19th February 2011, 12:17 AM
harsha sai
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Previous year question papers of IIT-JEE

Can you please send me past 32 years' IIT question papers?

19th February 2011, 02:14 AM
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Default Re: Previous year question papers of IIT-JEE

19th February 2011, 04:04 AM
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Default Re: Previous year question papers of IIT-JEE

For previous 32 years question papers of IIT-JEE you should purchase Arihant Publication's

32 years IIT-JEE question bank with solution.

Previous 5 year question papers are attached with this message.

Download them from the attachments.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf JEE 2006 PAPER 1.pdf(113.2 KB, 195 views)
File Type: pdf JEE 2006 PAPER 2.pdf(140.8 KB, 198 views)
File Type: pdf JEE 2007 PAPER 1.pdf(2.81 MB, 156 views)
File Type: pdf JEE 2007 PAPER 2.pdf(2.73 MB, 157 views)
File Type: pdf JEE 2008 PAPER 1.pdf(3.32 MB, 147 views)
File Type: pdf JEE 2008 PAPER 2.pdf(3.11 MB, 161 views)
File Type: pdf JEE 2009 PAPER 1.pdf(3.07 MB, 150 views)
File Type: pdf JEE 2009 PAPER 2.pdf(2.56 MB, 163 views)
File Type: pdf JEE 2010 PAPER 1.pdf(797.3 KB, 184 views)
File Type: pdf JEE 2010 PAPER 2.pdf(1.02 MB, 196 views)
19th February 2011, 11:17 AM
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Default Re: Previous year question papers of IIT-JEE

FOR last year papers check out the following,these are amazing :-



**********ALL THE BEST*************
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19th February 2011, 01:25 PM
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Default Re: Previous year question papers of IIT-JEE

For previous year question papers of iit jee you can purchase either disha publications iit question bank or arihant question bank(arihant will be better). but 32 years questions bank will not very much benefitiary because previously mains question were there and now only objectives are coming, so better follow 10 year question bank.
For downloading previous year iit papers you can visit
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19th February 2011, 02:20 PM
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Default Re: Previous year question papers of IIT-JEE

You can get solutions from 2004 to 2010 at

for more papers u have to buy a book from arihant, mtg, disha publications etc...
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19th February 2011, 03:16 PM
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Default Re: Previous year question papers of IIT-JEE

Originally Posted by harsha sai View Post
Can you please send me past 32 years' IIT question papers?

I attached the previous year question paper of IIT JEE with this message. Please see this attachment and download the previous year paper of IIT JEE.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf IITJEE2010-PAPER-1-solution.pdf(420.8 KB, 80 views)
File Type: pdf IITJEE2010-PAPER-2-solutions.pdf(396.5 KB, 82 views)
File Type: pdf IIT_JEE_2009_Paper1.pdf(6.52 MB, 91 views)
File Type: pdf IIT_JEE_2009_Paper2.pdf(5.52 MB, 85 views)
File Type: pdf iitjee_2007_01.pdf(349.1 KB, 80 views)
File Type: pdf iitjee_2007_02.pdf(387.5 KB, 212 views)
File Type: pdf 2008paper-1.pdf(252.5 KB, 83 views)
File Type: pdf 2008paper-2.pdf(323.5 KB, 75 views)
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19th February 2011, 04:45 PM
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Default Re: Previous year question papers of IIT-JEE

dear friend
you can download IIT-JEE question papers yearwise from the following link
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19th February 2011, 05:45 PM
rahul k
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Default Re: Previous year question papers of IIT-JEE

Previous year question papers of IIT-JEE -

If you Are Interested to get the IIT JEE Previous Year Papers, Then I will Suggest You Just visit the the Given Attach Or Upload Files And download Papers from there, And please keep practice of these papers Regularly, If you really interested to Crack this exams -

For More IIT JEE Exams Papers, Please visit the given Links and Download from There -


Attached Files
File Type: pdf IIT JEE Paper 1.pdf(3.07 MB, 85 views)
File Type: pdf IIT JEE Paper 2.pdf(3.32 MB, 81 views)
File Type: pdf chemistry05.pdf(341.0 KB, 108 views)
File Type: pdf physice05.pdf(269.7 KB, 106 views)
File Type: pdf IIT_JEE_2009_Paper1.pdf(6.52 MB, 83 views)
File Type: pdf maths02.pdf(152.0 KB, 150 views)
File Type: pdf chemistry02.pdf(408.1 KB, 115 views)
File Type: pdf physics02.pdf(664.4 KB, 111 views)
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19th February 2011, 10:43 PM
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Default Re: Previous year question papers of IIT-JEE

here are the attachments of some previous years IIT JEE.

to get the previous 32 years question papers, buy a book from the market.
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20th February 2011, 02:02 AM
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Default Re: Previous year question papers of IIT-JEE

You will get all the previous papers on this link given below.........

