26th October 2011, 12:23 AM
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Which career I have to choose to get more income?

choosing a career is very difficult.it should be more apt for us and should be worthy,so please give me guidance.
which is the best career which gives more income?

27th October 2011, 09:17 PM
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

you should not choose your career option according to just on which field there are more income. you should choose your career option your profession in which field you have lots of interest. otherwise it will be very much difficult for you to work with that in which you don't have no interest.

you should always go for that profession in which you have passion. in which field you have talent. if you are good enough in any field then you will learn lots of money in that field. but if you go without interest then you will not be successful and you will not be able to earn money. may be at your level with same education your friends are earning more than you. but as you have no interest so you can not grow up.

in every profession there are so many people those are earning very high amount of money and some people are also there those are earning very less amount of money. like if you think about a cricket player a successful cricket player will earn a lots of money but an unsuccessful cricket player may be will not get chance to play and he will not earn anything. similar a good engineering will earn lots of money but an unsuccessful engineering can't anything.

it is always true if you do any work with lots of interest and from heart then surely you will be successful in that field. you have not given your background of study. based on that choose your further career option. there may be job opportunity is high in technical field but if you don't have interest on technical field then don't go for it. if you have interest then go for technical career option like engineering. you may go for MBA study after completion of your graduation if you have interest.

best wishes.
27th October 2011, 10:09 PM
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

Hi Dear

Career is good option after higher education.but career choose by your self never bios any one advice
but you listen all advice but decision is yours
because what is your favorite area on this you will choose job accordingly.

Here i give you a complete chart for your career:-

Good Luck..........
28th October 2011, 03:04 AM
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

If you are really thinking in terms of money than i will tell you that MBA will be best for you.
MBA is known not only for money but also for quick money.

but for the same you have to really work hard to get into a good b-school like the IIMs in india.
YOU can take up GMAT for MBA course abroad.
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3rd December 2011, 12:39 PM
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

i will suggest you to do MBA from IIM institute. in India there are various collages.
like IIM Ahmadabad, Bangalore,Lukhnow,Calcutta, Noida,Indore,kozicode.
you have to clear CAT entrance exam. for this. after doing MBA you will earn highly income.ok
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5th December 2011, 02:49 PM
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

Air force is the good career of getting more income........it will definitly satisfy u once u try for that but decide for urself to choose the best one.......good luck
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7th February 2012, 09:45 PM
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

sir,you have suggest perfect book for CAT to help in admition in IIM ?
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11th March 2012, 09:41 PM
tensy kirti
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

Originally Posted by santosh.k.m View Post
choosing a career is very difficult.it should be more apt for us and should be worthy,so please give me guidance.
which is the best career which gives more income?
It will be better to go in media...that will be the best for you..that will be intersting and earning also...thats all based on ur way of spreading the information. .
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17th March 2012, 11:35 PM
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

Everybody wants more....
but sometimes more people having less knowlege get higher sallery than highly educated people... so they feel sad.
as i know for earning much money you must have a better certificate and have knowledge about vacant posts. Central service has high rank money... oil india, refinery etc. pay much money. engeneers, doctors also have a big sallery.....
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30th March 2012, 04:33 PM
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Smile Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

Originally Posted by santosh.k.m View Post
choosing a career is very difficult.it should be more apt for us and should be worthy,so please give me guidance.
which is the best career which gives more income?
Ans-its totally depend on your potential...every career path can give you more money..but its totally depends upon how you can do it successfully...preferably..management courses like MBA,PGDM..from a recognized college will help you to earn a good income.
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1st April 2012, 12:28 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

Originally Posted by santosh.k.m View Post
choosing a career is very difficult.it should be more apt for us and should be worthy,so please give me guidance.
which is the best career which gives more income?
in every field you will get lot of money but its depend on your skill and interest
so please set your area of interest .........
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4th April 2012, 02:07 PM
syed farhana
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

well, a career should be passion and money a reward, for that you need to intrigue in yourself what is best in you, or what interests you the most after that try your hand at options in relation to your interest. I suggest if you are interested in teaching its a good institution of money, you can work in some good college and will get handsome salary in addition to this you can go for tuitioning too. You can exercise your inovation at the fullest and i beliv satisfaction in making bright future of nation.Al the best
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10th April 2012, 11:20 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

