5th July 2011, 11:00 AM
Best branch of Engineering in India? Which branch is having more scope?
1 which is the best branc of enginearin in india?
2 which is the branch they very scope. |
5th July 2011, 06:06 PM
In engineering the most popular branches are-
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering.... All these branches are the core branches with huge scope... Mechanical Engineering is very vast branch and it is the one with the lasgest scope i engineering. |
5th July 2011, 06:54 PM
all the branches of engineering have its own importance according to the future and scope but you have asked the best branch, here i am giving top branches of engineering in india a) electrical engineering b) mechanical engineering c) chemical engineering d) computer engineering e) mining engineering these above mentioned branches are the best branches. 2) you have asked that which branch have very much scope in future. according to me, mining engineering is the best branch according to the scope in the future. because the mining industry is growing day by day and it has the best future in India. thanks |
6th July 2011, 09:00 PM
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the best course in engineering with respect to placement and scope in future. the course are given below 1)computer science & engineering. 2)information and technology. 4)electronics and communication. 5)civil engineering 6)mechanical engineering. 7)electrical engineering. all the best. |
6th July 2011, 10:56 PM
As India is a growing country...so the scope is tremendous for each and every branch wether its civil.mechanical,computer,electronics
Mechanical has tremendous scope as sectore like auto,consumer goods,metals etc are dependent on them Civil is related to realty and infrastructure..again great scope Computer and IT too as companies are hiring aggressively |
23rd July 2011, 11:09 PM
which is best engineering branch for doing private business in future please answer soon on [email protected] or please tell me on my mobile - 9782315968
1st August 2011, 04:02 AM
There is nothing exactly like best branch of engineering. The choice of branch mainly depends on your interest. Every branch has its own good and bad points. But you have to decide based on your interest which branch to select.
Some of the popular branches with their future scope are as follows: Computer Science Engineering- This is really an excellent field to have opportunities both in software companies and higher studies. As computing is extensively applied to almost every walk of life it created massive jobs for Computer Engineering students. Electronics and Communication Engineering- There are equally good opportunities for jobs in electrical engineering industry and higher education. There is lot of multidisciplinary research for developing electric vehicles with great funding and scope all over there world. On the same time good opportunities back home in industry. Mechanical Engineering-It is one of the primitive branches of Engineering which have remained always in demand and continue to be in the future.As the Industrial sector has drastically risen in pace, the need for more mechanical engineers has increased exponentially. Every manufacturing and production industry needs mechanical engineers to carry out jobs efficiently and flawlessly for their companies. Chemical Engineering- Chemical Engineering is the apt career for those who have an aptitude and interest to work with chemicals.Chemical engineers are responsible for the availability of modern high-quality materials that are essential for running an industrial economy. They design equipments and operate chemical plants as well as determine the problems and find the best methods of production. Aeronautical Engineering-Engineers may work in areas like design, development, maintenance as well as in the managerial and teaching posts in institutes. They find a very good demand in airlines, aircraft manufacturing units, air turbine production plants or design development programmes for the aviation industry. Biotechnology Engineering-The Career options related to the Biotech Industry extend to universities, medical schools and government labs along with pharmaceutical companies, chemical, agriculture and allied industries. |
22nd August 2011, 05:13 PM
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1.Electrical engineering 2.Mechenical engineering 3.Civil engineering These three branches are the core branches and have so much scope in INDIA.There is also so much scope for public sector in india. Electronics and communication engineering and Computer science engineering is also very good options in now a days. There is many scope and requirment for these two engineers. U can earn so much money by the help of both of branches. I hope u satisfied by my answer. All the best |
4th February 2012, 05:11 PM
mechanical is the most popular branch than others b'cs in this days some problem with branches like co, it , ec, ce & other but mech is the only brach which is most preferable.
and i would like to say that actually i am COMPUTER ENGG. |
25th February 2012, 05:16 PM
Dear Friend,
All branch are best it depend on your interest which branch you chose... If you chose that branch in which you have interest so after that you get success easily... Top branch of engineering are:- 1.Civil Engineering 2.Electrical Engineering 3.Mechanical engineering. 4.Electronics and Communication Engineering. GOOD LUCK! |
25th February 2012, 10:54 PM
Here is the best branches of engineering in india and the scope of the branches: 1.IT (All Branches Expect Civil & Mechanical are placed in IT Firms) 2. Mechanical - Lots of Middle East Openings & Domestic Demand 3. Civil - Lots of Middle East Openings & Domestic Demand. 4. Electrical (Placement In Electrical Field Only) 5. Electronics (Placement In Electrical Field Only) 6. Automotive (Too Specific Engineering Stream) 7. Chemical (Very Few Domestic Opening But With Good Pay Scale, And Very Few Students To Compete With). |
29th February 2012, 12:36 PM
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Some good branch in engineering which have good scope in future:- 1.Civil Engineering 2.Electrical Engineering 3.Mechanical engineering. 4.Electronics and Communication Engineering. |
15th April 2012, 06:47 PM
ECE is always a wise option to choose,since you will be having job opportunities in both electronics and software side.This branch is also having a wide range of scope in the areas of research and development.highest salaries are paid for the students who have undergone M.Tech in IITs with ECE subjects such as DSP.
