14th December 2010, 07:40 PM
Last year solved AIEEE question paper?
please send me the last year solved AIEEE paper. i want to prepare for aieee.please send as earlier as possible.
15th December 2010, 12:42 AM
You can download the AIEEE last year paper from the attachment
The paper is given by FIITJEE institute |
15th December 2010, 12:46 AM
You can download the last year solved paper of AIEEE from the following link: http://www.cbseguess.com/aieee/papers/index.php |
15th December 2010, 01:03 AM
Hello dear
here i am providing you link for 10 years solved papers http://questionpaper.in/QuestionPaper.aspx?bn=4&id=40 please access the link to download papers good luck |
15th December 2010, 10:25 AM
Last year qus papers are available at market so you buy at your nearer book shop.
or you can downloa these papers from the website http://www.cbseguess.com/aieee/papers/index.php or http://questionpaper.in/QuestionPaper.aspx?bn=4&id=40 |
15th December 2010, 10:57 AM
you can get it from the official site of AIEEE and also you can get the paper which is given by FIITJEE institute .there are many institutes where you can get if i.e. from Resonance career institute which will provide very good papers for practice.........
15th December 2010, 03:32 PM
You can get the copy of solver AIEEE question papers in different online websites. There are many dedicated sites over the internet which offers these services. Another option is to purchase question paper booklets from book stores which will have last year’s question papers along with its answer keys.
15th December 2010, 05:44 PM
hello friend the best u can get from the book aieee explorer from mtg
which contains not only last but even more previous years papers |
15th December 2010, 08:23 PM
hello friend,
for Last year solved AIEEE question paper go through this link: http://www.sriraj.org/career/solved-...-2002-to-2008/ good luck.... |
15th December 2010, 11:17 PM
![]() Quote:
this site would help you a lot i am giving you the link just you need to click it. for chemistry solved 2010 AIEEE paper:- http://www.cbseguess.com/aieee/paper.../chemistry.php for Physics solved 2010 AIEEE paper:- http://www.cbseguess.com/aieee/papers/2010/physics.php for Maths solved 2010 AIEEE paper:- http://www.cbseguess.com/aieee/paper...athematics.php even you can have lots of previous year papers too. |
16th December 2010, 08:01 AM
you get the previous year question solved paper on the book store . contact the nearest book store and buy it. it is helpful for you preparation. or you can get it on the net. thanking you.
18th December 2010, 02:12 PM
SORRY THIS IS NOT LAST YEAR PAPER BUT IT IS ONLY A SMPLE PAPER IHOPE IT WILL HELP FULL FOR YOU Sample Paper AIEEE Sample Question Papers 01Way 2 Freshers Sample Paper AIEEE Sample Question Papers – BOTANY (Contd.) 03 Botany (contd.) 25. Crossing over is an exchange of genetic material between nonsister chromatids of a bivalent during (A) Meiosis I (B) Meiosis II (C) Mitosis (D) All of the above 26. Who among the following said that the percentage of A + G equals 50% and the percentage of T + C equals 50% ? (A) Hershey and Chase (B) Jacob and Monad (C) Griffith and Niescher (D) None of the above 27. Biologists who study the sequence of organisms in the fossil record are (A) Systematists (B) Taxonomists (C) Paleobiologists (D) None of the above 28, The cretaceous period, during which flowering plants appeared,occurred approximately (A) 280 million years ago (B) 135 million years ago (C) 1,35 billion years ago (D) 80 milliol1 years ago 29. Bacteria that must have organic molecules both for energy and as a source of carbon are called (A) Chemoautotrophs (B) Photohetrotrophs (C) Photoautotrophs (D) Chemoheterotrophs 30. In allopatric speciation, the initial barrier to gene flow is (A) Ecological (B) Postzygotic (C) Geographic (D) None of the above 31. Saffron is obtained from (A) Dried stigma of Crocus plant (B) Dried flower of Papaver somniferum (C) Dried flower of rose (D) None of the above 32. The correct statement(s) for photosynthesis is/are (A) It provides food either directly or indirectly for most living things (B) It produces oxygen (C) It provides energy to create today’s fossil fuels (D) All of the above are correct 33. Cladode is found in (A) Asparagus (B) Opuntia (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Hydrilla 34. Which of the following plants yielc!s the drug ‘ephedrine’ ? (A) I Saraca indica (B) Terminalia arjuna (C) Adhatoda vasica (D) None of the above Chemistry 1. The separation energy of the electron, present in shell n = 3 is 1.51 eV. What is the energy in the first excited state? (A) – 1.51 eV (B) – 3.4 eV (C) + 1.51 eV (D) – 13.6 eV 2. If the electron is present in the n = 5 level, how many lines would be observed, in case of H- atom ? (A) 10 (C) 7 (B) 5 (D)4 3. Total number of moles of electrons in one mole of K 2 Cr 2 0 7 will be (A) 142 (C) 140 (B) 86 (D) 100 4. ? = X A – X B = 2. What is the percent ionic character for a covalent molecule A – B ? (A) 46 (B) 50 (C) 20 (D) 30 5. If Y = then y will show the maximum value for the compound (A) Rbl (C) RbF (B) Lil (D) LiF 6. Three fold symmetrical axis is associated with the molecule (A) NH 3 (B) C 2 H 4 (C) CO 2 (D) S0 2 7. K c for the reaction 2NaHCO 3(S) Na 2 CO 3(S) + CO 2(g) + H 2 O (g) is (A) K c = [Na 2 CO 3 ] [NaHCO 3 ] 2 (B) K c = [Na 2 CO 3 ] [CO 2 ] [H 2 O] [NaHCO 3 ] 2 (C) K c = [CO 2 ] [H 2 O] (D) K c = PCO 2 X PH 2 O ,. 