Choosing a career is difficult because it decides rest of your life. you should choose the field in which you are best, of which you know and you enjoy doing that.if you choose such career than for sure you gonna earn lots and lots of money............. after all career choosing does not earn money but your mind will.........
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25th April 2012, 11:43 PM
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

Originally Posted by santosh.k.m View Post
choosing a career is very difficult.it should be more apt for us and should be worthy,so please give me guidance.
which is the best career which gives more income?
there are many highly paid jobs in todays world.....some of them are.....
mca(if u have a java certificate then it will very very much help u in earning a high salary)

best of luck....
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27th April 2012, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

if u want to earn more money you should choose medical science i.e MBBS and then M.D in radiology
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1st May 2012, 10:47 PM
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

Which career I have to choose to get more income in between animation and law?
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14th May 2012, 07:32 PM
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

you should not choose your career option according to just on which field there are more income. you should choose your career option your profession in which field you have lots of interest. otherwise it will be very much difficult for you to work with that in which you don't have no interest.

you should always go for that profession in which you have passion. in which field you have talent. if you are good enough in any field then you will learn lots of money in that field. but if you go without interest then you will not be successful and you will not be able to earn money. may be at your level with same education your friends are earning more than you. but as you have no interest so you can not grow up.

in every profession there are so many people those are earning very high amount of money and some people are also there those are earning very less amount of money. like if you think about a cricket player a successful cricket player will earn a lots of money but an unsuccessful cricket player may be will not get chance to play and he will not earn anything. similar a good engineering will earn lots of money but an unsuccessful engineering can't anything.

it is always true if you do any work with lots of interest and from heart then surely you will be successful in that field. you have not given your background of study. based on that choose your further career option. there may be job opportunity is high in technical field but if you don't have interest on technical field then don't go for it. if you have interest then go for technical career option like engineering. you may go for MBA study after completion of your graduation if you have interest.

best wishes.
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18th May 2012, 11:58 PM
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

Your career will never let you earn more money.But your passion and determination while doing your work will give you success.Now you might be thinking that from where this passion and determination will come.It will come from you only when you will do the work which you feels like doing or you love to do.So try to find out whats the inner talent in you which if utilized fully will give excellent result.So ask your heart and mind what you really wanna to be in life.

Once you will choose the line which will satisfy your inner conscience, believe me you gonna ROCK.
Trust your ability and GOD.
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19th May 2012, 02:15 AM
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

Its better to choose your career option depending upon your areas of interest but not merely on the basis of income.since you have asked the opinion,its better to do M.B.A in any of the prestigious IIM'S or business schools.The students passing out from these reputed institutes will be paid on a large scale.

with warm regards
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2nd July 2012, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

dear friend, choosing a career is not a hydra headed problem.More income depends on more input since there is no substitute to hard-work & there is no success to shortcut, itz as simple as that.But to give more input you need to have interest in your job so i would recommend you to choose something which you like, which you enjoy doing because productivity will increase only if you are trully dedicated & determined towards your job and this comes with the interest in your job.ALL THE BEST!
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20th July 2012, 11:26 PM
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

IOthis post i would try to help you regarding your query on career selection to get attractive income.
Selecting a right career means it should be of your interest as well as it should be accompanied with attractive income.Both are pros and cons to live your career lively throuhout your life. So here ,based on both these things i m listing some of the careers you can opt.
1.fashion industry - if you have some aesthetic sense and enjoy with it.
2.aviation industry - if you love to travel and interacting with the people.
3.technical field - you can go for engineering if u love to apply your knowledge.
4. Medical field - you can go for this line if you like to serve mankind.
5. Acting - if you r good at acting.

