27th August 2010, 04:22 PM
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Which line should a commerce student choose for best career option in Himachal Pradesh?

i have done master in business economics ,m.com,P.G.D.C.A.Plz tell me which line is best for me for carrer poin of view in himachal pradesh.

2nd May 2012, 12:05 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 175
Default Re: Which line should a commerce student choose for best career option in Himachal Pradesh?

Structure of Himachal Pradesh - Combined Pre-Entrance Test-B.Tech

The admission for the Engineering in Himachal Pradesh University is on the basis of a written test called Himachal Pradesh Combined Pre-Entrance Test- B Tech. The test containts questions of objective type format. There are 200 multiple choice questions are in the test which should be completed within three hours. The question paper includes questions from four different sections. The test is mainly to evaluate the candidates’ subject knowledge in English, Physics, mathematics and Chemistry in the plus two classes. Those who pass the written test will be included in the merit list and finally selected for the B Tech courses.

Syllabus for Himachal Pradesh - Combined Pre-Entrance Test-B.Tech

The Himachal Pradesh - Combined Pre-Entrance Test-B Tech is a written test with only one paper of 200 questions from four different sections. The syllabus for the test is given below.

Section 1: English (50 Questions)

Section 2: Physics (50 Questions)

Section 3: Chemistry (50 Questions)

Section 4: Mathematics (50 Questions)

Eligibility Criteria

The candidates must have to fulfill some eligibility conditions for applying for the Himachal Pradesh - Combined Pre-Entrance Test-B Tech. Candidates must have completed their Higher Secondary Examination or equivalent examination with minimum 60% marks from a recognized board/university in Himachal Pradesh. The candidates must studied Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English subjects in their plus two classes. The candidates must be a resident of Himachal Pradesh State.

How to Apply?

The application form for Himachal Pradesh - Combined Pre-Entrance Test-B Tech exam can be purchased directly from the National institute of Technology in Hamirpur against the payment of the requisite fee. The cost of the application fee for the candidates under general category is Rs.500/- and Rs.300/- for the SC/ST candidates. The candidates can receive the application form by post by sending a letter and a demand draft of Rs.550/- in the name of Director of Himachal Pradesh University.

How to fill the Form?

The form should be filled using the guide lines in the hand book get along with the application form. The candidates need to handle the form with proper care. Any error in the form may lead to the rejection of the application form. The photograph of the candidates should be pasted in the relevant column in the application form. The signature of the candidates must be put in the column provided for it. Make sure not to staple or fold the form. Also do not attach any documents to the form. The candidates should ensure that the filled form reaches the concerned authority by the due date. The form should be send by hand or by registered post or speed post.

Important Dates (Tentative)

Sale of handbook of information: From the Third Week of April, 2012

Last date for receipt of by hand or by post: First Week of May, 2012

Date of Himachal Pradesh - Combined Pre-Entrance Test-B Tech: Second Week of June, 2012

Result of Himachal Pradesh - Combined Pre-Entrance Test-B Tech: First Week of July, 2012

List of Himachal Pradesh - Combined Pre-Entrance Test-B.Tech centres

Himachal Pradesh University Campus, Shimla 5
NIT, Hamirpur
Govt. College, Hamirpur
Government College Dharmashala
Government College, Mandi
Contact Address for the Himachal Pradesh - Combined Pre-Entrance Test-B Tech

National Institute of Technology
Hamirpur, Pin-177 005
Himachal Pradesh, India
Website: www.nitham.ac.in
Colleges Accepting the Himachal Pradesh - Combined Pre-Entrance Test-B.Tech score

Green Hills Engineering College
Iitt College of Engineering & Technology
Institute of Engineering & Emerging Technologies
National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur
University Institute of Information Technology
Reference Books for Himachal Pradesh - Combined Pre-Entrance Test-B.Tech

A Communicative Grammar of English by Geoffrey Leech
MHT-CET Chemistry Complete Reference Manual by Editorial Compilation
A Problem Book in Mathematical Analysis by G.N. Berman
General Chemistry by Ebbing
Organic Chemistry by Arihant Prakashan
MHT-CET Physics Complete Reference Manual by Editorial Compilation
Aptitude Test Problems in Physics by S.S Krotov
Advanced Level Physics by Nelkon and Parker
30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary by Wilfred Funk and Norman Lewis
IIT Chemistry by O.P. Agarwal
A collection of questions and Problems in Physics by L.A. Sena
Higher Algebra by Bernard & Child, Algebra Made Easy by K.P. Basu
Elements of Dynamics Part I & II and Dynamics of a Particle & of Rigid Bodies by S.L.Loney
Concepts of Physics Vol I and II by H.C. Verma
Business English and Communication by Clark Problems in Physics by A.A Pinsky
Physical Chemistry by P.Bahadur
Coaching Centres for Himachal Pradesh - Combined Pre-Entrance Test-B Tech

Access Education
Wisdom Mart
Heirank School of Competitions
Career Point
Sahil Study Circle
Giraffe Learning
Guru Dronacharya
Oasis Education Services
Sachdeva College
Brilliant Tutorials Pvt. Ltd.
Elite Academy
Engineers Study Circle
Bulls Eye Knowledge Systems
PT Education
Aakash Institute
AGG Group of Institutes
Emphatic Result Academy
Career Plan
Institute of Management Studies
Achievers Point Knowledge Systems Pvt. Lt
Besant Raj International Ltd
Nodnat Educational Services
Test Merit
Study Plan

The candidates have an idea about the time available and the topics needed to be covered for the exam. Then the candidates develop a study plan according to that. The most important thing is to use the available time more effectively. Select a best Study time and study place by the candidates for the preparation. Be familiar with the topics need to be completed. Then only they can identify the most difficult and easy portions. Try to conduct mock tests at the end of the week and it is the method of evaluating the candidates’ knowledge. Take regular breaks within the study time. Do not be tensed before the time of the exam. It makes them forget all the covered topics. So attempt the exam with a relaxed mind.

How and Where To Get the Results?

The candidates have to use the official website of NIT for getting the result of Himachal Pradesh - Combined Pre-Entrance Test-B Tech www.nitham.ac.in.

Score Validity

The Himachal Pradesh - Combined Pre-Entrance Test-B Tech exam score will be valid for one year.


MBBS Colleges in Himachal Pradesh
U.P. P.C.S. Combined Lower Subordinate (Pre.) Exam Papers
List of Medical Entrance Examinations 2010
Engineering Colleges in Himachal Pradesh
HP CPET Coaching Institutes
MBA Colleges in Himachal Pradesh
How to Prepare for the Himachal Pradesh Combined Pre Medical Entrance Test?
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Senior Scale Stenographer, Senior Assistant, Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board
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Clerks, Himachal Pradesh University
For more information on Himachal Pradesh - Combined Pre-Entrance Test 2012 (B.Tech), enter your email a

Read more here: http://entrance-exam.net/himachal-pradesh-combined-pre-entrance-test-2012-btech/#ixzz1tdX9SQ00
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