3rd February 2011, 02:39 PM
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Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

Its me ragav,i am a middle class student,i had not yet finished degree,now i am doing B.Tech IT Final year in tamilnadu,i am very eager to join pilot training in india,is there any chance for i became a pilot,is there any institute provide scholarships?

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3rd February 2011, 06:21 PM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 494
Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

well ragav first of all i would like to tell you that pilot training is a costly affair.. as you have told that you are a middle class student..... expenses for pilot training will easily touch 20 lakhs and may well transcend it by a wide margin.
if you are ready for that i'm providing a list of pilot training schools/Flying clubs in south india:;
starting from Tamil Nadu::
1.Madras Flying Club, Chennai Tamil Nadu(gov.)
2.Coimbatore Aviation Training Academy, Coimbatore.Tamil Nadu(gov)
3.Tetra Aviation Academy, Salem,Tamil Nadu(private)
4.Bangalore Aeronautics Technical Services Pvt Ltd., (BATS), Bangalore.Karnataka
5.Govt. Flying Training School, Bangalore Karnataka
6.Kerala Aviation Training Instt. Thiruvananthapuram. Kerala
But if you make it in aviation sector then your risk might pay off,
salaries are in +1lakh to 6lakh and above!!!
3rd February 2011, 07:02 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

4th February 2011, 01:14 AM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

Originally Posted by malai961 View Post
Its me ragav,i am a middle class student,i had not yet finished degree,now i am doing B.Tech IT Final year in tamilnadu,i am very eager to join pilot training in india,is there any chance for i became a pilot,is there any institute provide scholarships?
Dear Ragav;
Greeting for the day;

Now a days pilot training is very expensive,some flight training school provides scholarship but not full.
and To do the job as a pilot is a very long process you will have to take a students pilot license than private pilot license and than commercial pilot license and than Night flying experience and solo flight experience.

I have attached a pdf regarding the full details about which flying school provides scholarship and how much?
And what are the process to become a commercial pilot licence holder.

If you want to became a pilot with full scholarship than you have to join Indian Air Force as a short service commission .
for more detail visit the official website or contact to the given Address:

Indian Air Force
Publicity Cell, AIR HQ, DISHA, Motilal Nehru Marg, New delhi – 110 106
Tel: 011 – 23010231 Extn. 7080
Fax: 011 – 23017918
Website: www.careerairforce.nic.in
Email: [email protected]

Attached Files
File Type: pdf Pilot training scholorship.pdf(116.3 KB, 8591 views)
File Type: pdf deails about how to get commercial pilot licence.pdf(65.3 KB, 557 views)
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16th February 2011, 12:43 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

Originally Posted by malai961 View Post
Its me ragav,i am a middle class student,i had not yet finished degree,now i am doing B.Tech IT Final year in tamilnadu,i am very eager to join pilot training in india,is there any chance for i became a pilot,is there any institute provide scholarships?

Well Raghav,
As you are doing B.Tech IT, You might be having Physics & Mathematics in your 12th Std. which is the basic requirement of CPL.
The CPL is achieved in steps as SPL-> PPl/CPL (incl.200 Hrs flying).

The Ground Instructions for the above would be around Rs.1 Lakh whereas the flying would be anywhere between 7200 to 12000 / Hr. depending on the airplane.

Gaining a CPL wont guarantee you a high paying jobs straightaway. Because there are ATPL holders as instructors in various training school. So if you want to get a CPL, you need patience, and be financially prepared.

Best luck for your career.
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8th March 2011, 12:49 AM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

I am b.tech 1st year student in ME what should i do for become a pilot
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29th March 2011, 02:50 AM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

i am pass out student from pune university and persued degree of BE Mechanical in 2010. I am interested in comercial pilot lisence as i want to be pliot in aviation. My age is 23.5 years. I want to apply for scholarship also because i can afford only 40% of fees or if any loan scheme can also do. How all these things are possible please inform?
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16th April 2011, 01:27 AM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

Applications are invited in the month of January/February from eligible male and female (both

unmarried) Indian citizens for SSC Course for Helicopter Pilots in Flying Branch for the courses

commencing in January and July.

Age limit for IAF Pilots :
19 to 23 years on the 1st of the month of commencement of the course.

Minimum Educational Qualification for IAF Pilots:
BSc {Physics/Maths) 3 years or BE 4 years or BSc (General) 3 years with Physics and Maths.
The candidate should not have failed INS-B/PAB Test earlier.
Should not have been suspended in Flying Training earlier.

Details Regarding Selection Procedure
Interivews Test/ Personality Test All candidates will be required to appear for Pilot Aptitude Battery Test, except those
already qualified previously. All PAB Test qualified candidates will then be required to appear for rest of the Air Force
Selection Board tests comprising of officers Intelligence Test/Psychological/Group Tests and Interview. The total selection

period is approx 5 or 6 days. Candidates finally recommended by the Selection Board will be routed to Medical Examination

which may take another 6 or 7 days. Duration of training is 72 weeks at Air Force Academy.
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16th April 2011, 08:05 AM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

Dear friend;

Now a days pilot training is very expensive,some flight training school provides scholarship but not full.
and To do the job as a pilot is a very long process you will have to take a students pilot license than private pilot license and than commercial pilot license and than Night flying experience and solo flight experience.

