11th February 2010, 08:14 PM
Age eligibility for eamcet?
my age 32 years date of birth 05/081978. iam eamcet examination eligible or not?
11th February 2010, 11:12 PM
eamcet have conduct manny courses, you dont tell me in which courses detail you want to know, because age limit is different for all the courses. so please ask question in breif.
12th February 2010, 12:27 AM
The candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission........
18th February 2010, 02:47 PM
For Engineering Courses Age : The Candidate has to complete 16 years by the time of December 31st of the Admission year. For Medical Courses Age : Should be between 17 to 22 years by the time of Admission of that particular year. 16 years is enough for BPharm Course. best of luck |
15th March 2010, 05:41 PM
my dear friend.............The candidate should have completed 16 years of age as on 31st December of the academic year for which the admissions are being conducted.
10th August 2010, 03:08 AM
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ELIGIBILITY TO APPEAR FOR EAMCET – 2010 Candidates satisfying the following requirements shall be eligible to appear for EAMCET-2010 a. Candidates should be of Indian Nationality or Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) / Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card Holders. b. Candidates should belong to the state of Andhra Pradesh. The candidates should satisfy local / non-local status requirements as laid down in the A.P. Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) order, 1974 as subsequently amended. (See Annexure III) c. For Engineering, B.Pharmacy (M.P.C), B.Tech. (Dairy), B.Tech. (Ag. Engineering), B.Tech. [Food Science and Technology FS & T)], B.Sc. [Commercial Agriculture and Business Management (CA & BM)] courses: (i) Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as optionals or related vocational courses in the fields of Engineering and Technology, conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh, along with bridge course or courses conducted by it for candidates enrolled during 2000-2002 and subsequent batches, or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh. OR Candidates should have passed or appeared at the final year of the Diploma examination in Engineering conducted by the State Board of Technical Education and Training, Andhra Pradesh or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the State Board of Technical Education and Training, A.P. (ii) a) In the case of Engineering, Pharmacy courses, candidates should have completed 16 years of age by the date of commencement of admissions or on such other date as may be notified by the common entrance test committee. There is no upper age limit. b) In the case of B.Tech. (Dairy Technology), B.Tech. (Ag. Engineering), B.Tech. (FS &T) and B.Sc. (CA & BM) offered in Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission and an upper age limit of 22 years for all the candidates and 25 years in respect of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe candidates as on 31st December of the year of admission. d. (i) For Pharm-D course candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as optionals conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh or any other examination recognized by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh, as equivalent thereto or should have passed or appeared at the final year of the Diploma Examination in Pharmacy course conducted by the Andhra Pradesh State Board of Technical Education and training. (ii) The candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission to the above course. FOR AGRICULTURE AND MEDICINE Candidates satisfying the following requirements shall be eligible to appear for EAMCET-2010 1. Candidates should be of Indian Nationality or Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) / Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card Holders. 2. Candidates should belong to the state of Andhra Pradesh. The candidates should satisfy local/non-local status requirements as laid down in the A.P. Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) order, 1974 as subsequently amended. 3. A. A. For B.V.Sc. & A.H. / B.Sc. (Ag) / B.Sc. (Hort) / B.F.Sc. / B.Tech. (FS&T) / B.Sc. (CA&BM) courses Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of intermediate examination (10+2 pattern) or any examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the Board of Intermediate Education, A.P., with any two / three of the subjects indicated against each course noted below : a. B.Sc.(Ag.) i. Physical Sciences ii. Biological or Natural Sciences iii. Agriculture iv. Vocational Course in Agriculture b. B.Sc.(Hort) same as above c. B.V.Sc. & A.H i. Physical sciences ii. Biological or Natural Sciences iii. Vocational Courses in Veterinary Sciences d. B.F.Sc i. Physical Sciences ii. Biological or Natural Sciences iii. Vocational Courses in Fishery Sciences e. B.Tech (FS & T) i. Mathematics ii. Physical Sciences or i. Physical Sciences ii. Biological or Natural sciences f. B.Sc (CA & BM) i. Mathematics ii. Physical Sciences or i. Physical Sciences ii. Biological or Natural Sciences Note: i) Irrespective of the subjects taken at the qualifying examination, candidates seeking admission to the above courses should appear for Biology, Physics and Chemistry in EAMCET -2010.