1st November 2015, 03:08 AM
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Am I eligible for DEO exam? I am a private teacher

I am MA,M. Ed are sure eligible for DEO Exam? I am private teacher

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11th April 2018, 05:37 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for DEO exam? I am a private teacher

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am MA,M. Ed are sure eligible for DEO Exam? I am private teacher
DEO(Data Entry Operator) exam is conducted by different government organisation. Being a Graduate is sufficient to appear in the recruitment exam.
One more additional thing you need to have is either your graduation should be in computer based subject or you have a certificate of computer knowledge and you have a good typing speed on computers. Some organisations want a candidate to be able to type in both the language (Hindi and English) with a good typing speed.
Since you are M.A.,M.Ed,you are eligible for the post. Just make sure that you have a computer knowledge and certificate for the same. Also you have a good typing speed in Hindi and English.
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