All above careers provides you with attractive income. The only thing u would need
to do is to give your best.

All the best!
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26th July 2012, 09:20 PM
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i can no use high money in any course because faincial problem so pls suggest course name then i wil do eaisly and earning in thousand income
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30th August 2012, 01:49 AM
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

Realy this is the best question.there is question in everybody mind.but if u have a goal this question don't come your mind.everybody facing financial problem that is one of the importent thing.every thing is depend on your areas of interest and based your education
now days in every field so many candidate are there. so many fields is there medical.IT,Finance, Fat ion designer, film industry... etc.
before take the decision think twice.

all the best for your future

best regards
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21st October 2012, 10:13 PM
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hi dear there is no shortcut for success .if family is financially well than you can take the chance of iit or pmt and if family is not so well fihahcially than you can choose commerce stream which is rising fastly today. you can do C.A through this and agood packege u can get......but there is no shortcut for success.work hard and do your best ,all the best for your bright future.
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12th December 2012, 11:45 PM
ch raghu
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

Originally Posted by santosh.k.m View Post
choosing a career is very difficult.it should be more apt for us and should be worthy,so please give me guidance.
which is the best career which gives more income?
have u interested professional carrier u will join ca course its good opportunity in your life
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22nd December 2012, 07:26 PM
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Well firstly I would like to insist(as has been told by many here) that do choose the field you are interested in.Unless you have interest in a particular field you won't be able to progress.
Then I would say that listen to advices from different people and then pick out what suits you best.
Coming to courses,you can go for medical or C.A....these are good enough to make money these days.Electronic media is another very good option,where you mainly need to emphasize on your vocal skills and general knowledge.
Just in case you have some financial problem,you can persue B.A./BSc./BCom.(as per your wish),then accordingly go for post graduation.If you are really hard working then you can clear N.E.T. after your post graduation.Clearing N.E.T., you can become a professor which can make you earn good enough money.Also since teaching is not a full day job,and you say you want to earn more money,then you can go for some online or some other part time job along.

Good luck
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12th February 2013, 07:40 PM
Reeya D
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Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

Best suggestion would be "just go with your interested area". You can excel only if you select the area/department in which you are interested. Another point you can consider is, join some 'Work Experience Course', before joining any industry. Work Experience courses are offered by "Feacher", which will enhances your knowledge in 10 and more departments of an industry.
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16th February 2013, 11:03 AM
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hey you have to choose your carrer by your interest.if you have interest in acting and you believe that u can do acting well then go to acting field because it is the fastest way to earn money and publicity.once u entered in acting field then you can do what you want.for this you to take part in more auditions,improve your personality,style and the most imporntant thing to do is Dont feel shy at all.you to work hard for this field. your friend, udhaysingh
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28th February 2013, 12:51 PM
bpraveen b
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Wink Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

Dear There are lots of ways to earn money but you should always look about your intersting profession. in which field you have talent.

Presently so many fields are there to earn money Own Business, Real Estate Business, Engineering Sector, Public Sector (Govt Contranct -tenders) Medical.IT,Finance,film industry... etc.
every profession there are so many people those are earning very high amount of money and some people are also there those are earning very less amount of money.
i Would like to tell you that Hard work is very important on the particular Goal & it should be the Passion,

Good Luck....
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28th February 2013, 05:41 PM
Join Date: Oct 2011
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Arrow Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

hi man,

the ways are here for you

The Highest Paying Jobs In America

When choosing a career, one of the starting points that many people use is to look at which type of jobs pay the most. Figuring out which jobs are the highest paying isn’t as straightforward as seems. So we decided to clear up a lot of the confusion by putting together this guide to the 25 best paying jobs in America. But before we look at the jobs themselves, let’s consider why some careers pay better than others.

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First, not all jobs pay what we might suppose from media reports. For example, an athlete might earn a mean annual income of $80,950, according to government statistics from 2009. It’s not bad, but it’s hardly the all-star’s millions. And most athletes can’t even work till typical retirement age, so they must put away much of their income to finance a second career, perhaps in coaching. So if you’re not a star but like the work, it’s a good all-round job.

