29th April 2012, 12:06 AM
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How should I join IIT? What is the procedure?

I am P.S.Srishilesh.My dream is to become a rich man,so my father suggested me to study in IIT,so ,i am also interested in joining that.

Thank u!!!!!!!!1

30th April 2012, 06:41 PM
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Smile Re: How should I join IIT? What is the procedure?

Originally Posted by srishilesh View Post
I am P.S.Srishilesh.My dream is to become a rich man,so my father suggested me to study in IIT,so ,i am also interested in joining that.

Thank u!!!!!!!!1
Hello Srishilesh,

Your Dad was right in suggesting the The IIT's (Prestigious Colleges in India)
Coming to the Point, its Easy to follow the Procedure for the Admission into the IIT's. Here they go:
  • Clear your 11th and 12th with a Good Percentage. Though they consider only 12th marks in IIT (Eligibility Conditions)
  • Next Just Follow the Procedures given in the Brochure when you pass your 12th std.
  • You can Always refer the JEE Site here for Details.(as in To download the Brochure and Stuff related to last years IIT Papers and data of Preceding JEE Exams)

Nevertheless to become a rich man, one does'nt 've to join only the IIT's or the NIT's dude, it depends entirely on how you take up things in life. All the rich People in this World din't study in the IIT's to get to that Position..

Anyways All the Best for your Venture!


Team Nik
30th April 2012, 10:39 PM
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if you want to get addmission in IIT then you will have to qualify the IIT-JEE entrance exam which you can give after 12th class.

Qualifying Examination:

Candidates applying for JEE 2012 should have either passed after October 1, 2009, or should be appearing in IIT JEE 2012 in any one of the following qualifying examinations...

1. The final examination of the 10+2 system, conducted by any recognized Central/State Board, such as Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi; Council for Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi; etc.
2. Intermediate or two-year Pre-University Examination conducted by a recognized Board/ University.
3. Final Examination of the two-year course of the Joint Services Wing of the National Defence Academy.
4. General Certificate Education (GCE) Examination (London/Cambridge/Sri Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level.
5.High School Certificate Examination of the Cambridge University.
6. Any Public School/Board/University Examination in India or in any foreign country recognized by the Association of Indian Universities as equivalent to the 10+2 system.
7. H.S.C. Vocational Examination.
8.Candidates belonging to General (GE), Other Backward Classes (OBC) and DS categories must secure at least 60% marks in aggregate in their Qualifying Examination. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Physically Disabled (PD) categories must secure at least 55% marks in aggregate in the Qualifying Examination.

A candidate has to satisfy ALL the eligibility conditions given below:

*A candidate can attempt JEE only twice, in consecutive years.
*Candidates should have either passed the qualifying examination in the year of the test or the year previous to it. They should also satisfy the specific eligibility criteria in the qualifying examination.
*Candidates should meet the age requirements given below.

Thank you
all the best
30th April 2012, 10:51 PM
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Default Re: How should I join IIT? What is the procedure?

Originally Posted by srishilesh View Post
I am P.S.Srishilesh.My dream is to become a rich man,so my father suggested me to study in IIT,so ,i am also interested in joining that.

Thank u!!!!!!!!1
Dear Friend,

You want to join IIT Colleges. For that you have to give IIT-JEE having good rank.

At first I want to say that IIT-JEE is one of the most tough exams in India. Many students requires 2 to 3 attempts or even more to crack this exam.

But there are also many students, who can crack this exam in first attempt. If some one really work hard, study hard, engage himself/ herself completely in preparing for IIT-JEE, he/ she must succeed.

1. Always start preparing from 'Basics' because it is really important to have a good base for a right foundation.

2. Never prefer solutions of questions before giving good attempt to the question. Try to solve the problem till you exhausted, always give a second or third attempt to the problem before moving to solution page.

3. Do not leave the question in middle. Never jump from one question to another in hurry. Lots of students practice questions without attempting it fully.

4. Always try a question with Conceptual Approach, do not just read the question and start solving it without realising the points that what is being asked in the question.

5. Divide your time well for your preparation of boards and for your IIT-JEE. So you will not miss anything. Time management is really important to do well in this exam.

6. Always keep the syllabus with you, before preparing the new topic look at the syllabus first.

7. Always try to solve 50-60 problems on per topic or chapter, but try to solve the quality problems which need different applications and concepts to solve the problem.

8. Make your own strategy to crack the exam, rather then following others. Try to learn the fundamentals of the concepts rather then memorising the concepts.

9. Always practice previous year's papers; it will give you the idea about the type of questions asked in the exam, and the level of difficulty of the questions.

10. Always remember that time is really important factor for every exam. Try to finish your paper well before time, so that you will get time to review your answers.

Dont follow too many books, which will confuse you rather. Only follow limited and selected books that suits you well...

