Clerk cum Cashier, Punjab & Sind Bank



Punjab & Sind Bank (PSB) was established in the year 1908 by the Government of India. The major objective of the bank is to provide special facilities to the poor people in the state of Punjab. There are around 950 barnches of the bank located all over the country.

Job Profile:

The candidates will intially work on the probation for a period of six months from the date of joining in the Bank. The service period will be extended further depending on candidate’s performance. The candidates will have to work in different states.


The age limit for the posts of Clerk cum Cashier is set bewteen 18 to 28 years as on 1 January 2010.

Educational Qualification:

Candidates are required to have the prescribed minimum education qualification set for applying for the posts of Clerk cum Cashier.

No of Posts: There are total 250 vacancies for the post of Cerlk cum Cashier.

Pay Scale: The salary that will be given to the selected candidates is Rs. 4,410-13,210/-.

Selection Procedure:

Selection will be made on the basis of candidate’s performance in the written test and then the interview with the selection committee.

How to apply: Candidates are required to apply through the application form which needs to be sent ( by ordinary post only ) at the address given below :

Post Box No. 11814
Malad (West)
Mumbai 400 095

Contact Details:

Punjab & Sind Bank
Head Office :
Bank House”, 21 Rajendra Place,
New Delhi- 110125

Date of Written Test: 23 May 2010

For more information visit



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14 Responses to “Clerk cum Cashier, Punjab & Sind Bank”

  1. 14
    vinit prakash:

    can u plz provide a simple and direct web adress for downloading exams admit card so that candidates can get there admit card easily…

  2. 13
    anju bala:

    kindly sent my result of punjab and sind bank which test is given by 23may2010 rollno 1405010102

  3. 12
    nidhi seth:

    I want to know my result of clerk-cum-cashier which held on 23 may 2010.Kindly send my result.

  4. 11
    priyanka nayyar:

    I want to know my result of clerk-cum-cashier which held on 23 may 2010.Kindly send my result.

  5. 10

    i lost my admit card u want another

  6. 9
    Harsh Rastogy:

    My name is Harsh Rastogy .I ve still not received my admit card uptill now.
    DD No. is 526244. Date of issue being Feb 15, 2010.
    Plz confirm.My mob. 09889052545
    Waiting for your urgent reply.

    With regards
    Harsh Rastogy
    133/180 ‘M’Block,
    Kidwai Nagar

  7. 8
    prateek dixit:

    sir i need last 5 years solved papers of punjab & sind bank(Clerk cum Cashier)

  8. 7

    When the admit cards of examination will be submitted, and i need some old solved papers.

  9. 6
    shailesh kumar giri:

    How many marks in the qustion of punjab & sind bank?

  10. 5

    post applied for/state/ut&code

  11. 4

    what is the reference no and the date which we have to fill in the form………………………………………

  12. 3

    good morning sir,
    1 what is the syabllus and pattern the paper followed?
    2 is the maths compulsory subject in bank paper?
    3. interviews in what type

    please give me the answers of this questions int (mail)


  13. 2


  14. 1
    e.arul anantha rex:

    sir educational qualification what