Also, some other jobs that get a lot of attention might not pay at all what we suppose. Legislators, for example, only earn $37,530 a year (mean annual). But then, many are part time and some are unpaid. They are often powerful without being rich. And if they get very rich, they may attract suspicion. So if you want safe high earnings, this is not the field for you. Similarly, community and social service occupations tend to pay low ($42,750) because the workers are not paid by the needy client, but by the taxpayer, who is usually not a client. Workers in this field are typically not even motivated by money, so efforts to raise their pay tend to peter out.

In general, teaching jobs are fairly safe, but they do not pay as well as “doing” jobs. For example, an economist might earn $96,320 (mean annual) in the private sector, but a college or university (post-secondary) economics teacher, only earns about $89,320 in salary. One difference is that the economist risks being laid off more readily than the economics teacher, so you need to balance risk against reward.

Also, even in the same general discipline, some sub-disciplines pay far better than others. Consider science, for example. An astronomer can make $102,250 but a biological scientist has an average salary of $69,430. The difference could be due in part to supply and demand. A critical question is, how many people are likely to compete with me for a job?

Similarly, you tend to get paid more if you work where a lot of money changes hands. Securities sales agents get $91,390, but demonstrators/product promoters in supermarkets get $26,640. That’s partly due to skill, but also partly because your salary seems much less significant to your boss when the deal is $2.9 million compared with, say, 60 boxes sold at $2.99 apiece.

Other important questions to consider are: how can I afford the education for this job? What is the career path? How long will it likely take me to become a top earner? If I lose the job, will I land on my feet? Is demand likely to grow or shrink? Can I afford to live where I must work? Do I want to live there? Is the job consistent with a fulfilling personal life?

Keeping these issues in mind, let’s look at some of the highest paying jobs, only one of which pays a bit less than $100,000 a year. We’ll group them roughly as: aviation, business, computer, energy, finance, law, marketing, medicine, science, and social science, according to the types of qualifications you will likely need. For a different approach, updated in 2012, we can also recommend the excellent resource: 50 High Paying Careers & The Degrees You Need for them.

Note: The figures for pay given beside the main entry below are the government’s mean annual salaries, that is, adding up the average salary each year for a given number of years, and dividing by the number of years. Other ways of determining income can be average income per year (total earnings divided by number of workers) or median (of the total number of workers what was the worker in the middle earning?). Also, several mean annuals were computed using groups of occupations that can be examined separately.
Aviation Jobs

Transportation via airplane is critical to the modern business world as well as to the modern economy. It offers the fastest way to get people and goods from one place to another. Because of this, and because of the critical need for safety, there are plenty of opportunities for well paying jobs.

Air traffic controller – Salary: $106,990
What you do in this job: Air traffic controllers coordinate the system for managing air traffic around airports and along flight routes, to enable safe air travel. They communicate in English, which is the international language of aviation.
How to become an air traffic controller: Air traffic controllers must finish first an education program approved by the FAA. They must also complete a test that tests their ability to learn air traffic control duties. Applicants must also have 4 years of college, 3 years of full-time work experience, or both and have successfully completed an FAA-approved program. School recommendation is a definite advantage.

Airline pilot/co-pilot, or flight engineer – Salary: $117,060
What you do in this job: An airline pilot is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight. There are many types of license, depending on the craft. The co-pilot, also licensed, is the relief pilot for larger aircraft and must be able to assume full control in flight. The flight engineer’s task is the mechanical performance of the aircraft while in flight, and for large aircraft may the legally required third member of the crew.
How to become an airline pilot: To be an airplane pilot, one must have an FAA issued commercial pilot’s license and instrument rating. For helicopter pilots, a commercial pilot’s certificate and helicopter rating are required. To qualify for such licenses, applicants must be at least 18 years old and have at least 250 hours of flight experience. Aspiring pilots must also pass a meticulous physical examination to ensure he or she is in general good health, good hearing, and has 20/20 aided or unaided vision. They must also complete a written exam that tests one’s knowledge on FAA regulations, principles of safe flight, navigation techniques, and other important aspects of flying. Note:: Business commercial flight remains relatively stable, despite security issues, and that, rather than leisure, is the profitable end of the business.