(AM Category) ii) Candidates Should complete 17years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission and an upper age limit of 22 years for all the candidates and 25 years in respect of SC/ST candidates as on 31st December of the year of admission. 3. B. For MBBS/BDS/BAMS/BHMS/BNYS Courses: (i) Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) with Biology, Physics and Chemistry as optionals including practical tests in these subjects, OR any examination (10+2 pattern) with Biology, Physics and Chemistry including practical tests in each of these subjects, recognized as equivalent to Intermediate by the Board of Intermediate Education, A.P. (ii) Candidates should complete 17years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission. There is no upper age limit. 3. C. For B. Pharm Course: (i) Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of the intermediate examination (10+2 pattern) with Biology, Physics and Chemistry as optionals, conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, A.P. as equivalent thereto. (ii) Candidates should have completed 16 years of age by the date of commencement of admission or on such other date as may be notified by the CET committee. There is no upper age limit 3. D. For B.Tech (Bio-Technology) Course: Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of the intermediate examination (10+2 pattern) with Biology, Physics and Chemistry as optionals, along with the bridge course examination in mathematics conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Govt. of A.P shall be eligible. 3. E. For Pharm-D Course: (i) candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh or any other examination recognized by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh as equivalent thereto or should have passed or appeared at the final year of the diploma examination in pharmacy course conducted by the Andhra Pradesh State Board of Technical Education and Training or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh. (ii) The candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission to the above course. |
10th August 2010, 02:39 PM
Detailed eligibility for the EAMCET exam is as follows: EAMCET Medical 2010 Eligibility Details: 1. Candidates should be of Indian Nationality. 2. Candidates should belong to the state of Andhra Pradesh. The candidates should satisfy local/non-local status requirements as laid down in the A.P. Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) order, 1974 as subsequently amended. 3. A. For B.VSc & A.H. / B.Sc (Ag) / B.Sc (Hort) / B.F.Sc. / B.Tech (FS&T) / B.Sc (CA&BM) courses: Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of intermediate examination (10+2 patterns) or Any examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the Board of Intermediate Education A.P., with any two/three of the subjects indicated against each course noted below: B.Sc.(Ag.) Physical Sciences Biological or Natural Sciencesv Agriculture Vocational Course in Agriculture B.Sc.(Hort) Physical Sciences Biological or Natural Sciences Agriculture Vocational Course in Agriculture B.V.Sc. & A.H Physical sciences Biological or Natural Sciences Vocational Courses in Veterinary Sciences B.F.Sc Physical Sciences Biological or Natural Sciences Vocational Courses in Fishery Sciences B.Tech (FS & T) Mathematics Physical Sciences or Physical Sciences Biological or Natural sciences B.Sc (CA & BM) Mathematics Physical Sciences or Physical Sciences Biological or Natural Sciences Note: Irrespective of the subjects taken at the qualifying examination, candidates seeking admission to the above courses should appear for Biology, Physics and Chemistry in EAMCET 2010. (AM Category) Candidates Should complete 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission and an upper age limit of 22 years for all the candidates and 25 years in respect of SC/ST candidates as on 31st December of the year of admissions. 3. B. For MBBS/BDS/BAMS/BHMS/BNYS Courses: Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) with Biology, Physics and Chemistry as optionals including practical test in these subjects, OR any examination (10+2 pattern) with Biology, Physics and Chemistry including practical test in each of these subjects, recognized as equivalent to Intermediate by the Board of Intermediate Education, Hyderabad. Candidates should complete 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission. There is no upper age limit. 3. C. For B. Pharm Course: Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of the intermediate examination (10+2 pattern) with Biology, Physics and Chemistry as optionals, conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education as equivalent thereto. Candidates should have completed 16 years of age by the date of commencement of admission or on such other date as may be notified by the CET committee. There is no upper age limit 3. D. For B.Tech (Bio-Technology) Course: Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of the intermediate examination (10+2 pattern) with Biology, Physics and Chemistry as optionals, along with the bridge course examination in mathematics conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Govt. of A.P shall be eligible. 