The name of some books that can help are as follows.......


1 NCERT Chemistry XI & XII

2 P. Bahadur Physical Chemistry

3 Arihant Prakashan Organic Chemistry

4 O.P. Agarwal IIT Chemistry

5 Ebbing General Chemistry

6 J.D. Lee Concise Inorganic Chemistry

7 R.T. Morrison, R.N. Boyd

8 R.C. Mukhrjee Numerical Chemistry

9 Francis Carey

10 I. L. Finar Organic Chemistry-Vol I

11 Bahal & Bahal Organic Chemistry

12 Sienko & Plane Chemistry Principles & Applications

13 P.W. Atkins

14 Bruce H. Mahan University Chemistry


1 H.C. Verma Concepts of Physics Vol I and II

2 I.E. Irodov Problems in General Physics

3 Halliday, Resnick & Walker Fundamentals of Physics

4 Sears and Zemansky University Physics

5 Nelkon and Parker Advanced Level Physics

6 A.A Pinsky Problems in Physics

7 S.S Krotov Aptitude Test Problems in Physics

8 L.A. Sena A collection of questions and Problems in Physics

9 V.Zubov & V.Shalnov Problem in Physics

10 S.L Loney Elements of Dynamics Part I & II

11 S.L. Loney Dynamics of a Particle & of Rigid Bodies

12 R.P. Feynman The Feynman Lectures on Physics vols 1 & 2

13 Chen, Min Physics Problems w/solutions

14 Tipler Physics Vols I & II


1 R. S. Agarwal Maths XI & XII

2 S.L. Loni Plane Trigonometry Part I

3 S.L. Loni Co-ordinate Geometry

4 Hall & Knight Higher Algebra

5 I.A. Maron Problems in Calculus of One Variable

6 Vectors & 3-D Geometry Arihant Prakashan

7 Vectors Shanti Narayan

8 V Govorov, P.Dybov, N.Miroshin, S.Smirnova. Problems in Mathematics

9 Bernard & Child Higher Algebra

10 Dr. Gorakh Prasad Co-ordinate Geometry

11 K.P. Basu Algebra Made Easy

12 DoroFeev, Patapov Elementary Math's

13 Krechmar Math's

14 G.N. Berman A Problem Book in Mathematical Analysis

15 W. Feller Intro. to Probability & its Applications

16 Calculus J. Edward Thats all from me....

Best of Luck.........
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30th April 2012, 11:01 PM
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Default Re: How should I join IIT? What is the procedure?

to join iit first of all you must have 60% marks in 12th board.
iit conducts a joint entrance exam which you have to give and if you perform well then only you are selected for iit.
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16th June 2012, 02:13 PM
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hi im teena plz guide me to join iit for biotech.Wht are the books ihave to refer to write the ent exam
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2nd July 2012, 01:31 AM
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Arrow Re: How should I join IIT? What is the procedure?

Originally Posted by srishilesh View Post
I am P.S.Srishilesh.My dream is to become a rich man,so my father suggested me to study in IIT,so ,i am also interested in joining that.

Thank u!!!!!!!!1


IIT stands for the Indian Institutes of Technology. This is the BEST Technical Institutions chain in India.

The IIT's conduct the IIT JEE i.e Joint Entrance Examination every year in the month of April every year right after the Class 12th boards are concluded by the CBSE.

The Basic Eligibility Criteria to apply for the IIT JEE Exam are as follows :-

-> You should be 12th pass with over 60% aggregate in Science stream from a recognized or affiliated school to the state or National boards.
-> You should be a clear pass in all the subjects in your board exams.
-> IIT grants only 2 Consecutive attempts per student. 1 after the 12th boards and the 2nd the year after.

So anybody fulfilling the above criteria's is eligible to apply for the Engineering in the IIT for the IIT JEE.

The syllabus for this exam is the comprehensive course which is taught as the Science course in the Classes 11th and 12th together.
So there are many coaching centers for the same and many students join them for the preparations for this exam.

Some of them are : Resonance, Bansal Tutorials, Vidya Mandir Classes, Narayana, PIE, FIIT JEE, Brilliant Tutorials, Allen etc..
You may also join any of these for your preparations.

Now for this year the IIT JEE is already over and so you have to apply your candidature for the next year 2013. For that you have to look out for the forms which are out by November of every year. Take it, fill it and submit it before the last date.
Only if you clear the IIT and rank among the top 10000 students, then you will be called for the counselling. Otherwise not.

Next year you may apply if you have your attempts left.
For any more information on the IIT JEE, Please Click Here.

Hope this helps

All the best

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2nd July 2012, 11:38 AM
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IIT JEE Eligibility Criteria:-

>To sit for this exam it is important for you to secure minimum 60% of marks at 10+2 level
>You can give the exam for two consecutive years. In between you are not allowed to take a year gap.

