Chhattisgarh Board Class 10 General English Papers


Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education (CGBSE) Raipur is a state board unlike CBSE and ICSE. It conducts exams every year for class 10 and 12 students. In class 10 there are a total of 10 subjects and General English is one of them.

Motive of paper:

30% paper tests knowledge, 50% understanding and the rest 20% is devoted to application and skills.

Time duration:

3 hours is allotted to complete the 100 marks paper.

Pattern of the paper:

The paper is divided into 10 sections. The first section is of 36 marks and contains question from prose. There are 8 questions and the last question has a choice. Next comes question from poetry and this section has 4 questions of 2 marks each and again the examinee is a given a choice in the last question. Next the vocabulary is tested which contains question like do as directed, give meanings. It is for 10 marks. Then the paper contains two comprehensions followed by 4 questions, the first passage is a seen one and the second is unseen. Then is a 5 marks section to translate the given sentences to English. There is a 15 marks grammar section containing 3 questions, 5 marks for essay writing and another 5 for a letter. There are two more sections, finding error and completing the passage.

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  1. 1

    applicaion and later