8. A substance whose initial concentration is ‘a’ reacts according to zero order kinetics. The time required for completion will be (A) a Physics 1. The velocity with which a projectile must be fired so that it escapes earth’s gravitation does not depend on (A) Mass of the earth (B) Mass of the projectile (C) Radius of the projectile’s orbit (D) Gravitational constant 2. The maximum distance upto which TV transmission from a TV tower of height h can be received is proportional to- (A) h 1/2 (B) h (C) h 3/2 (D) h 2 ans:A 3. In short wave communication waves of which of the following frequencies will be reflected back by the ionospheric layer having electron density 10 11 per m -3 ? (A) 2 MHz (B) 10 MHz (C) 12 MHz (D) 18 MHz ans:B Botany 1. Which of the following is/are form(s) of passive transport? (A) Facilitated diffusion (B) Simple diffusion (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of the above 2. During Hatch-Slack pathway CO 2 is fixed in the (A) Chloroplast of bundle sheath cells (B) Mitochondria (C) Ribosomes (D) None of the above 3. Chromosomes with median centromere and equal arms are termed (A) Telocentric (B) Acentric (C). Metacentric (D) Submetacentric 4. Puffs in salivary gland chromosomes represent the site of (A) RNA synthesis (B) Protein synthesis (C) DNA replication (D) All of the above 5. Lead is mainly considered (A) Smoke and smog (B) Air pollutant (C) Soil pollutant (D) Water pollutant 6. Which one of the following is a pseudocereal ? (A) Oryza sativa (B) Fagropyrum esculentum (C) Triticum aestivum (D) Zea mays 7. Some cucurbits are bitter in taste because of tbe presence of- (A) Tartaric acid (B) Proteins in lower quantity (C) Starch in high quantity (D) Tetracyclic triterpenes 8. The percentage ratio of natality over mortality is called- (A) Vital index (B) Biological clock (C) Senescence (D) Density-volume 9. Uneven thickening on the wall of collenchyma is found due to the deposition of (A) Cutin (B) Chitin (C) Curcumin (D) Cellulose and pectin 10. Population with adjacent geographic ranges is called (A) Allometry (B) Sympatric (C) Allopatric (D) Parapatric 11. Which of the following essential amino acids is not found in corn meal? (A) Alanine (B) Glutamic acid (C) Glycine (D) Tryptophan Botany (contd.) 25. Crossing over is an exchange of genetic material between nonsister chromatids of a bivalent during (A) Meiosis I (B) Meiosis II (C) Mitosis (D) All of the above 26. Who among the following said that the percentage of A + G equals 50% and the percentage of T + C equals 50% ? (A) Hershey and Chase (B) Jacob and Monad (C) Griffith and Niescher (D) None of the above 27. Biologists who study the sequence of organisms in the fossil record are (A) Systematists (B) Taxonomists (C) Paleobiologists (D) None of the above 28, The cretaceous period, during which flowering plants appeared,occurred approximately (A) 280 million years ago (B) 135 million years ago (C) 1,35 billion years ago (D) 80 milliol1 years ago 29. Bacteria that must have organic molecules both for energy and as a source of carbon are called (A) Chemoautotrophs (B) Photohetrotrophs (C) Photoautotrophs (D) Chemoheterotrophs 30. In allopatric speciation, the initial barrier to gene flow is (A) Ecological (B) Postzygotic (C) Geographic (D) None of the above 31. Saffron is obtained from (A) Dried stigma of Crocus plant (B) Dried flower of Papaver somniferum (C) Dried flower of rose (D) None of the above 32. The correct statement(s) for photosynthesis is/are (A) It provides food either directly or indirectly for most living things (B) It produces oxygen (C) It provides energy to create today’s fossil fuels (D) All of the above are correct 33. Cladode is found in (A) Asparagus (B) Opuntia (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Hydrilla 34. Which of the following plants yielc!s the drug ‘ephedrine’ ? (A) I Saraca indica (B) Terminalia arjuna (C) Adhatoda vasica (D) None of the above Chemistry 1. The separation energy of the electron, present in shell n = 3 is 1.51 eV. What is the energy in the first excited state? (A) – 1.51 eV (B) – 3.4 eV (C) + 1.51 eV (D) – 13.6 eV 2. If the electron is present in the n = 5 level, how many lines would be observed, in case of H- atom ? (A) 10 (C) 7 (B) 5 (D)4 3. Total number of moles of electrons in one mole of K 2 Cr 2 0 7 will be (A) 142 (C) 140 (B) 86 (D) 100 4. ? = X A – X B = 2. What is the percent ionic character for a covalent molecule A – B ? (A) 46 (B) 50 (C) 20 (D) 30 5. If Y = then y will show the maximum value for the compound (A) Rbl (C) RbF (B) Lil (D) LiF 6. Three fold symmetrical axis is associated with the molecule (A) NH 3 (B) C 2 H 4 (C) CO 2 (D) S0 2 7. K c for the reaction 2NaHCO 3(S) Na 2 CO 3(S) + CO 2(g) + H 2 O (g) is (A) K c = [Na 2 CO 3 ] [NaHCO 3 ] 2 (B) K c = [Na 2 CO 3 ] [CO 2 ] [H 2 O] [NaHCO 3 ] 2 (C) K c = [CO 2 ] [H 2 O] (D) K c = PCO 2 X PH 2 O ,. 8. A substance whose initial concentration is ‘a’ reacts according to zero order kinetics. The time required for completion will be (A) a |