The flight engineer oversees the plane’s many systems before, during, and after flight. Note: This career may be challenged by increasing robotic controls, and is often best pursued in the military, supervising the development of cutting-edge machines.

Featured Online Aviation Degree Programs

Everest University – Bachelor’s in Aviation Technology
Everest University – Bachelor’s in Aviation Management
Everest University – Master’s in Aviation Science

Business Jobs

Because we live in a service economy, business jobs are perhaps the most abundant. The vast majority of business jobs are mid-level jobs, but almost all such jobs provide opportunities for career growth up to the level of CEO or even the most sought after job of all: business owner. The highest paying jobs in business are management positions that get rewarded for overall performance.

Manager – Salary: $99,100
What you do in this job: The manager directs the activities of a business, organization, or government department, large or small. The title “manager” differs from that of “supervisor” because the manager is usually considered, as the name implies, to have a management (= executive) position. The supervisor is a non-management employee who directs the work of other employees, reporting to the manager.
How to become a manager: This is a broad field. One could manage any organization from an agricultural operation ($54,900 ) to a gym or sports salon ($75,000 – $100,000). This site alone lists 66 management occupations. For some, such as restaurant manager ($30,000 – $46,000, high school diploma), you can learn on the job, but these managerial positions tend to be lower paying. For others, property manager, for example ($64,000 – $95,000), you would need a Bachelor’s or Master’s in, for example, business, real estate, finances, or management. Most managers are older than the people they supervise, so one usually work for some years as an employee at a lower salary. Essentially, your employer is paying you to learn, and taking higher education on your own time signals your desire to advance.

General or operations manager – Salary: $110,550
What you do in this job: A General or Operations Manager is ultimately responsible for all aspects of the day-to-day workings of a company. This involves directing the work of other managers and helping with strategic planning (= where the company wants to be in ten years and how to get there).
How to become an operations manager: To supervise the managers of a company’s day to day business operations, you need a business or finance degree, Master’s is best but Bachelor’s may work. You also need to be a strong leader and capable decision-maker with good people skills. How much you earn depends on the size of company you work for and the number of people you supervise. However, the skill set is usually portable, so you can advance by accepting a position with a larger company and higher salary after you have proven yourself.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) – Salary: $167, 280
What you do in this job: As the highest-ranking employee in a company or organization, the CEO is expected to carry out the policies of the company’s board of directors, in sync with the strategic plan. Reporting to the CEO are the other highest-ranking officers listed, who are the top managers of their areas.
How to become a CEO: The Chief Executive Officer of a company is its highest ranking officer, and unless you own the company, it will take a while to get there. You should have a Bachelor’s degree in finances or economics, but for career success, consider other key credentials. For example, if your company markets home nursing services, as you rise in management, your name can inspire more confidence with R.N. (Registered Nurse) after it. Consider also, Chief Operations Officer (COO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Information Officer (CIO), and Chief Technology Officer. Remember, however, that life is even riskier at the top than at the bottom because many capable people want your job, and you must constantly demonstrate that you are still the best, until you yourself are ready to move on.

Featured Online Business & Management Degree Programs

Post University – Associate’s in Management
Colorado State University – Bachelor’s in Business Management
Saint Leo University – Master of Business Administration

Computer Jobs

Every body uses computers. Movies get made on computers. Cars get designed on computers. People invest and get their news using computers Computers are critical to everything we take for granted in modern society. Because of their centrality, there is a huge demand for jobs for people who unique or rare technical expertise. Even a programmer of a rare but critical programming language can get paid very well.

