15th August 2012, 11:47 PM
How to join Ph.D in Education after completing M.Ed?
i am completed my M.Ed. in 2010 now i am looking forward for my Ph.D. in Education i am interested to work in the area of Educational Technology. so i need suggestions for selecting the topic for my Ph.D.
26th March 2013, 06:50 PM
I have recently heard a lot about Shiv Nadar University...SNU has all the prerequisites of being the right place to pursue your career. if you are good in acads and want to be part of international, research led university…then, I think Shiv Nadar will be good to consider. Moreover, a good academic score will help you get a scholarship too. You can check out their website for more info…here is a help http://www.snu.edu.in/engineering/engineering _postgraduate_programs.aspx and you can contact them on their toll free number 1800-102-1768...Good Luck!
26th March 2013, 06:52 PM
I have recently heard a lot about Shiv Nadar University...SNU has all the prerequisites of being the right place to pursue your career. if you are good in acads and want to be part of international, research led university…then, I think Shiv Nadar will be good to consider. Moreover, a good academic score will help you get a scholarship too. You can check out their website for more info…here is a help http://www.snu.edu.in/engineering/engineering _postgraduate_programs.aspx and you can contact them on their toll free number 1800-102-1768...Good Luck!