25th October 2011, 02:52 AM
Can I do my B.Ed from English if it was not a subject during my graduation? How to prepare for TGT?
1.i want to prepare for tgt(trained graduate teacher) as a english teacher.in my graduation english was not as a subject.my graduation subjects are geography and history.but i decided to do b.ed. from social studies and english.is it possible?
2.for being english tgt teacher i decided to complete my b.ed. from s.s. and english as a regular student and together i will do b.a. in english as a private or correspondence in a same academic session.is it possible for tgt in english. |
27th March 2012, 02:13 PM
can i do b.ed with b.com?
10th May 2015, 08:57 PM
I have complete graduation with English and political science and b.ed with hindi and social science.Is it valid for tgt?
3rd October 2020, 08:00 PM
I have done economics honours with history and political science as subsidiary. My b. Ed papers are economics and geography and history and civics. Can I apply for TGT in KVS