Computer hardware engineer – Salary: $101,410
What you do in this job: Computer hardware engineers develop, test, and install the physical parts of your computer, such as computer chips, circuit boards, systems, modems, keyboards, and printers. This contrasts with software engineers, who work with the programs for which the hardware is the platform.
How to become a computer engineer: You should start with an engineering degree, but courses in social sciences are a considerable asset. You are responsible for creating the physical hardware on which computers run, and that is where an understanding of people is an asset. Your company’s customers are all people.

Computer or information scientist – Salary: $105,370
What you do in this job: Computer and information scientists work with the big picture: hardware, software, how it is used, and its implications for a business or for society in general. A key job is testing predictions about what will work, before large sums of money and years of time are invested.
How to become a computer scientist: If you solve hardware and software problems as a computer and information science theorist, designer, inventors or researcher, look at this career. Note, however, that 80% of current professionals have a Master’s degree, 18 % have a Doctorate or other professional degree, and only 2% have a Master’s degree. Bill Gates may have started in his garage, but the common knowledge base of the industry has grown so much that, if you are not a genius, you will need to start with higher education. You could end up as Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Chief Technology Officer.

Featured Online Computer Science and Information Technology Degree Programs

Azusa Pacific University – Associate’s in Information Technology
Baker College – Bachelor of Computer Science
DeVry University – Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering Technology
Colorado Technical University – Master’s in Information Technology

Energy Jobs

The world runs on energy. Modern economies are dependent on energy. In fact, Donald Trump has been quoted as saying that oil is the lifeblood of modern societies. And he’s right. Readily available energy is the most valuable commodity in the world so much so that nations go to war in order to control energy resources. Because this industry is so critical, getting a job and becoming an integral part of the industry could pay huge dividends.

[Click here to browse our list of accredited online Engineering degree programs]

Nuclear engineer – Salary: $100,350
What you do in this job: Nuclear engineers design build, and operate or safely decommission nuclear power facilities (places where radiation is used). They also work with nuclear propulsion of spacecraft, ships, or submarines, and the many medical uses of radiation.
How to become a nuclear engineer: A nuclear engineer works with atomic particles, perhaps to safely dispose of nuclear waste, help physicists study the basic structure of the universe, build weapons, or develop new ways of diagnosing diseases. Nobody should just fool around with nukes, so you usually need at least a Master’s degree, but a Doctorate admits you to the best career opportunities with the highest salaries. If that’s out of the question, consider the U.S. Navy Power Plant program, which may accept suitable applicants with a high school diploma. Because nuclear is often controversial, some career opportunities may depend on the political climate, so courses in social sciences are worth considering. They may help you understand conundrums such as this: Many people who fear nuclear energy sources for their home will accept radiation for their bodies if they need cancer treatment.

Petroleum (oil, natural gas) engineer – Salary: $119,960
What you do in this job: Locating and developing oil or natural gas reserves comprises a number of specialties, from geological through construction engineering A key job is helping determine what the market value of a find is, before investments are made in drilling.
How to become a petroleum engineer: Petroleum engineers explore for oil and gas, and it’s no surprise that they are highly paid because, if they are successful, many other people can be successful too. You start with a bachelor’s degree in engineering, specializing in petroleum engineering, but for advancement, keep learning. The field and the technology are always changing. Courses in social sciences and business can be useful, or even required, if you aspire to management, especially high management, because petroleum is politically highly controversial, and running a big business requires more than just finding oil.

[Click here to browse our list of accredited online Engineering degree programs]
Finance Jobs

Whenever money changes hands there is money to be made. So naturally a job in finance can be a high paying one since finance jobs naturally involve financial transactions. In times of economic recessions, low level finance jobs tend to get drastically cut out of the economy, so it pays to have a higher level finance job that pays well and offers job security too.

