18th February 2011, 10:32 PM
Physical eligibility criteria for Indian Army?
Can you tell me what is the minimum height requirement for an officer (lieutenant) in the Indian army?
19th February 2011, 01:35 AM
![]() Quote:
The minimum acceptable height is 157.5 cms. for an officer(lieutenant) and the weight & chest should be according to the height and age. best of luck... |
19th February 2011, 04:38 AM
There are two ways of joining Indian Army, as an officer.
1. NDA (after 12th) 2. CDS (after Graduation) The fully explained Physical Standards required to qualify the medical examination of the two examination are attached with this message. Find them into the attachments. |
19th February 2011, 09:56 AM
To join Indian Army, Then You Have to appear in the UPSC examinations.
After Clear the NDA Exams And CDS exams OR SSC exams, You will get a Chance to join Indian Army. But your age Should Between 19.5 to 25 years. Physical Requirements - Hight and Wieght - Minimum height Male - 157 cms, Female - 152 cms Eye Sight - The minimum acceptable standard for distant vision 6/6, 6/9 and should not be colour/night blind. And the full Physical eligiblity are availiable in the official websites. So, please visit the official websites to get more details - http://indianarmy.nic.in/Site/FormTe...D=unEuHm5d5oo= |
19th February 2011, 10:09 AM
Indian army is very famous in all over world.it is known for peace and aggration. If you are intrested to join indian army first you should eligible according to physical criterya.if you are fit in physical criteria you can join indian army. Physical criteria for indian army is attached with it .so download it from here or you can see official website of indian army http://indianarmy.nic.in |
19th February 2011, 10:32 AM
For different regions, physical eligibility criteria is different.
Western Himalayan Region J&K, HP, Punjab Hills (Area South & West of the Inter state Border between HP & Punjab and North and east of road of Mukerian, Hoshiarpur, Garhshankar, Ropar ) , Garhwal & Kumaon regions of Uttranchal. 166cm(height) 48kg(weight) 77cm(chest) Eastern Himalayan Region Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya , Assam , Arunachal Pradesh , Sikkim and Hill Region of West Bengal ( Darjeeling and Kalimpong Districts) 160 48 77 Western Plains Region Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh , Delhi , Rajasthan and Western UP ( Meerut and Agra Division) 170 50 77 Eastern Plains Region Eastern UP, Bihar, West Bengal , Jharkhand and Orissa 169 50 77 Central Region Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Gujarat Maharashtra, Dadar, Nagar-Haveli, Daman and Diu 168 50 77 Southern Region Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Goa And Pondicherry 165 50 77 |
19th February 2011, 10:35 AM
There are three ways to get entered to indian army :-
1. NDA--after 10+2 2.UES-- technical entry scheme i.e direct entry for B.Tech. pre final and final year students 3.CDS-- This is for graduates Other common eligibilities are mentioned in following:- 1. http://joinindianarmy.nic.in/inner.a...nu_id=160&id=1 2. http://indianarmy.nic.in/Site/FormTe...D=unEuHm5d5oo= FOR MORE DETAILS ON INDIAN ARMY AND OTHER DEFENCE SERVICE CHECK OUT THE FOLLOWING LINK:- http://joinindianarmy.nic.in/ |
19th February 2011, 11:46 AM
You can join Indian Army as an officer in three ways. 1. Through CDS entry 2. Through NDA exam 3. Through UES entry(Only for the engineering candidates) In all of the above entry scheme the minimum acceptable height is 157.6 cm. For the candidates belonging to hills of North Eastern region of India, Garhwal and Kumaon, the minimum acceptable height will be 5 cm less. For the candidates of Lakshadweep, the minimum acceptable height can be reduced by 2 cms. The weight should be proportional to height. The height weight proportionality is shown below. Height(in cm) Weight in Kgs. 16-17 years 17-18 years 18-19 years 152 42.5 44 45 155 43.5 45.3 47 157 45 47 48 160 46.5 48 49 162 48 50 51 165 50 52 53 167 51 53 54 170 52.5 55 56 173 54.5 57 58 175 56 59 60 178 58 61 62 So you can measure your height and weight proportionality from the above the table. For more information related to the other eligibility criteria of Indian Army you can visit the official web site of Indian Army. www.indianarmy.nic.in GOOD LUCK 180 60 63 64.5 183 62.5 65 66.5 |
19th February 2011, 12:16 PM
