30th July 2010, 02:04 AM
How to crack PSU Exams? Books for PSU and GATE exams for Mechanical Engineering?
I am in my third year of mechanical engg. I just want to know how can i crack PSUs and GATE exams.What are the books to refer related to mechanical engineering.
30th July 2010, 03:54 AM
hello dear
there have many books available in the market for PSU and GATE exam. but some of very good them are 1.gk publication. 2.penticehall publication. 3.hunda & hunda. 4.rajput. 5.gulgutia. all the best..... |
30th July 2010, 03:56 AM
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you need to have good command on your subject knowledge. It would be good if you prepare the topics one by one and improve your theoretical knowledge as well as practical. You can get the syllabus and booklist at the following site. http://www.onestopgate.com/gate-books/Mechanical-Engineering/ Thank You |
30th July 2010, 08:43 AM
I am in my final year of instrumetation engg. I just want to know how can i crack PSUs and GATE exams.What are the books to refer related to instrumetation engineering.
30th July 2010, 02:54 PM
u jst keep checking fresherworld.com for vacancies and exam dates......
make ur preperation well then u can easily qualify the exam..... Problems and Solutions in Mechanical Engineering CISSP All in One Exam Guide 5th Edition [#2] refer these for psu preperaytion |
30th July 2010, 04:51 PM
You find a list of a few books for reference at the following link with complete details: http://www.jawahar-book-centre.com/joint-entrance-exam-for-engineers-for-public-sector-units(psu)-other-organization.html Also, if you are interested to download them: http://www.torrentdownloads.net/searches/psu+exam+books the only way to make it through any qualifying entrance exam is by the means of hard work and diligent study schedule...u need to prepare a schedule of the entire day and have to maanage time accordingly. Good Luck |
30th July 2010, 05:16 PM
To crack PSUs exams just have clear concept about your subject and for GS keep referring pratiyigita Darpan.
Best of luck!!!!1 |
30th July 2010, 05:33 PM
to clear psu exams you should be really strong in the theoretical part,you need daily practice .you should also join some coaching center so that you can write as many practice tests as possible,
the best book is gk publishers,all the best |
31st July 2010, 12:05 AM
hello friend
In terms of preparation for such test u need to forcus on different theories-motivation,learning etc .who propunded these theories and in which year.Various labour law acts .make sure that ur basic prepartion is gud .Whatever topic u take up for study prepare it well.These test include very basic questions.Do focus on quantitative aptitude thats also important. here i am providing you the syllabus for the GATE Mechanical ENGG ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Linear Algebra Algebra of matrices, system of linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Calculus Taylor Series, Fourier Series, partial derivatives, total derivatives, definite and improper integrals, multiple integrals. Vector Calculus Gradient, divergence and curl, line and surface integrals, Green, Gauss and Stokes’ theorems. Differential Equations Linear ODE’s, first order non-linear ODE’s, initial and boundary value problems, Laplace transform, PDE’s-Laplace, wave and diffusion equations. Numerical Methods Solution of system of linear equations, interpolation, numerical integration, Newton-Raphson method, Runge-Kutta method. Probability and Statistics Gaussian, Weibul distribution and their properties, method of least squares, regression analysis, analysis of variance. APPLIED MECHANICS AND DESIGN Engineering Mechanics Equivalent force systems, free-body concepts, equations of equilibrium, trusses and frames, virtual work and minimum potential energy. Kinematics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies, impulse and momentum (linear and angular), energy methods, central force motion. Strength of Materials Stress and strain, stress-strain relationship and elastic constants, Mohr’s circle for plane stress and plane strain, shear force and bending moment diagrams, bending and shear stresses, deflection of beams torsion of circular shafts, thin and thick cylinders, Euler’s theory of columns, strain energy methods, thermal stresses. Theory of Machines Displacement, velocity and acceleration, analysis of plane mechanisms, dynamic analysis of slider-crank mechanism, planar cams and