Courses For Executives: Do They Exist?


Do you think once you have become an executive then that is where your training or studies end? Think again my friend because in any professional field or in any field for the matter there is always scope for improvement. So you must be wandering what an executive will have to study again now that he has reached an epitome in his career. Well there are always ways to improve upon your intellectual and organisational skills. These are a must in order to increase organisational efficiency and capability for an individual so the he/she turns out to be irreplaceable and valued asset for the company that has hired him/her.

Of recent times talent is something that is abstaining from many students who graduate from different Indian universities and even in numerous other universities which are scattered around the Globe. Even Customer Care and Call Centre companies are finding it a gruesome task to hire qualified personal because the level of English and the standard of professionalism are nowhere as near as expected from Indian graduates. Even such companies hire only at an average rate of 3 per every 100 graduates who apply for the job. Such is the situation.

Where to look ?

Due to the above mentioned problems many top level companies are now offering various talent and skill development programmes and training courses to their employees to make them well suited for the responsibilities they are obliged to carry out effectively. So you might be guessing about what all to look for and where all to look for such courses. Well try to get a clear picture of what the required course must offer. Make a detailed study of the talent management practices followed by each provider and judge which is the best. Make sure you receive the maximum benefit. Now comes the question where to look?

So where exactly can an executive find such courses that aim to make him the Complete Business Executive. For the record there is a 10-day Global Program Management meant exclusively for the company executives that is offered by The Ross School.  It was aimed for particularly the Executives of top Indian companies which included the likes of Tata, Mahindra & Mahindra and a few others to mention.

The TVS-Ross Programme

However by the end of this month the team at Ross school is offering a new customised executive education programme for the executives at TVS Logistics located at Chennai. The programme is a Unique and Comprehensive one which was planned and detailed exclusively for TVS Logistics. The duration of the programmes is spread over a span of 3 years. It stresses on action learning which indicates its immense potential to gush out excellent executives for occupying top honours in the company ladder.

As per the Website of Ross School, TVS commented on the relevance of this program that, this is an upcoming field in India and unfortunately there are not many skilled and experienced workers around to be employed in this field. TVS is partnering with the Ross School of Business through its Executive Educationprogram targeting to provide necessary skills to prospective employees for improving organizational effectiveness and enhancing organizational capability.

There is an unique feature to the programme offered by Ross School i.e. the executives will be able to immediately apply the experience gained and expertise achieved in the classroom to take decisions and implement strategically challenging  moves in solving the problems that pose a serious risk to the company.

As per the spokes person from the business school, this partnership program with TVS is targeted at bringing in changes to the professional attitude as well as to align the actions and behaviour of employees to the overall vision and strategy of TVS.  The program is made completely tailored to the needs of the firm.  This is important because as accompany that makes an annual turnover of more than a quarter of a billion dollars and with projected figures of higher income for future the top brass of the company should be well versed in management efficiency and proficiency.

What the program Offered?

TVS program is expected to have three sections. Focus will be on general management principles. Core and domain skills as well as professional development of employees.

General Management Essentials (GME) will feature seven 2 day learning. The first module covers topics like customer account creation, accounting, business communication, strategies and decision making, technology as well as HR.

The second part of the program will offer another six modules. Thes programs cover areas like pricing and costing, negotiation, supply chain management, data warehousing and operational efficiency.

The final section, which is the Individual Professional Development, will require each TVS executive to attend one or two programs offered by the Ross School’s Executive Education program either in Ann Arbor or Hong Kong. It focuses identify each ones strengths and weeknesses and also suggest ways to improve the person professionally.

Final Verdict

According to industry experts training an education based programmes that follow the above mentioned guidelines like Ross School are extensively needed throughout India because ours is a fast growing economy with more and more companies being setup everywhere. The need for extensive and efficient management cannot be obtained from management schools alone but such executive training courses are also required.

So to build the companies of the future there needs to be adequate management resources and in order for that to be a reality then more executives should be willing to attend such career improvement programmes.



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