with warm regards GOUTHAM. |
15th April 2012, 07:34 PM
In engineering the most popular branches are-CSE, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering.... |
15th April 2012, 07:37 PM
In engineering the most popular branches are-CSE, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering.... |
15th April 2012, 07:44 PM
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engineering streams: there are a lot of streams in the engineering. they are 1.mechanical engineering 2.electrical engineering 3.computer science engineering 4.information technology 5.electronics & communication engineering 6.robotics 7.software engineering 8.industrial engineering 9.industrial safety engineering 10.metallurgy 11.agriculture engineering 12.marine engineering 13.naval engineering 14.petroleum engineering better i suggest you to go for the electronics & communication engineering the jobs are 1.bsnl 2.bel 3.bhel 4.bharathi airtel 5.tcs 6.videocon 7.reliance 8.hcl 9.ibm 10.sony india 11.nokia 12.motorola 13.ies 14.upsc exams 15.railways 16.bank jobs 17.intel 18.samsung 19.siemens 20.isro 21.drdo all the best |
15th April 2012, 10:31 PM
good question,generally so many people came across it.i will tell you one thing that is every branch is equal.it's up to your intrest on the subject.may be it seems different but i am very clear about it,because every branch has equal oppurtunities.searh it you will surely realise it.every one tells some this or that branch is good,but they didn't really know about it.hope you will find a best branch according to your own intrests...good luck |
14th June 2012, 11:01 AM
all the branches of engineering have its own importance according to the future and scope but you have asked the best branch, here i am giving top branches of engineering in india a) electrical engineering b) mechanical engineering c) chemical engineering d) computer engineering e) mining engineering these above mentioned branches are the best branches. 2) you have asked that which branch have very much scope in future. according to me, mining engineering is the best branch according to the scope in the future. because the mining industry is growing day by day and it has the best future in India. thanks |
14th June 2012, 03:34 PM
In present era agriculture engineering is more scope as compare to other engineering. ![]() It has best future in india. For more. www.hau.ernet.in Thanks |
15th June 2012, 01:47 AM
all the branches of engineering have its own importance according to the future and scope but you have asked the best branch, here i am giving top branches of engineering in india a) electrical engineering b) mechanical engineering c) chemical engineering d) computer engineering e) mining engineering these above mentioned branches are the best branches. 2) you have asked that which branch have very much scope in future. according to me, mining engineering is the best branch according to the scope in the future. because the mining industry is growing day by day and it has the best future in India. tHANKS |
18th June 2012, 09:23 PM
hey hi from my knowledge i think cs branche is best for girls as well as for boys because from this branche we can handle all the branches and easily we can enter in it sector it is so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23rd June 2012, 12:25 AM
hello friend...!!
all the branches of engineering are good. (a)this whole depends upon your interest and hard work. (b)but it depends that in which field you are interested. (c)well,mechanical and automobile streams are good if you want to go industry and factory side. (d)civil engineering is also the better one but if you want to go for architect side. (e)computer science and information technologies are also the better one if you are interested in software side. (f)electrical and electronics are also the good one if you want to go for communication side and electrical parts. |
24th June 2012, 02:29 PM
hello gentleman,
If you want to earn the most then u must choose: COMPUTER SCIENCE In the coming future everything is going to be dependent on computers and for every such thing making of a software is a must. |
24th June 2012, 11:29 PM
hello sir,
all the branches of engineering have its own importance according to the future and scope but you have asked the best branch, here i am giving top branches of engineering in india a) electrical engineering b) mechanical engineering c) chemical engineering d) computer engineering e) mining engineering these above mentioned branches are the best branches. 2) you have asked that which branch have very much scope in future. according to me, mining engineering is the best branch according to the scope in the future. because the mining industry is growing day by day and it has the best future in India. thanks |
25th June 2012, 12:23 AM
The best branch are no doubt the core branches because of their wide area of application and a broader area of pursuing futher studies. The core engineering streams are:-
1)Mechanical engineering(ME) 2)Civil engieering(CE) 3)Electrical engineering(EE) 4)Electronics and communication engineering(ECE) However there are hardly any core companies is India so if you don't have a seat in IIT or NIT or a good government university then please don't opt for these streams. If you have a seat in a private college then go for either computer science and engineering(CSE) or information technology(IT, which is 93.75% similar to CSE) best of luck!!! |
30th July 2012, 08:04 PM
Hello Friend,
All the trades of engineering have their own importance. Each and every trade is job oriented and has good scope in India. But, the thing one likes most is much better than others always. So, you should select a stream in which you have a great interest. You can do the best in that. But, as you asked about the best branches, here the list of those: 1. Electrical Engineering 2. Mechanical Engineering 3. Chemical Engineering 4. Aerospace Engineering 5. Auto mobile Engineering 6. Mining Engineering 7. Marine Engineering 8. Software Engineering You select any one, from these. Work hard, you'll definitely get the success. Wish you all the very best. |