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23rd February 2011, 08:00 PM
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Lightbulb Re: Previous year question papers of IIT-JEE

you can download the below attached sample papers.
prepare properly for it.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf IIT JEE 1.pdf(3.07 MB, 77 views)
File Type: pdf IIT JEE 2.pdf(3.32 MB, 98 views)
File Type: pdf IITJEE 2.pdf(396.5 KB, 88 views)
File Type: pdf IITJEE PAPER.pdf(420.8 KB, 82 views)
File Type: pdf JEE.pdf(113.2 KB, 83 views)
File Type: pdf -JEE.pdf(140.8 KB, 106 views)
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24th February 2011, 02:40 PM
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Default Re: Previous year question papers of IIT-JEE

Question 1. (1)In a standing wave,maximum speed of a particle of medium is at antinode.How?
(2)If the two waves are in phase at t=0,they will again be in phase when the first wave has gone through exactly one more cycle than the second.This will happen at time t=T(the period of Beat).Give reason for both statements and explain.

Question 2. if accleration due to gravity at 20m from surface of earth is 9m/s^2.
find aac.due to gravity at 40m below from the surface of earth?
also give justification.

its 9 m/s^2
b/c d=2h
means gravity at d distance below from surface is same as h distance above from surface.

Question 3. From where i can get fitt-jee previous papers for class-x?

Question 4. if a guard is there,guiding the 4 different ways,he aways says "false" about 4 ways i.e. is the way have difficulty or not?find the statement that if u asks to the guard he always says

draw a truth table having 4 statementes e.g. p,q,r,s. by using logical connectives make a statement which is always ture i.e. tuotology.

Question 5. can u sent me iit jee question papers to my email id pls?

Question 6. For a + integer let f n (A) = tan(A/2)(1+sec A)(1+sec 2A)(1+sec 4A).... (1+sec 2 n A) {raised to the power of n} then
1. f 2 (pi/16) = 1
2. f 3 (pi/32) = 1
3. f 4 (pi/64) = 1
4. f 5 (pi/126) = 1

answer : 1, 2, 3, 4

Question 7. bag-a contains 4 white and 5 red balls,bag-b contains 6 white and 7 red balls.what is the probailty of drawing a red ball at random and that ball drawn is from bag-a

Question 8. The locus of the centre of circle which touches (y-1)2+x2=1 externally and also touches x-axis is :
1)x2=4yU(0,y) y<0
3)y2=4xU(0,y), y E R


Question 9. A scooter is traveling on a straight road with the speed of 30km/hr. Behind the scooter there is a car traveling at a speed of 45km/hr. When the distance between them is 7.5km the car gives an acceleration of 15km/hr^2.After what distance and time will the car catch the scooter?

more questions for IIT JEE is available at http://www.gurukulinfo.com/sample-question-papers-previous-years-questions-papers

Question 10. The minimum velocity (in ms-1) with which a car driver must traverse a flat curve of radius 150 m and coefficient of friction 0.6 to avoid skidding is
(a) 60 (b) 30 (c) 15 (d) 25


Question 11. which of the following oxide is neutral?why?


Question 12. In Pottassium atom, electronic energy level is in the following order.
A.4s > 3d
B.4s < 2p
C.4s < 3d
D.4s > 4p

Question 13. Which of thefollowing are amphoteric?why?


Question 14. What is the value of fundamental imaginary power to that of i, Where i is iota ?

Question 15. Give the range of ultrasonic vibration?

A-Less than 20hertz

B-More than 20,000hertz

C-20hertz to 20,000hertz

Answer= C-20hertz to 20,000hertz

Question 16. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources(IUCN),is renamed as what?

1-United Nations Enviroment Programme(UNEP).

2-Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species(CITES).

3-World Conservation Union(WCU).

Answer= 3-World Conservation Union(WCU).

Question 17. In how many ways a lock having two ring combination can be opened ,if each ring has numbers from zero to ten?

Total No of Out comes = 11 x 11 = 121
favourable case = only one no. = 01
Probbility = 1/121

Question 18. There are n locks and n keys.Each lock has one unique key.Find the maximum number of trials required to separate out each lock and its unique key.

since n locks and n keys are used,to seperate these locks and keys with their unique combinations,each key is used n times.Once the correct combination is found for one key,the other key is tried n-1 times.And so the keys and the number of trials are reduced in the form of n!....therefore the correct answer is n! times.

Question 19. If a+b+c=0
find if roots of equation 4ax^2+3bx+2c=0 are:-
(a)real and distinct
(b)real and equal

show the working

Question 20. A passenger who weighs 180 lbs stands on a scale in an elevator. The scales read 190 lbs. The elevator could be
(a) moving upward and increasing its speed
(b) moving upward and decreasing its speed
(c) moving downward and increasing its speed
(d) moving downward at a constant speed

Probably moving upward and increasing in speed since there is a net force on the person greater than their weight.

also explain the questions asked

it is moving upward and accelerating that is increasing the speed .this is because when elevator is going up acceleration changes to (g+a)therefore 180 lbs is changing to 190 lbs

Question 21. A ball is launched from ground level with initial velocity components vox and voy and flies through the air, reaching a maximum height, having a certain time of flight, and reaching a certain range. How will EACH of these 3 quantities change (increase/decrease/unchaged) if we increase vox (but keep voy at its original value)?

