6th May 2012, 07:22 PM
Which course should I do after passing HSC to get a good job in bank? Books which I should refer for bank exams? How to get manager post in bank?
hi i want to know what course should i do after passing hsc to get job in bank. and what books should i read to prepare for bank exams . and how to get a manager post in bank
24th December 2012, 06:02 PM
In order to become Bank Manager, you should join as P.O at entry level. Experienced hands can join directly to the job position. Graduation is necessary to apply for these job positions. Selection will be done on the basis of written exams and interview. IBPS, SBI, etc often conducts written tests for selection.
12th February 2013, 03:13 PM
how can I apply for Bank exams?
2nd August 2014, 12:41 PM
can I apply for the post of Bank PO or Bank Manager after passing B.Tech(IT).How can I attain the Bank exam.wat are the books I prefer for that exam.