26th November 2014, 11:04 PM
How to get online part time job
I want to do online part time job but don't know how to do? And also where should apply for it? |
27th November 2014, 12:03 AM
Re: How to get online part time job
It's not that easy to find out the the genuine part time jobs out there from online because out of 10 around 8 will be fake ad's. So, how come we can find the right ones? It's pretty much doing lot of research in Google before getting your hands into the so called "part time jobs" which many websites show via the flashy ad's. There are leading main stream job provider portals like Naukiri, TimesJob, Monster etc. who provide the part time jobs information as one of there sections as well but then it's again not 100% reliable. Very few dedicated job portals available on part time jobs in India and one of the best which is out there now is www.doparttime.com which is a start-up and one of the best upcoming part time job portal as all the jobs posted over there are 100% genuine. Try out yourself to check if you can find the part time jobs which you are interested in. |