15th April 2013, 09:25 AM
Can I do SSB after scoring 83% in 12th?
I got 83% in 10+2 can i go directly to SSB without appear to NDA exam.
2nd May 2015, 04:42 PM
Yes there is a procedure to apply for SSB interview without the NDA examination . It is known as Technical Entry Scheme . It is done twice in a year for both the Navy and Air Force .
The application form are released in the month of July and December for Army and so on every year . There is the call letter for only those candidates who are within the cut off list general by them . It is different for different time and it is generally 84%-89% . Since you have 83% in 10+2 then there is possibility of having better marks or aggregate in the PCM as only PCM are taken in consideration and cut off are released only on this . So you can apply for the SSB . The forms are available at www.joinindianarmy.nic.in . |