19th September 2014, 09:29 PM
Is it good to take B.Tech degree in Civil Engineering from Jamia Peer Muhammad University after diploma in civil engineering? Is it AICTE and UGC approved?
Is taking BTech degree in civil engineering from jamia peer muhammed univetsity after diploma in civil engineering , AICTE and UGC approved?
4th May 2015, 12:08 AM
Yes it is good to be Diploma in civil engineering and after it go for the bachelor of technology in the same field. This university is approved by the U.G.C and all India council of Technical Education so you can choose this university for this course.
For the admission in the B.tech after the diploma engineering you have to qualify the entrance exam LEET and after it through the online counselling you can apply for any counselling and always remember fill the first choice of collage or a university where you want to get the admission. Jobs after this course in this sector are - >> Construction Engineer >> Junior Engineer >> Senior Engineer >> Chief Engineer >> Site instructor >> Project Manager |
10th November 2015, 08:28 PM
Is Sri Acharya University Vijayapura Karnataka possible for embassy attestation.???
12th August 2021, 06:06 PM
Is this University degree in Civil Engg is accepted in the kingdom of Bahrain and eligible to get embassy attestation as am interested to immediately apply for the certificate