFMC online will be available
what is the website to download the application form.
sir ,pls send the reply wheather afmc2012 application forms on which web sight.
How To apply
i want to know that is AIPMT and AFMC entrence exam is common or not in year 2012
From where i can get entrance exam form in online?
How anf which site - to download MBBS Entrance Exam 2012 application form?
name the post offices in india there will be available of application forms
in which website is the afmc form available?
what the 2012 exam form date?
please let me know when the forms for ME for afme would be available on line.
I would like to know if the entrance exam form is ready and if so where is it available?
i have a problem in my right eye.i have motiya bind in my right eye and after operation there is a lense in it although i can see well but it is little diverted outside so can i apply for afmc please ser give me rply i want to know.thanku………
i want afmc enterance application form.can you help me?
when we get AFMC entrence application form ?
tips to clear afmc exam?