25th June 2013, 10:45 PM
Can I write government exam if I am a 3rd year ECE student
i am 3rd yr ece student...can i write govt exam now itself..some of them are sying that they are getting jobs in their 2nd yr itself..is it true? can i apply now itself..or when can i write that exam?
21st August 2013, 01:01 AM
In usual cases, one can apply for governmant exams after completing the required qualification. Engineering graduates have the option to attend certain exams during final year. CDS is one of such examinations. You can also try for UPSC ESE examination. Qualifying GATE allows you to have a rewarding career in PSU. GATE can be attended by final year.
15th January 2014, 10:27 AM
i am doing diploma ece 3 year ...which gov exam i can write?