16th May 2015, 09:41 PM
Job opportunities after B.Sc Agriculture in the state of Telangana?
I belong to the state telangana and am studing agbsc 1st year in maharastra .what are the job oppurtunities (govt&private) will i get in my state and in india and do i come under non local categorie for getting job and for msc?
24th May 2015, 01:57 PM
We know very well that Agriculture is the most important sector and the backbone for the Indian Economy.Almost all rural India is totally dependent on agricultural employment and its allied activities like fisheries,poultry,animal husbandry and diary. As India is a primarily an agricultural country,its growth and development of Indian economy mainly depends on agriculture and its related growth so this branch has an enormous potential.
After such course you can be in areas/departments like- - Government organizations - Public sector organizations, - Agribusiness firms, - Food processing - Retail industry, - Research organizations and Laboratories, - Banks and Financial corporations, - Sales and Management, Also, one thing you need to make sure for the government jobs- >> For the Central department jobs whose exams are conducted by the UPSC, there is no meaning of states, there is only one name INDIA. It doesn't matter in which state you used to live or from which state you are pursuing your bachelors. >> But yes, if you give the exams of different states then definitely they give preference to their candidates. For different PSC's, you should have domicile to apply for that sate post. |