I have attached a pdf regarding the full details about which flying school provides scholarship and how much?
And what are the process to become a commercial pilot licence holder.

If you want to became a pilot with full scholarship than you have to join Indian Air Force as a short service commission .
for more detail visit the official website or contact to the given Address:

Indian Air Force
Publicity Cell, AIR HQ, DISHA, Motilal Nehru Marg, New delhi – 110 106
Tel: 011 – 23010231 Extn. 7080
Fax: 011 – 23017918
Website: www.careerairforce.nic.in
Email: [email protected]

Thanks .
good luck!!!!!!!
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12th May 2011, 04:13 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

hi,i am rahul.I have done b.tech after diploma on 10th bases.without doing twelfth.
so may i apply for job as pilot .
please mail me at [email protected].
you can also guide me for any other career option.your views will be very helpful for me
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13th May 2011, 11:58 AM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

good morning, my name is faizal... I'm a 2nd year b.tech. computer science engineering student, from kerala... My dream to be a pilot... i'm crazy about that job... I'd like to fly over the sky... I'm 22.5 years old (16/10/1988)... Is there any chance to fullfill my dream???
E-mail ID: [email protected]
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13th May 2011, 12:03 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

good morning, my name is faizal... I'm a 2nd year b.tech. computer science engineering student, from kerala... My dream to be a pilot... i'm crazy about that job... I'd like to fly over the sky... I'm 22.5 years old (16/10/1988)... Is there any chance to fullfill my dream???
E-mail ID: [email protected]
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25th June 2011, 09:47 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

good evening. this is rahul. im doing my b.tech course in it branch. my dream is to become a pilot. do i have any chance to fulfil my dream? do we have any training courses in hyderabad? what would be the fee for the courses?
email: [email protected]
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3rd July 2011, 08:22 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

dear sir,

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7th September 2011, 07:00 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

Hi friend ,

well there are two way through which you can become a pilot .

-air force :-

you can either take afcat test or through cdse exam.

1.cdse: Combined defence service examination, is conducted by upsc twice every year.


candidate those who have passed there bachelor degree or b.tech and also have studied physics and mathematics at 12th class.
You must be between 19 to 23 years old.


-it is conducted by air force .

You should have 60% marks in your degree and you must have studies physics and maths in class 12th .
You should be between 19 to 23 years of age .

3.the other way is you have to get the commercial pilot license .

Eligibility ::

You must have passed 10+ 2 pass in physics, chemistry and mathematics with minimum of 50% marks.
Your age should be between 18-30 years for cpl

but to get the commercial pilot license you have to get the other two license .

Student’s pilot license
private pilot license

-a career as a pilot is exciting and rewarding. Most of the time, the pilot is carefully monitoring sophisticated computer-controlled automatic flying, navigational and communications systems. Pilots keep in touch with air traffic control and must be prepared to deal with sudden changes in weather and other conditions. Hours of work are irregular but their actual flying time is strictly controlled.

-most pilots work with commercial airlines but there are also some who work for organisations and corporations that have their own aircraft for ferrying personnel from one office location to another and for flying cargo planes and aircraft for overnight delivery services.
Helicopter pilots are used in police work, in supplying offshore oil platforms etc. The indian coast guard, and the armed forces also train or recruit qualified pilots.

All the best…
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8th November 2011, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

i git admission in igrua for pilot training i can pay 10 lakhs i am st category. i need a loan of 20lakhs how can i manage it?
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12th November 2011, 11:25 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

Hi i am mohamed. I am doin btec in me nw. I had pasd my 2 wit phys, chem , maths. Bt in maths i got nly 48 percent. Am i eligible for cpl? I hav got 54 percnt in thoe 3 subjcts together.#
pls reply on [email protected]
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16th December 2011, 03:40 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

how can i join indian air force at the age of 26 yrs wid cpl?
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8th April 2012, 12:42 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

hi i am sampath . i had passed my 12th maths and physics but i got only 50 percent . i am 21age . am i eligible for cpl? but i am so intrested in pilot training i am studying btech it 3rd year
email:[email protected]
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29th April 2012, 09:18 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

sir i am studying ist year btech in aeronutical branch sir all the time i am thinking only about how to become a perfect comertial pilot and by which way i can prepare for it to crash the entrnce exam its my childhood ambition sir one's again show me the right path i am very glad to u...
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16th May 2012, 05:21 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

hi i read in diploma in elct enngg give me process of pilot courses??????
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29th July 2012, 10:52 PM
Join Date: Jul 2012
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

well ragav first of all i would like to tell you that pilot training is a costly affair.. as you have told that you are a middle class student..... expenses for pilot training will easily touch 20 lakhs and may well transcend it by a wide margin.
if you are ready for that i'm providing a list of pilot training schools/Flying clubs in south india:;
starting from Tamil Nadu::
1.Madras Flying Club, Chennai Tamil Nadu(gov.)
2.Coimbatore Aviation Training Academy, Coimbatore.Tamil Nadu(gov)
3.Tetra Aviation Academy, Salem,Tamil Nadu(private)
4.Bangalore Aeronautics Technical Services Pvt Ltd., (BATS), Bangalore.Karnataka
5.Govt. Flying Training School, Bangalore Karnataka
6.Kerala Aviation Training Instt. Thiruvananthapuram. Kerala
But if you make it in aviation sector then your risk might pay off,
salaries are in +1lakh to 6lakh and above!!!
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15th January 2013, 08:34 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