Sales manager – Salary: $111,570
What you do in this job: Sales managers train, supervise, and evaluate sales staff. Working with the marketing manager, they also study the market and establish sales territories.
How to become a sales manager: You should work in sales first, so you know who and what you are managing. By all means, add to your natural skill at motivating people to make sales by getting a Bachelor’s degree in economics, business, management or a related field. You know you have the talent, but that’s one way the company — and other companies who may offer you a better package — knows you are serious about staying in the field.

Financial manager – Salary: $113,730
What you do in this job: Financial managers organize, control and disperse an organization’s money. They must balance such issues as how much profit should be distributed among shareholders vs. how much invested in growth.
How to become a financial manager: A Bachelor’s or Master’s in finances or economics, and an accounting designation qualify you to manage a company’s finances, along with years of experience. Keep in mind that this is a job where you probably need to climb the career ladder in a single company. If you are given access to critical company financial data, the company will often match or beat a competitor’s job offer just to keep you on board.

Featured Online Finance Degree Programs

Kaplan University – Associate’s in Banking Services
Rasmussen College – Accelerated Bachelor’s in Finance
Grand Canyon University – Bachelor’s in Finance and Economics
Walden University – MBA in Corporate Finance

Law Jobs

When asked what the highest paying jobs are, most school aged kids will say “doctor” and “lawyer” and to a large extent that is true. Lawyers command an awful lot of power in our society and often serve to protect the interests of most profitable corporations and institutions in the world. And many of the most important social decisions get determined by judges. So if you enjoy the high pressure of political and social power, a legal job might be right up your alley.

Judge, magistrate judge, and magistrate – Salary: $103,990
What you do in this job: Judges hear and decide on cases in a civil or criminal law court, often assisted by a jury of citizens. A magistrate or justice of the peace usually hears minor cases, perhaps traffic or sobriety offenses, and may also administers oaths and perform marriages.
How to become a judge: A judge should start by being a lawyer. In some states, many judges are elected and in others, they are appointed. If you must get elected, you need to know something about politics. If appointed, you can usually sit on the bench for life, but that entails a lot of competition for the position. A magistrate hears minor cases, for example in the traffic court. You almost always need a law degree, but even if you live in a community that doesn’t require one, you won’t likely rise in the system without it. Anyone who did have one would be preferred to you for advancement. The career of judge confers great prestige and social power, but it comes at a price: Minor offenses can cost a judge’s career.

Lawyer – Salary: $129,020
What you do in this job: Sometimes called an attorney, a lawyer is authorized to represent clients in the civil or criminal courts, draft legal documents such as wills and property sales, and give legal advice.
How to become a lawyer: It may seem surprising that the median annual income for lawyers is higher than that for judges, but that’s because judges are paid according to a schedule but many lawyers are paid according to the market. Others work for the government or private concerns, where there are scheduled rates. But in any event, you cannot be a lawyer without a law degree (three to four years). Don’t be surprised if you are expected to get a Bachelor’s degree in another field first, but if so, it is an advantage if you specialize in law related to the field. Law is an excellent background career choice if you aspire to a high office in business or political life. Why in political life? Because if you are a partner in a law office, you can take time off to campaign or serve as a legislator, and success will bring your partners good publicity as well.

Public relations manager – Salary: $101,850
What you do in this job: Public relations managers are skilled publicists who are given a budget to protect and enhance a company’s reputation. In today’s increasingly global market, the job is more competitive, more challenging, and more important.
How to become a public relations manager: Most companies want a Master’s degree from those who would represent their corporate face to the public (Master’s of Business Administration or MBA is good). Successful PR managers also need an ability to show grace, working with a variety of personality types under pressure. Sometimes the pressure is just the work of building the company’s image, other times, dealing constructively with a scandal. In the latter case, if you demonstrate your skill as a PR “ambulance”, you can easily command a top salary.