followers, gear tooth profiles, kinematics and design of gears, governors and flywheels, balancing of reciprocating and rotating masses. Vibrations Free and forced vibration of single degree freedom systems, effect of damping, vibration isolation, resonance, critical speed of rotors. Design of Machine Elements Design for static and dynamic loading, failure theories, fatigue strength -- design of bolted, riveted and welded joints -- design of shafts and keys -- design of spur gears, rolling and sliding contact bearings -- brakes and clutches -- belt, ropes and chain drives. FfLUID MECHANICS AND THERMAL SCIENCES Fluid Mechanics Fluid properties, fluid statics, manometry, buoyancy -- Control-volume analysis of mass, momentum and energy, fluid acceleration -- Differential equation of continuity and momentum -- Bernoulli’s equation -- Viscous flow of incompressible fluids -- Boundary layer, Elementary turbulent flow -- Flow through pipes, head losses in pipes, bends etc. Heat-Transfer Modes of heat transfer -- One dimensional heat conduction, resistance concept, electrical analogy, unsteady heat conduction, fins -- Dimensionless parameters in free and forced convective heat transfer, Various correlations for heat transfer in flow over flat plates and through pipes -- Thermal boundary layer -- effect of turbulence -- Radiative heat transfer, black and grey surfaces, shape factors, network analysis -- Heat exchanger performance, LMTD and NTU methods. Thermodynamics Zeroth, First and Second laws of thermodynamics -- Thermodynamic system and processes -- Irreversibility and availability -- Behaviour of ideal and real gases, Properties of pure substances, calculation of work and heat in __AD_OSC__ ideal processes -- Analysis of thermodynamic cycles related to energy conversion -- Carnot, Rankine, Otto, Diesel, Brayton and Vapour compression cycles. Power Plant Engineering Steam generators -- Steam power cycles -- Steam turbines -- impulse and reaction principles, velocity diagrams, pressure and velocity compounding -- Reheating and reheat factor -- Condensers and feed heaters. I.C. Engines Requirements and suitability of fuels in IC engines, fuel ratings, fuel-air mixture requirements -- Normal combustion in SI and CI engines -- Engine performance calculations. Refrigeration and air-conditioning Refrigerant compressors, expansion devices, condensers and evaporators -- Properties of moist air, psychrometric chart, basic psychometric processes. Turbomachinery Components of gas turbines -- Compression processes, Centrifugal and Axial flow compressors -- Axial flow turbines, elementary theory -- Hydraulic turbines -- Euler-Turbine equation -- Specific speed, Pelton-wheel, Francis and Kaplan turbines -- Centrifugal pumps. MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Engineering Materials Structure and properties of engineering materials and their applications, heat treatment. Metal Casting Casting processes (expendable and non-expendable) -pattern, moulds and cores, Heating and pouring, Solidification and cooling, Gating Design, Design considerations, defects. Forming Processes Stress-strain diagrams for ductile and brittle material, Plastic deformation and yield criteria, Fundamentals of hot and cold working processes, Bulk metal forming processes (forging, rolling extrusion, drawing), Sheet metal working processes (punching, blanking, bending, deep drawing, coining, spinning, Load estimation using homogeneous deformation methods, Defects). Processing of Powder metals- Atomization, compaction, sintering, secondary and finishing operations. Forming and shaping of Plastics- Extrusion, Injection Molding. Joining Processes Physics of welding, Fusion and non-fusion welding processes, brazing and soldering, Adhesive bonding, Design considerations in welding, Weld quality defects. Machining and Machine Tool Operations Mechanics of machining, Single and multi-point cutting tools, Tool geometry and materials, Tool life and wear, cutting fluids, Machinability, Economics of machining, non-traditional machining processes. Metrology and Inspection Limits, fits and tolerances, linear and angular measurements, comparators, gauge design, interferometry, Form and finish measurement, measurement of screw threads, Alignment and testing methods. Tool Engineering Principles of work holding, Design of jigs and fixtures. