19th October 2011, 01:53 AM
Am i eligible for IPS exam after losing my middle finger in accident?
sir i have lost my middle finger of my left leg in an accident . . . so am i eligible for appearing for IPS exam . . . will i be rejected on medical grounds?
19th October 2011, 12:07 PM
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according to UPSC, I have a few details which may help you. As your case is no where discussed in the past. But I guess according to my research I can tell you that you can be eligible to appear in civil service exam. As you have not mentioned about your PH status. its only a finger so it will not be a problem unless and untill if you have stress to lift weights.and also it is of leg it will mainly get un noticed and definitely will asked for a explanation be ready with that explanation in your medical test round. i think you are not that case that you can not lift and apply for Civil service exam. you should only not have weakness of gripping. as your target is to be an IPS officer you should be physically and mentally fit. no matter if you don't have a finger. I think it will be not considered as a Physically handicapped. if and only if you are facing problems with your impairment. Don't keep any worries do apply for Civil service exam. you will not be stopped anywhere in the examination pattern. if at all the finger problem is raised after your Selection of service that is in the Medical test time. then you can shift to another service it is important to serve the country. so don't loose confidence and apply to civil service examination after your graduation. as you don't know about your PH Status once check this attachment and know about it. also I'm attaching a physical requirements text for your information so please do have a look into it. regards ![]() |
19th October 2011, 01:14 PM
Loss of middle finger of leg will not be a problem for eligibility for IPS. Though physical standard is important for this job there is no specification of ineligibility for loss of finger in leg. So no doubt you are eligible for IPS.
The physical standards are important for the job profile and the rigorous training at the NPA, which includes weekly run for 10 k.m. in 60 minutes, route march for 25 k.m. UAC, Horse riding, rock climbing, assault course, PT obstacles, rope climbing etc. Services are divided into technical and non-technical. Technical services are IRTS, IPS, DANI PS, CISF, RPF & other Police organisation. The Medical standards for Technical Services are stringent. For IPS- Height – Male 165 cm Pahari Male (general also) & ST (not the SC/ OBC) – 160 cm Female 150 cm Pahari Female (general also) & ST (not SC/ OBC)- 145 cm Chest – Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm. |
19th October 2011, 06:16 PM
hi dear.......
Yes you are eligible for this exam ., because loose of leg finger does not matter , if you full fill this criteria then you are eligible for this exam.. . ![]() for more information you can visit website of upsc .... http://www.upsc.gov.in good luck... |
19th October 2011, 07:15 PM
dear friend,
IPS is an exam which mainly requires mental strength and strategies.you lost your finger ,in this case my suggestion will be more pointed towards the goal . Yes you are eligible for this exam as such many aspirants who belongs to handicapped clear this exam and further you are not counted in this category .mainly you should be more concern to tackle the interview part and prepare yourself to comment your position (finger). thank you. |