Indian army is a good option for serving country and earning money. indian army is well known all over the world.some physical criterya are establised by army candidate who want to army first pass these physical criteria. The physical measurement stds reqd for various regions for enrolment in various cats are as given below. Minimum physical stds would not be accepted as a matter of course. Efforts should be made to recruit persons with physical stds higher than the stipulated minimum. States Sol GD & Tdn Ht Cm Chest Cm Wt Kg Western Himalayan J&K, HP, Punjab Hills (Area South and West of the Inter State Border between Himachal Pradesh and Punjab and North and East of Road Mukerian, Hoshiarpur Garh Shankar, Ropar and Chandigarh) Garhwal and Kumaon. 166 77-82 48 Eastern Himalayan Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Assam, Meghalaya and Hill region of West Bengal (Gangtok, Darjeeling and Kalimpong Districts). 160 77-82 48 Western Plains Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Rajasthan and Western UP (Meerut and Agra Div). 170 77-82 50 Central Plains Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Dadar Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu. 168 77-82 50 Eastern Plains Eastern UP, Bihar, West Bengal and Orissa. 169 77-82 50 Southern Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Goa and Pondichery. 166 77-82 50 Special Physical Standards Ladakhis Gorkhas both Nepalese and Indian Tribal of recognised tribal areas 157 157 162 77-82 77-82 77-82 50 48 50 |
19th February 2011, 04:27 PM
dear friend
you will get all the details including eligibility criteria from the official website of Indian Army by visiting the link http://indianarmy.nic.in/Site/FormTemplete/frmTempSimpleWithTenPara.aspx?MnId=9LJs9dxH8Ow=&Pa rentID=J/DxE9ZScS8= all the best |
19th February 2011, 07:01 PM
The Physical Eligibility Criteria for Indian Army depends on the region from where a candidate belongs.
So For the Physical Eligibility criteria of your region click on the link of the official website of Indian Army which is as follows: http://indianarmy.nic.in/Site/FormTemplete/frmTempSimpleWithThreePara.aspx?MnId=a2p9xVdJkr8=& ParentID=G+0mK8DeGyw= |
19th February 2011, 08:08 PM
u tell me first that for which post u want to be eligibility criteria ..also u want after b.tech than u must have 165cm height mini and 21 year minimum age and 6/6 eyeside with glasses.
20th February 2011, 03:34 PM
freind hi,
]--the minimum eligibility for army selection is .. --you should be 12th pass....ie. should be at-least 17yrs old..... --so try for it when you cross 17th or your 12th standard board exams.... ]--) you can...... 1)join it as an sipahi after completing your 10th. 2) write the NDA exam after 12th and can become an officer . 3) write the CDS exam after completing your diploma or degree. --Physical Standards : The applicant should fulfill the following physical standards - Height should be 167 cms. Weight should be 50 kgs. Chest should be 77/82 cm. The general health should be free from all the communicable, infectious disease, medical or surgical deformities. all the best |
3rd March 2011, 11:32 AM
hello friend
the age limit for cds exams are: Indian Military Academy 19-24 Years Air Force Academy 19-23 Years Naval Academy 19-22 Years Officers’ Training Academy 19-25 Years |
3rd March 2011, 03:22 PM
In India, army is the most important part of defence. To join Indian Army you have to fight Civil Defence Services exams i.e. CDS and NDA exams. Both CDS and NDA exams are conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission). Educational Eligibility For Indian Army - A candidate pass 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry & Maths with minimum 50 % aggregate marks from a regonised board. Age Eligibility For Indian Army - 16 Years to 21 Years. Physical Eligibility For Indian Army - A candidate should be physically and mentally fit. 1. Eye Sight = 6/6, Height 2. Height = 167 cms, 3. Weight: 50 Kg 4. Chest: 77 cm (Normal) / 82 cm (Expanding) Procedure to Join Indian Army - ( 5 Stages ) 1. Written test, 2. Physical tests, 3. Medical tests, 4. Group tests and 5. Personal Interview. For more details & updated information visit Indian Army official website i.e. www.indianarmy.nic.in Good Luck |
3rd March 2011, 05:49 PM
IF YOU WANT to join INDIAN ARMY then there are many ways you can join
in TES AND UES ENTRY height does not matter much it will ok if you are around 170-175 cm but in NDA and CDS it matter : i have attached the files which will help you to know everything about physical need in INDIAN ARMY |
10th March 2011, 01:58 AM
hello friend
the age limit for cds exams are: Indian Military Academy 19-24 Years Air Force Academy 19-23 Years Naval Academy 19-22 Years Officers’ Training Academy 19-25 Years THIS IS DETAIL AGE FOR PH CANDIDATE............... |
1st April 2011, 12:31 AM
i have 70 kg,19 year old,176 cm height. i can run, climb on trees, i can do everything. i am also work out in gym. sir can i join in Indian army?
