2nd June 2014, 06:25 PM
hey guys i had failed in physics in Maharashtra board 12th does i will lose my whole year or i can give it in october ? if then i can get the admission bsc it in the same year plsssssssss telll me guys
3rd June 2014, 02:18 PM
if someone appear in the improvement exam and then fail in the subject in which he was earlier pass. he was considered pass or fail. and which marks sheet will be considered.
3rd June 2014, 03:03 PM
Sir actually I wants to know that if I have compartment in one subject and I wants to repeats 12 again is there any need of giving compartment exam..????
4th June 2014, 02:55 PM
Sir, I have failed in 2 subject physics and maths in HSC this year in 2014 and I wish to do career in dental frim can I be eligible for it or should I give 12th whole exam again and get good marks can I able to be dentist please suggest early what to do
4th June 2014, 07:15 PM
Sir.....as due to additional subject my all over result is pass...bt ft in one subject.....wt should i do now.....? Is dere any necessity of giving compartment exam?
7th June 2014, 04:45 PM
Sir,I haven taken 4 subjects in nios including physics,chemistry, mathematics and English
As I have cleared all the 3 subjects except mathematics so can I take admission in college |
8th June 2014, 11:04 PM
sir i will want to know that i am fail in maths from science stream but my 6th paper had saved me from compart exam but in my marksheet it is showing that i am overall pass.So sir i will want to know that can i am eligible for my compart exam if in my marksheet it is showing that i am overall pass.Sir plzz help me..
9th June 2014, 02:05 PM
Now a days I have failed in 12th- maths subject. Can I give medical entrance exam or I should clear this subject in October? If I would clear this subject in October then I got it admission for Medical Entrance Exam? How much percentage for Medical Entrance Exam? what should I do? Please give me reply.
18th June 2014, 05:36 PM
I have got compartment in maths in 12th cbse board this year. Bt I want to give 12th board exam next year to improve my marks in maths as well as in phy chem both. Will you plz suggest me how can give the 12th exam again nexr year
20th June 2014, 06:19 PM
I have got 46% in pcb and wanted to sit for aipmt but rules dont allow me is there any way to improve my marks this or next year and sit for aipmt in same year.
24th June 2014, 01:57 AM
if class xii stdudient has one sub cross and dont like to give compartment exam will he allowe to give the all subjects exam next year as a regular studient . please advice me.
26th June 2014, 10:41 AM
Plz rply must sir,
ths year I got compartment in maths....and I wanna study BCA......In all other subjects I scored more then 60.....n computer science was mine 5th subject I mean main subject. .....so after clearing compart can I get admission in good college......n after compart is there any problem....! Plz rply soon myself prabhat. ....cbse student |
28th June 2014, 01:10 PM
i have passed 12 with bio rom CBSE, now i want to appear in NIOS for additional sub MATHS. if i passed maths from NIOS, can i eligible for RPET ( for B. Tech.)
3rd July 2014, 08:13 PM
one of my friend has finished bsc psychology in madras universityafter completing 10 std but she cannot continue pg because of 12 std, if she continue in other university instead of msc she will get m.a . incase if she finishes 12 std will she be able to continue in madras university
13th July 2014, 08:37 PM
i passed bipc 1st year but 2nd year 2 subjects failed, i appeared state government exam 2014 now do i appear to your institution for only two subjects.please give suggestion
19th July 2014, 03:59 PM
Will I have to pay whole year fees and admission fees for getting reregisterd. I have failed boards and want to prepare by being a non attending student.
The school is telling me that I will have to get re admitted in school. But according to me , I haven't got transfer certificate (TC) yet. So why will I gave to pay the admission fees. |
6th August 2014, 08:09 PM
Sir i gave 10th from nios on 2012 october..but i got fail in 1subject then me gave exam of that paper in 2013 april so sir i wanna ask may i appear in 12 exam of nios in 2014 october??
8th August 2014, 12:55 PM
i hve comaprtment in a board exam.... i'll given the compartment exam bt i again fail...... so is there any process to given the compartment again or repeat the 12th
9th August 2014, 10:38 PM
i have failed in my physics compartment exm what should i do ... should i do 12th again? bt i dont want to do regular schooling please sir give me some better suggestions ..
12th August 2014, 04:19 PM
Sir i have compartement exam in july this year of subject account and eco .. but last time i give my exam in account but not clear .. now i want to give compartement exam in march or aprile can i give my compartement exm in economices this tine
17th August 2014, 12:39 AM
Sir I had given compartment exam of physics nd not passed in this also so what to do sir either I should give next time all papers or I should leave std xii and do diploma plzz give correct suggestions sir I am in trouble. ...
19th August 2014, 10:04 PM
Sir..i wish to write my acc compartment xam of 12th after 4 years of my studies.what should i need to do?i wrote my first compartment xam from abroad and now i wish to write in india as private candidat.can i do it...plss reply
25th August 2014, 04:11 AM
hallo sir myself santosh I score 50% in case exam but now I want to appears 2 exam for only appear jee main this is possible appears in second time
18th September 2014, 01:43 PM
my brother has 6 subjects in 12th 2011 math physics chemistry Hindi English and physical education But he has ft in physics . now what will he consider pass or fail. if he is pass then which course or job he can apply please sir tell me what should do. |
18th September 2014, 05:59 PM
my brother has ft in physics out of 6 subject math physics chemistry English Hindi and physical education in 12th 2011 result. now what will he consider pass or fail if he is pass then tell me in which job or course he can apply. please tell me what should he do further |
22nd October 2014, 09:42 PM
sir my ward is having compartment in physics.i have cleared it now he is a b.tech student. should he be able to get a job or there will be any dificulty when he will will show his marksheet.
11th November 2014, 02:08 PM
I m a 22 years fellow got failed in HSC(Commerce) in Feb 2009, After that i quit studies
then i was working in BPO Sector Now i m planning to complete my 12th and graduation so that i can get some good opportunities in my career Can anyone help me with what exactly should i do?? |
24th November 2014, 10:34 PM
I have failed in 3subject pcm n college people did not let me know about the OctoOctober exam so I need a suggestion that should I give exam of only those thrthr three subject in March or if I only give three subject then in future Carrer did college will except me ????
7th December 2014, 01:59 AM
Hello sir I gave my hsc exam from science field in 2014 n I failed in 3subject physic chemistry maths then now should I give my exam in march or complementary exam of these coz I don't want to study full subject but I am afraid if college will give me admission or not please reply
16th December 2014, 02:31 AM
Dear sir
I have pass all the subjects of 12 the sci But I want to improve my marks I have taken admission for engg also So should I give the exam If yes how should I apply If no pls tell the reason so I will tell to my parents |