5th March 2017, 12:21 AM
Is it possible to apply for any scholarship while doing B.Tech 2nd year?
Sir/Mam, I am a student in B.Tech 2nd year in WBUT with TFW. I passed HS in with 82% but I got admission in B.Tech, so I didn't get merit cum means scholarships. I have scored 8.5/10 in 1st semester & 2nd semester result awaited. My family income is less than 50,000 yearly. Is there any scholarship for me? Please provide me the details.
7th March 2017, 05:20 PM
Yes you may apply but may be not in all the schemes mentioned. There are various scholarship schemes available for you:
> PM's Scholarship Scheme >National Scholarship Portal (Ministry Of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India) > MHRD scholarships > Nationwide Education and Scholarship Test >IET India Scholarships 2015 >Indian Statistical Institute Entrance Exam Scholarship >ABS: Dr Goh Keng Swee Scholarship 2017 >Summer School Fellowship Program IPR 2017 >Homi Bhabha-TIFR Graduate Scholarship 2017 |