17th February 2011, 10:55 AM
Grading system for MBA (NIM) in IGNOU?
i want to know grading system of ignou in this course.
22nd February 2011, 09:02 PM
The Grade card that is sent by IGNOU has Grades(1-4 as well as A-C) in both the
Assignment & TEE.i am providing you the hand book related to IGNOU i hope it will help you as it has mentioned the grade system. |
22nd February 2011, 09:05 PM
ok here iam giving you the hand book hope it will help you to figure out how
grading system works as they have mentioned in it mba_prospectus.pdf |
11th April 2011, 09:37 PM
what is my percentage send me at [email protected]
Enrolment Number: 081145485 Name: ANSHUMAN DEO DWIVEDI Program: MP Course Code Asgn1 Asgn2 Asgn3 Asgn4 Term End Theory Term End Practical Status MS01 B B * - C - Completed MS02 B B B - D - Completed MS03 B B * - B - Completed MS04 C C C - C - Completed MS05 C C C - C - Completed MS06 B B B - C - Completed MS07 A A A - B - Completed MS08 C C C - C - Completed MS09 B B B - C - Completed MS10 B B B - B - Completed MS11 C C C - B - Completed MS41 B B B - D - Completed MS43 B B B - D - Completed MS44 B B B - C - Completed MS45 A A A - D - Completed MS46 B B B - D - Completed MS91 B B B - D - Completed MS93 B B B - D - Completed MS95 B B B - C - Completed |
13th August 2011, 03:08 PM
Pl. tell me that if i have scored 'A' grade in assignments & 'E' grade in term end exam, I want to know that I have pass or fail in that particular paper.
pl. reply me on my ,mail id [email protected] |
23rd August 2011, 12:07 AM
Please tell me if i have scored "C" grade in asssignment and "D" grade in Term and exam, i want to know that i have pass or fail in that particular paper.
Please reply me on my mail id [email protected] |
27th August 2011, 06:07 PM
please tel me ..i have got 'c' 'c' 'c' grade in assignments in 'D' grade in term exam of my 1st term exam...i want to knw whether iam failed in ASSIGNMENT or TERM exam ......as i got the result as NOT COMPLETED
7th January 2012, 01:09 PM
i got C grade in all the subjects... ms 01-ms04..... what C grade stands for..? how much marks... and what is my %...? please send it to my mail address its [email protected] |
12th June 2012, 05:28 PM
i want to know the marks for A, B, C & D grades to calculate my ignou mba percentage please reply to my email id: [email protected]
8th August 2012, 02:22 PM
I have got my grade card for 1st sem MBA in iGNOUand it show like this Assig 1, 2, 3 for MS1 to MS 4(A,B,A,A) and theory (C, D, D, C) and status shows completed in all 4. Can anyone pls tell me if i'm passed or failed. can an |
5th March 2014, 04:52 PM
In Ms04;i had C in Assignment and D in Term end Theory; is it pass or fail?
The status mentions"not completed"on the grade card, To me it seems wrong? Plz help with Ignou Evaluation Scheme. Why is final grade not mentioned on grade card against each course along with the status ; final as if cumulative od assignment and theory course |
20th July 2020, 09:12 AM
The Grade card that is sent by IGNOU has Grades(1-4 as well as A-C) in both the
Assignment & TEE.i am providing you the hand book related to IGNOU i hope it will help you as it has mentioned the grade system |