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Basic concepts of CAD, CAM and their integration tools. Manufacturing Analysis Part-print analysis, tolerance analysis in manufacturing and assembly, time and cost analysis. Work-Study Method study, work measurement time study, work sampling, job evaluation, merit rating. Production Planning and Control Forecasting models, aggregate production planning, master scheduling, materials requirements planning. Inventory Control Deterministic and probabilistic models, safety stock inventory control systems. Operations Research Linear programming, simplex and duplex method, transportation, assignment, network flow models, simple queuing models, PERT and CPM. friend i would like to suggest you to go for a very good coaching centre if you are facing any problem . One of the toughest exams of India for postgraduate courses in engineering streams is the GATE. The exam is held every year. The duration of the GATE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PAPER is 3 hours. The paper contains multiple choice type questions, 65 in numbers. The questions have four different options with only one correct answer. The pattern of the questions is given below: Question numbers 1 to 25 are 1 mark questions. They have a negative marking of 1/3 mark. Question numbers 26 to 55 are 2 marks questions. They have a negative marking of 2/3 mark. Four questions, number 52, 53 and 54, 55 are the linked questions as the answer of the second question of the paper depends on the answer of the first question. The second answer of the pair will be evaluated only when the first one is answered correct. The negative marking is for the first question only as the next question is not going to be evaluated only. Question numbers 56 to 60 are from general aptitude. They are all 1 mark questions and a negative marking of 1/3 mark. The last questions are also from general aptitude but they are 2 marks questions. They have a negative marking of 2/3 mark. Links: http://www.complore.com/gate-mechanical-engg-sample-test-paper-iii http://forum.onestopgate.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=2477 http://www.careers-india.com/2009/05/17/gate-mechanical-engineering-sample-papers/ http://gate.jumbotests.com/tests/gate-mechanical-papers http://way2freshers.com/gate-preparation/sample-papers/mechanical/gate-mechanical-engg-question-papers-03.html http://www.onestopgate.com/downloads/ |
1st August 2010, 01:06 AM
For PSU books, refer the sitewww.madeeasy.in |
4th August 2010, 04:29 PM
i hv completed final year in electrical branch.my VII sem result is 70% wd one back in"utilization of electrical power".Agg.% is 67%.my back exam will be held on DEC.2010.plzzz help me.what shud i do?how can i crack the psu exam. & books for gate &psu exams for electrical eng?are the sullabus of psu & gate exams same?can i go for job,bcoz my degree is 5 year ?will the psu companies gv entry for 5 year programme students?plz solve my problem.i think my career has spoiled due toVIIsem.back
my emailid [email protected] |
6th August 2010, 12:59 AM
Books for GATE prepration:
Enginnering Thermodynamics: PK Nag IC Engine: ML Mathur and RP Sharma Gas Turbine and Propulsive Systems: PR Khajuria & SP Dubey Fluid Mechanics: Modi & Seth, RK Bansal Compressible Flow: SM Yahya Heat and Mass Transfer: JP Hollman, RC Sachdeva Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: CP Arora, Domkundwar Fluid Machinery: Jagdish Lal, RK Bansal Theory of Machines: RS Khurmi, Malik & Ghosh Mechanical Vibration: Grover Machine Design: Shigley, VB Bhandari Material Science: WD Callister, IP Singh Production Engineering: Kalpkjian Schmid, Amitabh Ghosh & AK Malik Industrial Engineering: O P Khanna, Buffa & Sarin Operations Research: Kanti Swarup Strength of Materials: Gere & Timoshenko, BC unamia, Sadhu Singh |
6th August 2010, 08:47 AM
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as for as the syllabus of gate exam is concerned ,you can find it in the examination brochure all the best |
7th August 2010, 10:26 AM
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you can also the follow the books of brilliant tutorials and ace academy,they are also good all the best |
19th August 2010, 03:27 AM
im the student of b.tech 3rd year from branch ec...and i want to know about psu exams.its syllabus,which book i should prefer for the preparation of psu exams.please reply soon.
5th September 2010, 02:46 AM
13th October 2010, 06:55 PM
mostly the syllabus will comprise of your stream enginering and will have general english, quantitative aptutude, reasoning along with some general awareness.