11th April 2011, 05:42 PM
hi dear
To join Indian Army, Then You Have to appear in the UPSC examinations. After Clear the NDA Exams And CDS exams OR SSC exams, You will get a Chance to join Indian Army. But your age Should Between 19.5 to 25 years. Physical Requirements - Hight and Wieght - Minimum height Male - 157 cms, Female - 152 cms Eye Sight - The minimum acceptable standard for distant vision 6/6, 6/9 and should not be colour/night blind. And the full Physical eligiblity are availiable in the official websites. So, please visit the official websites to get more details - http://indianarmy.nic.in/Site/FormTe...D=unEuHm5d5oo= thanks |
22nd September 2011, 05:02 PM
You join Indian Army Throw CDS exam(Combined Defence Service Exam) which conducted by upsc(union public service commission),UES (University Entry Scheme) it is only for engineering student, And NDA(National Defence Academy). In all Scheme the Minimom Height is 157.6 .The weight should be proportional to height. Height and Weight given below:- :Height/Weight Standards for Male Candidates: Height (in cm) - Weight (in kg) 18 year 20 year 22 year 152 44 46 47 155 46 48 49 157 47 49 50 160 48 50 51 162 50 52 52 165 52 53 56 168 53 55 57 170 55 57 58 173 57 59 60 175 59 61 62 178 60 62 63 So you mention your height and weight. "BEST OF LUCK" |
28th September 2011, 10:35 PM
my dear friend
actually the minimum height for the post of lieutent post id 157.5cm .so coming to weight 60 kgs not exceed 60 kgs and coming to cheast as per height and weight they will decided the cheast good luck |
1st December 2011, 09:38 AM
Sub: Army Medical Board
Hi, I have a mild tooth decay which is at the starting stage. Is that acceptable in Medical board or can I do a Permanent filing? Does the permanent filling is admissible in the medical test? Please reply me soon bcos I have an appointment with the dentist tomorrow and I'm leaving for SSB day after tomorrow. Please feel free to mail me at maddy.stc@gmail com. Regards, ARUN |
1st December 2011, 11:10 PM
Medical Standards :-
(a) A candidate should have robust physique and good mental health. (b) Chest should be well developed having minimum 5 Cms expension. (c) Should have normal hearing with each ear and good binocular vision in both eyes. He should be able to read 6/6 in distance vision chart with each eye. Colour vision should be CP-III. (d) Should have sufficient number of natural healthy gum and teeth i.e. minimum 14 dental points. (e) Should not have diseases like deformity of bones, hydrocele and varicocle or piles. (f) Should recognize red and green colours. for physical fitness eligibility log on to the following website: http://indianarmy.nic.in/ |
2nd December 2011, 11:55 AM
![]() Quote:
Hey friend, Indian army is one of the defence force of India There are many entrance exams which you could opt with respect to your qualification,as you need to satisfy the eligibility criteria for the respected exam in which you are applying for. As regarding the physical standards,you must be physically fit while appearing for the exam for joining in Indian Army as it is a defence force,for which you need to fit. Physical Standard for Indian Army: ![]() ALL THE BEST |
2nd December 2011, 02:10 PM
Physical Eligibility Criteria for Indian Army
1.Height : The height of the candidate must be minimum 165 cm 2.Weight : The weight of the candidate must be minimum 60 Kg 3.Eyesight : The eyesight of the candidate shold be 6/6 and should not have any color blindness 4.Age limitation : The age of the candidate must be within 16.5 to 19 years. For more details you can see these attachments below : |
2nd December 2011, 08:03 PM
Their are two exam to join Indian Navy as officer,that are
>>NDA exam >>CDS exam This two exam are conducted by UPSC every year twice,and the purpose to recruit the student is also same,that is to take qualified student into different defense services like >>Indian Air Force Academy >>Indian Navy Academy >>Indian Army Academy But the difference is only the eligibility criteria for the exam. Eligibility criteria for NDA exam: Education qualification: For Indian Air Force Academy:You should have complete 12th class with any stream from a recognized university with 55% marks For Indian Army Academy:You should have complete 12th class with any stream from a recognized university. Age Limit: Age should be between 16 1/2 19 years. Physical Limit: Height should be min 152 cm Weight should be height/3.57,3.40,3.38 ie (152/3.57=42.5, 152/3.40=44.70 152/3.38=45)... Divide by 3.57 for 16-17 year,3.40 is 17-18 year,3.38 is 18 to 19 year Eye should be 6/6 6/9. Eligibility criteria for CDS exam: Educational Qualifications: For Indian Army : You should have a degree from a recognized University or equivalent. For Indian Navy: You should have complete B.Sc. with Physics and/or Mathematics or Bachelor of Engineering. For Indian Air Force: You should have complete B.Sc. of a recognized University or equivalent with Physics and/or Mathematics as subjects or Bachelor of Engineering. Age limit: For Indian Army (Unmarried male):Your age should be between 19-24 years For Indian Navy (Unmarried male):Your age should be betweeb 19-22 years For Indian Air Force (Unmarried male):Your age should be between 19-23 years For more details,then see this attachments. |
