26th July 2012, 10:04 PM
How can I join Indian Army after completing diploma? I have completed diploma in electronics and communication
sir please tell me how can i join indian army after completing diploma.sir i have already completed my diploma in electronics and telecommunication engenering.
2nd October 2012, 07:47 PM
hello dear,
NDA stands for National Defence Academy and this examination is conducted by UPSC, two times in a year i.e NDA(I) and NDA(II). The examination is conducted to select candidates for the post of Army, Naval and Air force wings, Only unmarried male candidates are eligible to apply for this examination. Notification is going to be Published soon in December. To apply for NDA Examination, your age should between 16.5 to 19 Years, No upper age relaxation is applicable for any candidates in NDA. To apply for this examination, you must have completed your Intermediate examination, Final year appearing candidates are also eligible to apply for National Defence Academy Examination. To appear for NDA, you must be in good physical and mental health andfree from any disease. If you have satisfied the above mentioned Eligibility then you are eligible for NDA Examination next year. The examination is objective with Negative marking and first stage is to clear the written test. NDA Examination is comprises of a Written Exam followed by and Intelligence and Personality Test, The written exam consist of two papers. => Mathematics and => General Ability Test The General Ability Test consists of English and General Knowledge. If you will be able to cracked the written test then you are eligible for SSB interview for final selection. If your Intermediate examination is complete or Pursuing your Final examination then you can apply for NDA Examination, you can get details from the official website of UPSC. good luck |
31st October 2012, 11:58 PM
How can i join indian army after compliting deploma in civil engg.