you can refer to the books of arihant and upkar publications which are available at all the leading book stalls. |
22nd October 2010, 09:17 PM
You just need to have 1) RS Aggarwal for Quantitative, Reasoning 2) GK publishers for GATE 3) Pratiyogita darpan for GK and current affairs |
28th October 2010, 08:53 PM
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Normally whenyou will complete your graduation than only you will be eligible. As far as coaching is concerned you can join it if you need for your guidance. But through knowlede of subject and command on it is more than sufficient |
29th October 2010, 05:04 AM
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There are different sections in Aptitude test for PSU as : Verbal/Non verbal reasoning Logical reasoning Quantitative analysis etc. For aptitude test in PSU, you have to follow some books like: GRE Barons R.S.Agrawal M.Tyra etc. you should also go through daily newspapaers. good luck. |
29th October 2010, 05:10 AM
dear friend,
As You didn't mention from which specialization you are? so i can't help you about syllabus of PSUs. But for PSU exam, you have to follow the syllabus covered in GATE exam of your specialization along with some aptitude test like verbal/non verbal reasoning etc. good luck. |
29th October 2010, 05:18 AM
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The decision of joining any coaching classes for preparation of PSU is fully depend upon you. You can take preparation through your self study and following some good books like: G.K.Publishers Hunda&Hunda Galgotia Publication books etc. & in 7th sem , you are eligible for PSU exams like BEL SAIL GAIL etc. good luck. |
18th November 2010, 10:37 PM
yes you can prepare long term preparation is very essential for such exam
19th November 2010, 10:55 PM
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Psu ke liye luck hi jarurat hai after all i have 3 yrs experience in psu ![]() |
20th November 2010, 08:11 AM
cover whole syllabus work hard analysis and give the test on each topics practice as much as you can consentrate on ur branch subjects..and be clear in ur fundamentals. good luck. |
20th November 2010, 11:54 AM
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you can write the respective exams. you need to refer these listed books 1.GULGUTIA 2.PUBLICations LIKE PENTICEHELL AND GK 3.HUNDA AND HUNDA etc good luck |
20th November 2010, 05:10 PM
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Subject 1mark Questions 2mark Questions %Weightage Mathematics 4 3 10 Mechanics 1 1 3 Strength of Materials 2 3 8 Theory of Machines 2 3 8 Machine Design 1 2 5 Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machinery 2 2 6 Heat Transfer 3 2 7 Thermodynamics 3 3 9 Refrigiration & Air conditioning 1 2 5 Production & Material Science 2 6 14 Industrial Engineering 4 3 10 Aptitude and Verbal 5 5 15 Total No. of Questions 30 35 100 |
20th November 2010, 07:44 PM
Hard work, determination & right strategy are to key to success in any exam be it PSU or GATE. Some useful strategies which might help you in cracking these exams are: Have a strong hold of the fundamentals. Selection of right books & study materials. Try to solve model papers based on latest exam pattern. Analyze result, find out the weak areas & try to overcome those weak areas. Here, is a list of books to be referred for mechanical engineering: Engineering Mechanics – R.S Khurmi Theory of Machine :- S.S Rattan. Engineering Mathematics – B.S .Grewal Basic thermodynamics - P.K.Nag Turbo machinery :- P.N. Modi & S.M .Seth Industrial engineering :- O.P Khanna I.C Engine :- M.L Mathur and R.P sharma |
20th November 2010, 07:59 PM
Hard work, determination & right strategy are to key to success in any exam be it PSU or GATE. Some useful strategies which might help you in cracking these exams are: Have a strong hold of the fundamentals. Selection of right books & study materials. Try to solve model papers based on latest exam pattern. Analyze result, find out the weak areas & try to overcome those weak areas. Here, is a list of books to be referred for mechanical engineering: Engineering Mechanics – R.S Khurmi Theory of Machine :- S.S Rattan. Engineering Mathematics – B.S .Grewal Basic thermodynamics - P.K.Nag Turbo machinery :- P.N. Modi & S.M .Seth Industrial engineering :- O.P Khanna I.C Engine :- M.L Mathur and R.P sharma |
20th November 2010, 08:44 PM
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log on to www.freshersworld.com there u can get lot of question paper with answers |
21st November 2010, 08:38 AM
you can crack the PSU exams if you refer books of engineering mechanics from R.S Khurmi .Theory of machine-R.s Ratan,production technology books of various authors.
For gate you just need to focus in your core subjects of all the four years.Since your from mechanical engineering you need to focus on production technology,Basic thermo dynamics,turbo machinery,I.C engine,fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines you can even refer books of U.V Bhakshi,Pearson publications,Bansal,Modi and seth,Rajput. these are the books my friends from mechanical stream refer so i just have an idea of it. all the best |
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