3rd December 2011, 01:22 PM
hello friend
To apply for indian army you have to pass your 10th.then you have to be physically fit... you can get the informations regarding the criteriass and vacancies from the official site ..the site is given below www,indianarmy.nic.in the physical eligibility criteria for indian army is given below Physical Eligibility For Indian Army - A candidate should be physically and mentally fit. 1. Eye Sight = 6/6, Height 2. Height = 167 cms, 3. Weight: 50 Kg 4. Chest: 77 cm (Normal) / 82 cm (Expanding) |
18th December 2011, 12:31 AM
hello sir,
right now i'm pursuing BBA in 2nd year. nd i want be a major in indian army. that is possible tell me nd my email id is [email protected] plzzz sir tell me what is the criteria to get be major plzzzz send me |
18th December 2011, 12:34 AM
hello sir,
i'm pursuing BBA nd i want be major in army. plzz tell me what is the criteria to get be a major plzzz tell me sir nd my email id is [email protected] plzzz send me sir |
30th December 2011, 08:52 PM
![]() ![]() NDA [NATIONAL DEFENCE ACADEMY], exam is conducted by the union public service commission UPSC every year. Through this examination, one can apply in all the combatant branches of the INDIAN army , i.e.- 1. Indian Army 2. Indian Air force 3. Indian Navy For appear in this examination, you must possess 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination conducted by a State Education Board or a University. For NAVAL & AIR FORCE WING ,you must have 10+2 with (10th +2) pattern in school education with recognized board and must have physics and mathematics as your passing subjects. The candidates must be a citizen of India. The candidates must be a unmarried male candidate. The candidates must have a age limit of 16 1/2-19 years. There is not any kind of age relaxations are applicable for any reserved category. nda exam pattern- ![]() Physical requirements- ![]() |
30th December 2011, 08:55 PM
![]() ![]() NDA [NATIONAL DEFENCE ACADEMY], exam is conducted by the union public service commission UPSC every year. Through this examination, one can apply in all the combatant branches of the INDIAN army , i.e.- 1. Indian Army 2. Indian Air force 3. Indian Navy For appear in this examination, you must possess 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination conducted by a State Education Board or a University. For NAVAL & AIR FORCE WING ,you must have 10+2 with (10th +2) pattern in school education with recognized board and must have physics and mathematics as your passing subjects. The candidates must be a citizen of India. The candidates must be a unmarried male candidate. The candidates must have a age limit of 16 1/2-19 years. There is not any kind of age relaxations are applicable for any reserved category. nda exam pattern- ![]() Physical requirements- ![]() Thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!!! |
31st December 2011, 06:28 PM
Physical eligibility criteria for Indian army.
•You must have good physical condition. •You must have minimum 152 cm height. •Minimum 78cm chest require. •Your age should be between 16.5 years to 19 years. •Your eye sight should be good. •Your weight should be minimum 50 kg. All the best. |
31st December 2011, 08:24 PM
Age Limit: Age should be between 16 1/2 19 years.. eye sight: he minimum acceptable standard for distant vision 6/6, 6/9 height and weight: Height should be 167 cms. Weight should be 50 kgs. Chest should be 77/82 cm. |
31st December 2011, 09:56 PM
![]() ![]() National Defence Academy Friend , you can appear for the nda examination, which is conducted by the union public service commission UPSC.You have not mention here the your current educational status & stream. Through this examination, one can apply in all the combatant branches of the INDIAN army , i.e.- 1. Indian Army 2. Indian Air force 3. Indian Navy But you must have maths in 12th,. as maths is the core subjects of NDA examination.so, you can appear for the NDA examination. although you can not apply for the NAVAL & AIR FORCE WING, as for apply in these , you must have subject physics & maths in 12th. the age limit for this examination is 16.5-19 years. there is not any age relaxations. You must have indian nationality. you must have marital status unmarried. The candidates must be a citizen of India. Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/physical-eligibility-criteria-indian-army-88611.html#ixzz1i7sPzI6S Exam pattern- ![]() Physical standard- ![]() Thank you!! |
31st December 2011, 10:58 PM
Hi dear.........
The physical status plays an important role in Indian army....... The details are as follows....... ![]() This one is the Eye sight details information.... ![]() Good luck........ |
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