27th August 2011, 01:02 PM
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How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

I am chamale Lokeshreddy, Completed my ITI trade COE (BBBt & PMBT) sector:-Production and manufacturing at Mallepally, Hyderabad. BBBt for one year , PMBT for Six months & Six months training and now searching for apprenticeship at some Public sector like HAL, BHEL,ODF Etc., so, please suggest me i am totally confused what to because some my friends & Some of my senior or telling that you are not get apprenticeship or job

4th September 2011, 06:56 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

i have completed B.E in electronics & communication branch with 73.5% after this i want to join apprenticeship training program of 1 year
how i can join this program in government electronics company.please send me detail in this email id [email protected]
thank you
7th October 2011, 04:27 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

i have completed B.E in electronics & communication branch with 62.69% after this i want to join apprenticeship training program of 1 year
how i can join this program in government electronics company.please send me detail in this email id [email protected]
thank you
12th November 2011, 08:06 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

i am takshashil punekar i have comeletede iti (coe) production & manufacturing sector with a cnc programer cum operetor apprenship in a complet cours. so plz jobs in recuirment sir........
my mo no. 9673877539 9860420081.
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26th November 2011, 05:06 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

i have completed iti fitter trade with 69.42% after this i want to join apprenticeship training program of 1 year
how i can join this program in government fitter company.please send me detail in this email id [email protected]
thank you
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16th April 2012, 04:46 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

what are the sylbus of coe production & manufacturing aprentice
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15th August 2012, 03:09 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

i have completed iti electrician trade <NCVT>after this i want to join apprenticeship training program of 1 year
how i can join this program in government electrical company.please send me detail in this email id [email protected] or mbl number 9806070995
thank you
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23rd August 2012, 01:28 AM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

i have one backlog in BE mechanical is there any option for me to join
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1st September 2012, 01:56 AM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

sir,i have completed my BE (EEE) how can i get appreticeship in bhel
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12th September 2012, 05:09 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

what is the career after 1 year apprenticeship trainee in hal.....? could u pls suggest me for further career path aftr my 1 yr trainee period pls....
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12th September 2012, 05:17 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

i completed my btech in ece dept. nw im joining as an apprenticeship in HAL fr 1 year. Friends could u pls suggest me, after the training period what is my career n what type of jobs il get n hw can i lead my career after training .. pls suggest me guys.........
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12th September 2012, 05:20 PM
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 1
Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

frnds i completed my btech in ece dept. now iam doing as an apprentice ship in HAL for 1 year. Friends could u pls suggest me that what is my position after 1 yr n wat sort of jobs i'll get after training in and out of HAL.. pls guys suggest me
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14th September 2012, 02:47 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

I am now geting ITI trade BBBT electrical sector so plz give me suggestions about qualify this trade.
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26th September 2012, 06:15 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

iam prabhakar, iam searching for Apprenticeship in ECIL. he told that what is coe-electronic there is no Apprenticeship for that trade.

what is sir my life spoil sir. sir please tell him.
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2nd October 2012, 03:32 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

i am also same apprenticeship not got job so many head office sir telling i will not give job coe electronic iti my life waste nw.....
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14th October 2012, 02:38 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

hello sir... i am saravanan studying B.E(aeronautical)in coimbatore.now i am final year student after six month finished my course ..... i want join HAL apprenticeship so plz help me
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19th October 2012, 03:17 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

my name is rameswari,b.tech(eee)completed ...How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF atc please send information
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12th January 2013, 01:53 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

sir i complit iti in c.o.e electrical i want a good job please reply me my email id [email protected]
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12th March 2013, 04:47 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

sir, i will completed my B.E degree in 2013 ,what is the procedure to join as apprentice in BHEL trichy
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26th March 2013, 11:50 AM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL,ODF after completing ITI trade COE (BBBT&PMBT)?

Sir, i will completed my BBBT with advance module.
How can sit in AITT Exam & get (National Apprenticeship certificate)?
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27th March 2013, 10:04 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

I am final year student in Electronics and Communication Engineering with 60%. How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, after completing my course.Please send me the details to [email protected]
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11th April 2013, 01:46 AM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

i have already completed iti COE(ELECTRICAL) trade.i want to join aaprentice training.plz answer me.my [email protected] and phone number-7205266762
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11th April 2013, 07:57 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

Sir, I will complet ITI- COE(PMBT) with advanc madual 73% How i can get apprenticeship some companies.
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16th April 2013, 10:06 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

sir i am atul tiwari compleated my be fom mechanical engineering.pls inform us about the procedure of getting apprenticeship at bhel fo m
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3rd May 2013, 05:11 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am takshashil punekar i have comeletede iti (coe) production & manufacturing sector with a cnc programer cum operetor apprenship in a complet cours. so plz jobs in recuirment sir........
my mo no. 9673877539 9860420081.
bro it is not valid for govt. sector like bhel hal etc i think that i also a completed from c.o.e and bhel reject my application form
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7th May 2013, 04:07 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