3. E. For Pharm-D Course: candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh or any other examination recognized by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh as equivalent thereto or should have passed or appeared at the final year of the diploma examination in pharmacy course conducted by the Andhra Pradesh State Board of Technical Education and training or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh. The candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission to the above course EAMCET Engineering 2010 Eligibility Details: 1. Candidates should be of Indian Nationality. 2. Candidates should belong to the state of Andhra Pradesh. The candidates should satisfy local/non-local status requirements as laid down in the A.P. Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) order, 1974 as subsequently amended. 3. For Engineering, B.Pharmacy (M.P.C), B.Tech (Dairying), B.Tech (Ag. Engineering), B.Tech (Food Science and Technology (FS&T)), B.Sc (Commercial Agricultrure& Business Management (CA&BM) courses: (i) Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as optionals or related vocational courses in the fields of Engineering and Technology, conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh along with bridge course or courses conducted by it for candidates enrolled during 2001-2003 and subsequent batches, or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh. OR Candidates should have passed or appeared at the final year of the Diploma examination in Engineering conducted by the State Board of Technical Education and Training, Andhra Pradesh or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the State Board of Technical Education and Training, A.P. (ii) In the case of Engineering, Pharmacy courses, candidates should have completed 16 years of age by the date of commencement of admissions or on such other date as may be notified by the common entrance test committee. There is no upper age limit. In the case of, B.Tech (Dairying), B.Tech (Ag. Engineering), B.Tech (FS&T) and B.Sc (CA & BM) offered in Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission and an upper age limit of 22 years for all the candidates and 25 years in respect of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe candidates as on 31st December of the year of Admissions. 4. (i) For Pharm-D course candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as optional conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh or any other examination recognized by the board of intermediate education, Andhra Pradesh as equivalent thereto or shoud have passed or appeared at the final year of the diploma examination in pharmacy course conducted by the Andhra Pradesh State Board of Technical Education and training. (ii) The candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission to the above course. As clearly stated, upper age limit, considering all factors is 25 yrs, therefore, you are not eligible! I hope it is clear |
10th August 2010, 04:11 PM
as per your age you are eligible to it. according to your age i think your claming for higher qulification entrance exams.
what ever the exams in EAMCET it may be the minium qualification is: *you should have passed 2nd puc exam in andra pradesh, BOARD of intermidiate education with appropriate optionals subjects,recognized by BIE, A.P. *IN CASE of entrance exam appearing students with their results pending, their entry shall be subject to yheir securing a pass in a said qualifying exams. *candidates should be indian nationality or PIO/OCI card holders. *candidates should be ofA.PA as defined in A.Peducationals institutionals order as per 1974 ammendaments. for more details refer at the site http://www.apeamcet.org |
10th August 2010, 08:59 PM
The age eligibility for eamcet required is given below: the Candidate has to complete 16 years by the time of December 31st of the Admission year. For Medical Courses, the student have to take BiPC or its equivalent at 10+2 Level or Intermediate Level Age : Should be between 17 to 22 years by the time of Admission of that particular year. 16 years is enough for BPharm Course. |
6th August 2011, 09:50 PM
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age limit criteria is as follows: As on the 31st December of the year of admission the candidate should have completed 17 yrs of age. As on the 31st December of the year of admission the candidate should be not more than 22 years of age. For SC/ST candidates the upper age limit is 25 years as on the 31st December of the year of admission thanks |
16th March 2012, 09:01 PM
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You are not eligible to write Eamcet exam if you are not SC/ST. age should be between 17 to 22 years by the time of admission of that particular year. Only for the SC/ST candidates upper age limit is 25 years. Thank you |
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