Andhra Pradesh State Syllabus, Mathematics IIA (Co-ordinate Geometry And Calculus), Intermediate Model Exam Papers


The Andhra Pradesh state syllabus mathematics IIA paper is an important paper of intermediate level. The paper is highly conceptual and is based on the logic of solving problems. The mathematical approach and logic is what it deals with.

Paper description:

The paper deals with the study of various kinds of mathematical problems and its solution. The paper has various kinds of mathematical problems in it related to various topics and candidates require answering them in the best possible solution.

Frequently asked question:

There are question from almost all the main section of the mathematics. This includes coordinate geometry, 3d structures, menstruation. The paper also includes questions from calculus, specifically wid sums on limit, differentiability, and integration. There are various questions on these topics which get repeated almost every year. Thus, students need to put in special interest in these sections in order to do well in the paper.

Paper pattern:

Andhra Pradesh State Syllabus, Mathematics IIA (Co-ordinate Geometry and Calculus), Intermediate Model Exam Paper has a simple pattern. The paper has three different kinds of questions and thus the whole paper is divided into three main sections. The first section, section A has small short type questions. This section has all compulsory questions, which the candidates need to answer. Every question in this segment is of 2 marks each. The second section, section B ha a little descriptive kind of answers with long descriptive answers. There are all together 7 such questions out of which, the candidates require to answer any 5. Every question in this section is of 5 marks. The final section has question of 7 marks each. There are 7 such questions, out of which, only 5 is to be answered.

Total time and marks allotted:

The paper is of 75 marks only and the time duration is 3 hours only.

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