I am a Telecommunication Engineering Graduate (Fresher), Will an Apprenticeship at HAL help me out in my further Career?
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28th May 2013, 01:26 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

i am sudha rani.i had completed my b-tech in aeronautical...branch..passed out in 2013.i want Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF....pls can any one could help me ...
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12th June 2013, 08:25 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

I am chamale Lokeshreddy, Completed my ITI trade COE (BBBt & PMBT) sector:-Production and manufacturing at Mallepally, Hyderabad. BBBt for one year , PMBT for Six months & Six months training and now searching for apprenticeship at some Public sector , so, please suggest me i am totally confused what to because some my friends & Some of my senior or telling that you are not get apprenticeship or job.please send me detail in this email id [email protected]
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14th June 2013, 02:11 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

how can i get apprentice training in public sector like BHEL,HPCL,,,,Send answers to [email protected]
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12th August 2013, 09:05 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

i am sachin phatak.completed my ITI trade COE(BBBT)in Fabrication sector at Sawantwadi.BBBT for 1 year & Advanced module in TIG MIG Welding for 6 month & now i searching for apprentiship.so please suggest me the name of companies who provide apprentiship for my trade.please guide me..
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3rd September 2013, 06:32 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade production & manufacturing trade ?

Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/how-can-i-get-apprenticeship-some-public-sector-companies-like-hal-bhel-odf-after-completing-iti-trade-coe-bbbt-pmbt-345382.html#ixzz2dpIc9GLa
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2nd October 2013, 08:39 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

sir , mai mukesh meghwal ! maine iti coe electrical rampura dist. neemuch mp. say kiya hai . or ak achi nokari chahata hu . or eske liye kisi achi compny se fild sambandhi kam karna chata hu pls. kuch achi raye dijiyew
mukesh meghwal
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23rd October 2013, 01:36 AM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

sir i have completed iti with coe(production&manufacturing) of GOVT-iti dewas mp.please suggest me what i can do apprentship, and told me good job of coe.

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10th November 2013, 02:30 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

How to get apprenticeship in HAL, BEL after completing B.E.(Mech) ?
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19th November 2013, 09:45 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

sir i amganpat meghwal iti rampura neemuch se complete coebbbt 64% and advance ranging or 9630789874
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27th December 2013, 05:56 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

I Am Ranjith, and i did my ITI Fitter in Goodwill, and am looking to join in any company for apprentice trainee like good company which can be good for my futre , pls suggest me and u can mail to my mail ID:[email protected]
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1st February 2014, 10:28 AM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?iam compleated my btech in eee
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28th June 2014, 09:32 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

I am G.Sagarika completed btech in ece in IIIT basar with 82%. i want to do apprenticeship training in any govt electronics training. how can i get? please send details to thia email id-- [email protected]
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17th July 2014, 11:11 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

I am chamale Lokeshreddy, Completed my ITI trade COE (BBBt & PMBT) sector:-Production and manufacturing at Mallepally, Hyderabad. BBBt for one year , PMBT for Six months & Six months training and now searching for apprenticeship at some Public sector like HAL, BHEL,ODF Etc., so, please suggest me i am totally confused what to because some my friends & Some of my senior or telling that you are not get apprenticeship or job
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17th August 2014, 03:59 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

sir am renuka ,completed be eee with 77% how can i get apprentice in bhel trichy .please send details to this mail id [email protected]
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4th September 2014, 12:29 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

sir,i had completed my graduation course, how can i get apprentice in bhel trichy and how they select the apprentice if they hire by any written test after screening the application .
and they hire for this year? please send details to [email protected]
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16th October 2014, 05:55 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

sir,i am dipen sing i finished iti trade coe bbbt(electrical) sector 64.3% i can do apprentice.where i can do it and when.please send details to this mail id [email protected]
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17th May 2015, 01:54 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

Respected sir,
My name is Veerabhadrappa M, I have completed ITI in Instrument Mechanic trade in 2011 now I have written diploma last 6th semester exam in Mechanical Engineering(Instrumentation) trade in 2015 still result did not came. Sir, can I apply apprentice training job on ITI my age is 25. please send details to my e-mail [email protected] contact no. 9535586624

Thank you sir,
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22nd February 2016, 12:02 AM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

Sir I am competed ITI (electrician)next I am join in apprenticeship in Hyderabad .veicancy in Hyderabad companies .send details [email protected]
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31st August 2019, 02:22 PM
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Default Re: How can I get Apprenticeship in some public sector companies like HAL, BHEL, ODF after completing ITI trade COE(BBBT and PMBT)?

Sir I have completed ITI COE ELECTRICAL . Apprenticeship NCVT complete .
[email protected]
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