27th December 2010, 07:16 PM
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Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream?


I have completed my B.Tech in electronics & communication . I want to start my preparation now for PSU exams like NTPC , BEL , SAIL etc , so that I get a chance to clear one of them this year.

Please suggest me the best books from which I can prepare for the PSU exams related to my B.Tech stream.


Vaibhav Jain

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6th August 2011, 09:29 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream?

In order to crack the public sectors exams the first thing is getting the subjects basics right.You should refer the standard books of the subjects that you have studied.
Actually there are lots of books made for these the public sector exams but not all of them are that helpful.I would suggest you to get the materials from some coaching institutes like MADE EASY, which provides practice materials for the public sector exams.

You can also refer books like GALGOTIA which will be helpful for your preparation.

Good luck.
6th August 2011, 10:29 PM
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Default Re: Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream?

Originally Posted by vaibhav_jain View Post

I have completed my B.Tech in electronics & communication . I want to start my preparation now for PSU exams like NTPC , BEL , SAIL etc , so that I get a chance to clear one of them this year.

Please suggest me the best books from which I can prepare for the PSU exams related to my B.Tech stream.


Vaibhav Jain
you can follow the book of MadeEasy publications and also go through the previous papers of Gate, it will help you a lot.
6th August 2011, 10:53 PM
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Default Re: Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream?

Actually there are lots of books made for these the public sector exams but not all of them are that helpful.
And In my opinion to get the materials from some coaching institutes like "MADE EASY", which provides practice materials for the public sector exams.

You can also refer books like "GALGOTIA" which will be helpful for your preparation.

Best of luck!
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6th August 2011, 11:04 PM
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You have to study from various books because if you want to prepare for competetive exam you need lots of practise and not can inhale all. So, its your wish what to do but try lots of books to practise, not the best one only because there is not any book which can tell you the exact course.
Name of some of the books I am giving you:
Network Analysis: Van Valkenberg
Network and Systems: D. Roy choudhary
Integrated Electronics:Jacob Milman & C.Halkias, Millman & Grabel
Integrated Circuits:K.R. Botkar
Op. Amps &Linear Integrated Circuit:Gayakwad
Digital Logic & Computer Design:Moris Mano
Signals & System: Oppehum, Willsky & Nacob
Automatic Control System:Benjamin C. Kuo
Control System Engineering:Nagrath & Gopal
Principle of Communication System:Taub & Schilling
Communication System: A.Bruu Carlson
Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems: Jardon & Balmain, J.D. Kraus

Try these I hope this may help you
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6th August 2011, 11:16 PM
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Default Re: Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream?

friends for psu exam first of all u have to cover all subjects that u have studied in b.e though the papers of psu are easier than gate but the time is also less so u have to think fast hence first go through std. subject books that u have consulted during grad. and then practise questions from books like gkp,aroma's and made easy pub.
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20th August 2011, 12:28 PM
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Default Re: Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream?

please tell me books for hall exam preparation for b.tech electrical branch.
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1st October 2011, 03:46 PM
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are the upkar pulication books r good for PSU????
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23rd October 2011, 07:13 PM
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Default Re: Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream?

Dear friend,

Books for PSU exam for ECE department:-


Quantitative Aptitude by R. S. Agrawal Publisher S. Chand

Guide to NTPC Electronics Engineering by GK Publishers


Bsnl Junior Telecom Officers Examination
ISBN: 8174820590

Junior Telecom Officers: Jto Sumitra Professionalcareer Series
ISBN: 8176841315

Junior Telecom Officer(JTO) Guide
ISBN: 8178120305

Guide to SAIL Electronics Engineering
G.K. Publications
ISBN NO-9788183552226


Book:Study Guide BHEL Engineer Trainees Electronics And Communication Engineering (Includes Technical And Non Technical Sections)
Author:G K P
Publisher: G. K. Publications Pvt. Ltd.
Language: English


BookRDO (CEPTAM)Sr.Tech. Asst. Electronics & Communication Engg.
Author:G K P
Publisher: Gk Publisher

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29th November 2011, 08:53 PM
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Default Re: Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream?


Name of some of the books I am giving you:

Network Analysis: Van Valkenberg

Network and Systems: D. Roy choudhary

Integrated Electronics:Jacob Milman & C.Halkias, Millman & Grabel

Integrated Circuits:K.R. Botkar

Op. Amps &Linear Integrated Circuit:Gayakwad

Digital Logic & Computer Design:Moris Mano

Signals & System: Oppehum, Willsky & Nacob

Automatic Control System:Benjamin C. Kuo

Control System Engineering:Nagrath & Gopal

Principle of Communication System:Taub & Schilling

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16th December 2011, 12:04 AM
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Default Re: Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream?