Applications are invited in the month of January/February from eligible male and female (both

unmarried) Indian citizens for SSC Course for Helicopter Pilots in Flying Branch for the courses

commencing in January and July.

Age limit for IAF Pilots :
19 to 23 years on the 1st of the month of commencement of the course.

Minimum Educational Qualification for IAF Pilots:
BSc {Physics/Maths) 3 years or BE 4 years or BSc (General) 3 years with Physics and Maths.
The candidate should not have failed INS-B/PAB Test earlier.
Should not have been suspended in Flying Training earlier.

Details Regarding Selection Procedure
Interivews Test/ Personality Test All candidates will be required to appear for Pilot Aptitude Battery Test, except those
already qualified previously. All PAB Test qualified candidates will then be required to appear for rest of the Air Force
Selection Board tests comprising of officers Intelligence Test/Psychological/Group Tests and Interview. The total selection

period is approx 5 or 6 days. Candidates finally recommended by the Selection Board will be routed to Medical Examination

which may take another 6 or 7 days. Duration of training is 72 weeks at Air Force Academy.

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15th January 2013, 08:35 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

Hi friend ,

well there are two way through which you can become a pilot .

-air force :-

you can either take afcat test or through cdse exam.

1.cdse: Combined defence service examination, is conducted by upsc twice every year.


candidate those who have passed there bachelor degree or b.tech and also have studied physics and mathematics at 12th class.
You must be between 19 to 23 years old.


-it is conducted by air force .

You should have 60% marks in your degree and you must have studies physics and maths in class 12th .
You should be between 19 to 23 years of age .

3.the other way is you have to get the commercial pilot license .

Eligibility ::

You must have passed 10+ 2 pass in physics, chemistry and mathematics with minimum of 50% marks.
Your age should be between 18-30 years for cpl

but to get the commercial pilot license you have to get the other two license .

Student’s pilot license
private pilot license

-a career as a pilot is exciting and rewarding. Most of the time, the pilot is carefully monitoring sophisticated computer-controlled automatic flying, navigational and communications systems. Pilots keep in touch with air traffic control and must be prepared to deal with sudden changes in weather and other conditions. Hours of work are irregular but their actual flying time is strictly controlled.

-most pilots work with commercial airlines but there are also some who work for organisations and corporations that have their own aircraft for ferrying personnel from one office location to another and for flying cargo planes and aircraft for overnight delivery services.
Helicopter pilots are used in police work, in supplying offshore oil platforms etc. The indian coast guard, and the armed forces also train or recruit qualified pilots.

All the best…

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22nd March 2013, 12:19 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

Hello friends, well i have read out whole discussion throughout. Every one has some confusion regarding pilot training, best flying institute in India and overall all questions regarding aviation study. According to my my search out, reading online review in India there is one of the best place for all these questions that is "Chimes Aviation Academy", if any one interested then please visit : Best Flying School in India

Regars & best of luck :-)
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2nd April 2013, 07:24 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

I want to become a commercial pilot, what can I do? I am a 12 student and I score 85% in PCM and I don't have SPL or PPL
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1st September 2013, 03:47 AM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

which colleges are best in abroad for pilot training course and which exam is needed for this purpose??
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11th December 2013, 12:41 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

Hi,i am siddharth,i have completed my 12 with 70% in phy and 50% in maths. Right now i am doing my 1st year B.E in (CSE) and i stay in bangalore. I am from a middle class family. From the childhood days i was crazy about planes and i wanted to become a pilot,can you please give a list of best pilot training collegs in bangalore and total course fees. Plz mail me at [email protected]
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2nd June 2014, 01:07 PM
Join Date: Jun 2014
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

best way is to ask a pilot. I have a contact number of a pilot, captain his name is capt.Sounak his mob no is. 9836519616, he helped me alot to clear my doubts.i hope he will help you people also.
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20th October 2014, 11:13 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

[QUOTE=avishek93;4464866]best way is to ask a pilot. I have a contact number of a pilot, captain his name is Capt.Sounak his mob no is. 08961888506, he helped me a lot He will definetly help you people to clear your doubts.
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27th June 2015, 12:07 PM
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Default Re: Pilot training in India after B.Tech (IT)? Jobs as a Pilot?

Sir I want yo became a poilet sir itsz my dream and am from very poor family guys I want to be a came a poilet which cours i HV to study sir plzz any one inform me plzzzz
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