It is a tough exam to crack therefore you should start preparing for it right from class 11 itself.

Following are the top IIT's in India:-

Indian Institute of technology (IIT) - Kanpur.
Indian Institute of technology (IIT) - Delhi.
Indian Institute of technology (IIT) - Chennai.
Indian Institute of technology (IIT) - Mumbai.
Indian Institute of technology (IIT) - Kharagpur.
Indian Institute of technology (IIT) - Rookee.
Indian Institute of technology (IIT) - Guwahati.
Indian Institute of technology (IIT) - bhubaneswar
Indian Institute of technology (IIT) - hyderabad
Indian Institute of technology (IIT) - gandhinagar
Indian Institute of technology (IIT) - patna
Indian Institute of technology (IIT) - varanasi
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2nd July 2012, 02:16 PM
Nitish Gaur
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Default Re: How should I join IIT? What is the procedure?

Dear friend,
From next year onward there would be a CET(Common Entrance Test) for admissions in IITs, NITs and IIITs. So it will lessen the burden of fulfilling no. of forms for different examinations. And There would be a % threshold required in 12th standard to get admissions in IITs. This move is made to encourage C.B.S.E study.
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5th November 2012, 07:54 PM
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Default Re: How should I join IIT? What is the procedure?

Hello Friend,

Unfortunately now it has become quite hard for students to get admission in IITs .

This is because from the academic year 2013 , the IIT Directors have announced that from the next year the pattern of the examination will be changed as following :

* Only 20% of the students from each state who will secure the marks in 12th and will remain amongst the top 20% toppers of their state will be eligible to apply for the examination.

* The List of top 20 % students will be released by the Central Public Service Commission and respective Boards.

* Amongst the selected 20% students , only 8000 students will be selected to get admission in the IITs as per their rank.

So , prepare quite well for success in IIT.

For more details , you can visit : http://www.iitk.ac.in

Hope the above mentioned will provide you the information you were searching for.

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2nd December 2012, 10:50 AM
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Default Re: How should I join IIT? What is the procedure?

Hi, im ram doing my 12th dis yr..........i hav surplus interest to in iit ... Im in a village so i could nt any classes for it....basically my family status is somewat middle..so dey r much expecting my 12th marks...though im font if joining iit....nd i hv heard dat by cracking in iit would get nice jobs with decent salary....and i want to gossip some things ndi need knw things... So pls gv me rgt suggestion..... nd for rgt thing very much thank u
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22nd January 2013, 11:32 AM
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Default Re: How should I join IIT? What is the procedure?

It is good to know that you are so much interested to get into an IIT.
The most important criteria is choosing PCM in 12th and passing 12th with at least a 60%of marks but if you are aiming for IIT then you should have very good marks.
Then comes the entrance. You have toil hard to get good rank. Key lies in understanding the concepts properly and daily practice on those concepts.
For further information:
You can give the entrance twice for two consecutive years.
You should have passed your boards in the same year as of the entrance or the previous year.
The age limit for JEE is 25 years. For candidates belonging to SC, ST and PD categories, the age limit is 30 years.
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27th May 2013, 03:29 PM
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Thumbs up Re: How should I join IIT? What is the procedure?


I am SRINITHI.My uncle studied in a iit college. He told me evrything about it so i too want to study there.

THANK YOU................
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12th August 2013, 11:07 PM
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Default Re: How should I join IIT? What is the procedure?

i finished my 10th std and joined diplomo so without 12th qualification can i join direct 2nd year in IIT? pls clear my doubt
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20th November 2014, 01:17 PM
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Talking Re: How should I join IIT? What is the procedure?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i finished my 10th std and joined diplomo so without 12th qualification can i join direct 2nd year in IIT? pls clear my doubt
yes friend you iit but 1st year
iit have no later entry
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27th January 2015, 11:29 AM
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Default Re: How should I join IIT? What is the procedure?

iam studying in XI standerd in iiit nuzvid .iam intrested in iit.i would like to join in iit .so what i do to get admission in iit.please clear my doubt.......
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20th May 2015, 10:11 PM
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Default Re: How should I join IIT? What is the procedure?

I have completed 10th in state board syllabus . What are the procedures to join IIT in chennai ?
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21st May 2015, 05:42 PM
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Default Re: How should I join IIT? What is the procedure?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I have completed 10th in state board syllabus . What are the procedures to join IIT in chennai ?
Pursuing engineering from IIT would be the good option as there are a lot of job opportunities in this field.
But, you need to score really high in JEE (after completing 12th) for admission into it. And if, in case, you are unable to make it; then do look for other better universities like: JNU, Jamia Millia, BITS, NIT, Lovely Professional University,....etc.; where you could get better education, exposure, environment, good fee structure and various other facilities.
For more details, just go-through their website.
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