In order to crack the public sectors exams the first thing is getting the subjects basics right.You should refer the standard books of the subjects that you have studied.
Actually there are lots of books made for these the public sector exams but not all of them are that helpful.I would suggest you to get the materials from some coaching institutes like MADE EASY, which provides practice materials for the public sector exams.

You can also refer books like GALGOTIA which will be helpful for your preparation.
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16th December 2011, 12:10 AM
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Default Re: Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream?

In order to crack the public sectors exams the first thing is getting the subjects basics right.You should refer the standard books of the subjects that you have studied.
Actually there are lots of books made for these the public sector exams but not all of them are that helpful.I would suggest you to get the materials from some coaching institutes like MADE EASY, which provides practice materials for the public sector exams.

You can also refer books like GALGOTIA which will be helpful for your preparation.
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9th January 2012, 10:09 PM
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Default Re: Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream?

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11th July 2012, 12:01 PM
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Default Re: Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream?

sir, I want to know which books of made easy should i follow to clear the PSUs like SAIL and HPCL
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11th July 2012, 12:04 PM
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Default Re: Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream?

Sir, I am a student of electronics and communication engg. i want to know which books of made easy should i follow to clear psu like SAIL and HPCL
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29th July 2012, 09:40 PM
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Default Re: Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream?

Originally Posted by vaibhav_jain View Post

I have completed my B.Tech in electronics & communication . I want to start my preparation now for PSU exams like NTPC , BEL , SAIL etc , so that I get a chance to clear one of them this year.

Please suggest me the best books from which I can prepare for the PSU exams related to my B.Tech stream.


Vaibhav Jain
There are two part in Every PSU exam

First is Common exam - include Maths, Reasoning, GK & english
Second is of optional subject - in your case ECE

As far as first part is concerned for maths & reasoning you should go for R. S Agarwal
For english you should go for Lucents English books also study the course reader books of class 8, 9 & 10..... Specially of NCERT....
For General Knwoledge you can again for Lucents General knowledge books which includes lot of study material on history, geography, indin constitution, economics, banking which is often asked in PSU examss...
Also you can read various magazine alike competition success, competition reviews, Pratiyogita darpan,

For your Second part you should consult with your seniors & faculties.Here are some books which you can refer:
Guide to NTPC Electronics Engineering by GK Publishers
BSNL JTO: Bsnl Junior Telecom Officers Examination
Junior Telecom Officers: Jto Sumitra Professional career Series

You can also refer sample question papers which will give you an idea of often asked subject, topics, terms, from ECE.
This all will definitely help you in making a blue print for study & preparing for PSU exams.

All The Best.....!
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29th July 2012, 11:54 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
please tell me books for hall exam preparation for b.tech electrical branch.
hi friend,

B.tech PSU's job posts:

In the PSU's companies jobs which are the Government companies which hire the engineering students on the basis of their performance in entrance exam and interview or the Your B.tech degree marks..

POwer Grid etc

these four are the PSU's companies and in which you can apply..

Eligibility for the jobs in PSU's companies:

Educational Qualification: you should be passed the bachelor degree in engineering with atleast 60% marks from any recognized university.

age limit: age must be below the 32 years.

Nationality: indian citizen.

selection process:
1, written test

In the written test syllabus related to your engineering degree subjects and all are the technical questions .

These companies which has been selection the students on the basis of the GATE exam score and interview conducted by the own companies...

You have to apply for these respective companies for the interview in between the dates issues by the respective company..

books for psu exams;

you can read thoroughly your b-tech books
Integrated Electronics:Jacob Milman & C.Halkias, Millman & Grabel.
Communication System: A.Bruu Carlson.
Principle of Communication System:Taub & Schilling.

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9th March 2013, 10:28 AM
Join Date: Feb 2013
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Default Re: Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream?


Best books for preparation for PSU exams related to B.Tech stream

1.Op. Amps &Linear Integrated Circuit:Gayakwad
2.Automatic Control System:Benjamin C. Kuo
3.Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems: Jardon & Balmain, J.D. Kraus
4.Integrated Electronics:Jacob Milman & C.Halkias, Millman & Grabel
5.Network Analysis: Van Valkenberg
6.Digital Logic & Computer Design:Moris Mano
7.Control System Engineering:Nagrath & Gopal
8.Signals & System: Oppehum, Willsky & Nacob

all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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