Marketing manager – Salary: $120,070
What you do in this job: A marketing manager develops a strategy to make a company’s products or services recognized and highly regarded in the marketplace. In larger companies, a marketing manager may be responsible for only one product or service.
How to become a marketing manager: What’s the difference between marketing and sales? Marketing means creating desire for a product or service, so people will consider using it or staying loyal to it. Sales is the ka-chink at the cash desk. So marketing is the broader strategy of creating an image; sales (see sales manager) is the targeted strategy of making a sale. People have succeeded in this job with no qualifications – the all-American success story – but to qualify for the highest paying jobs at a big company with a huge marketing budget aimed at protecting key brands, get a Bachelors or Masters degree in marketing, management, finances or economics.
Orthodontist – Salary: $206,190
What you do in this job: An orthodontist treats the misalignment of teeth and facial development with braces, retainers, headgear and other methods.
How to become an orthodontist: To be the one who turns a challenging set of teeth into a winning smile, using the latest technology, you need two to three years training after dental school. While many people associate orthodontics with children, there has been a trend to adults selecting a course of treatment, to improve both the function and appearance of their teeth.
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11th June 2013, 10:23 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Mejias here. Appreciate by this website!

Hi. My name is David Mejias. Would like to show appreciation to the superb writers of this site. I usually read only most threads but am looking to becoming a poster.

The level of experience displayed by this community is spectacular and I am ecstatic to be a piece of it.
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28th August 2013, 09:43 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: kanpur
Posts: 5
Thumbs up Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

That is so good question . in this time Law is the best way for earn more money but if you will do better because in this sector have a lot of jobs and have more income so according me that is the so good way for earn money and you will not do work under any boss .as soon as if you will do good but there is test your IQ if you will give better for your client then you will be famous automatically and get more cases so automatically you will earn more money
best of luck
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30th August 2013, 06:44 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 469
Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

you should not choose your career option according to just on which field there are more income. you should choose your career option your profession in which field you have lots of interest. otherwise it will be very much difficult for you to work with that in which you don't have no interest.

you should always go for that profession in which you have passion. in which field you have talent. if you are good enough in any field then you will learn lots of money in that field. but if you go without interest then you will not be successful and you will not be able to earn money. may be at your level with same education your friends are earning more than you. but as you have no interest so you can not grow up.

in every profession there are so many people those are earning very high amount of money and some people are also there those are earning very less amount of money. like if you think about a cricket player a successful cricket player will earn a lots of money but an unsuccessful cricket player may be will not get chance to play and he will not earn anything. similar a good engineering will earn lots of money but an unsuccessful engineering can't anything.

it is always true if you do any work with lots of interest and from heart then surely you will be successful in that field. you have not given your background of study. based on that choose your further career option. there may be job opportunity is high in technical field but if you don't have interest on technical field then don't go for it. if you have interest then go for technical career option like engineering. you may go for MBA study after completion of your graduation if you have interest.

best wishes.
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7th January 2014, 08:39 PM
THAKUR ABHAY pratap singh
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 1
Thumbs up Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

First of all , you have to thing that it is risk for a career so, you choose that which is better for your life . So. Who can you choose ? You can choose the better link by getting more education and share people
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8th January 2014, 10:39 AM
Senior Member+++++
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 3,521
Default Re: Which career I have to choose to get more income?

My sincere suggestion would be not to have career for the sake of better income and have career for the sake of satisfaction.

Nothing is important for a candidate than Job Satisfaction.

If you are not at all happy with the way how the things are going on in your current job, then there is no use of doing job.

As per career scope and job opportunities, in each and every field candidates can get better job opportunities and good income.

Only thing that is required for you to avail those job opportunities will be good subject knowledge and strong communication skills.

you did not mention your highest level of academic qualification.

My suggestion would be to opt for the higher studies in accordance with the stream that you have gone through in your previous academic qualification.

IT field always offers good amount of salaries to the candidates. But it is too risky of performing IT job.

If it is Government job or public sector job, you will be offered less salaries in the beginning but in your long term the career will be fruitful.

For many of the job opportunities, there should be some selection procedure.

Know the top companies in the field in which you are looking job opportunities and know the selection procedure and have good preparation for the same to get better job opportunities.

Wish you all the best.
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