Maximum Height-- Time of Flight-- Range
(a) increase increase increase
(b) unchanged unchanged increase
(c) decrease decrease decrease
(d) increase unchanged unchanged
(e) decrease increase unchanged

Changing Vx wouldn only change the range since x/y components are independent, correct?

Question 22. A rock is thrown straight up. It reaches the top of its path and starts to fall back down. It’s acceleration on the way down, neglecting air resistance, is:
(a) greater than when it was at the top of its path.
(b) the same as when it was at the top of its path.
(c) less than when it was at the top of its path.

ans is b

Question 23. Find all angles between 0° and 360° which satisfy the following equation:

(sin x - cos x)² = 2

(sin x - cos x)² = 2
=> sin² x + cos² x - 2sinxcosx = 2
=> 1 - sin 2x = 2
=> sin 2x = -1
=> 2x = 270°
=> x = 135°

Question 24. Prove that the lines joining the midpoints of opposite sides of a quadrilateral bisect each other. (a line or segment bisects another segment if it divides the segment into 2 equal parts) Hint: Let the vertices of the quadrilateral be (0,0), (a,b), (c,d), (e,0)

The vertices are A(0,0), B(a,b), C(c,d) and D(e,0)

Midpoint of AB is (a/2, b/2) and midpoint of CD is [(c+e)/2, d/2]
The midpoint of these two points is [(a+c+e)/4, (b+d)/4]

Midpoint of BC is [(a+c)/2, (b+d)/2] and of AD is (e/2, 0)
The midpoint of these two points is [(a+c+e)/4, (b+d)/4]

Question 25. find the sum of
1/(sinA + sin2A) + 1/(sin2A + sin3A) + 1/(sin3A + sin4A)........to n terms

sin(x) + sin(y) = 2sin((x + y)/2)cos((x - y)/2)
sin(nA) + sin((n + 1)A) =
2sin((2n + 1)A/2)cos(- A/2) =
2sin((2n + 1)A/2)cos(A/2)
? 1/[2sin((2k + 1)A/2)cos(A/2)] =
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . n
{1/[2ncos(A/2)]} ? 1/sin((2k + 1)A/2) =
. . . . . . . . . . . . . k=1

Question 26. Let f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c where a, b, c ? IR. Prove that if f(x) is an integer when x is an integer, then 2a, a + b, c are all integers. Conversely, prove that if 2a, a + b, c are all integers then f(x) is an integer whenever x is an integer.

If f(x) is an integer when x is an integer, then 2a, a + b, and c are integers.


(1) 0 ? Z, therefore, f(0) = c ? Z

(2) 1 ? Z, therefore f(1) = a + b + c ? Z ? 2f(1) = 2a + 2b + 2c ? Z (because Z is closed under multiplication)

(3) 2 ? Z, therefore, f(2) = 4a + 2b + c ? Z

Thus subtracting f(2) - 2f(1) we get that:

2a - c ? Z because Z is closed under addition, but we already know that c ? Z. Therefore, 2a ? Z because Z is closed under addition.

Going back to f(1) = a + b + c = (a + b) + c we know that c ? Z, therefore it must be certainly true that a + b ? Z because Z is closed under addition

Posted By: Singh Is King Answer Count : [1] Post Your Answer
Question 27. for every natural number 'n', prove that:

v(4n + 1) < (vn) + {v(n + 1)} < v(4n + 2)

hence or otherwise, prove that:
[(vn) + {v(n + 1)}] = [v(4n + 1)]

where [x] is the greatest integer not exceeding x.

For every natural number n,
4n² < 4n² + 4n < 4n² + 4n + 1
=> 2n < 2v[n(n+1)] < 2n + 1 (taking square-roots)
=> 4n + 1 < 2n + 1 + 2v[n(n+1)] < 4n + 2 (adding 2n + 1)
=> v(4n + 1) < vn + v(n + 1) < v(4n + 2) (taking square-roots)

Posted By: Singh Is King Answer Count : [2] Post Your Answer
Question 28. Solve for x

[(5 + 2v6)^(y)] + [(5 - 2v6)^(y)] = 10

where y = x^2 - 3

Let 5 + 2v6 = m
=> 5 - 2v6 = 1/m
=> m^y + 1/(m^y) = 10

Let m^y = t
=> t + 1/t = 10
=> t^2 - 10t + 1 = 0

=> t = (1/2) (10 ± 4v6) = 5 ± 2v6
=> m^(x^2 -3) = 5 ± 2v6 = m or m^-1
=> x^2 -3 = 1 or -1
=> x^2 = 4 or 2
=> x = ±2 or ±v2

Posted By: Singh Is King Answer Count : [1] Post Your Answer
Question 29. An experiment is performed to verify Ohm’s law using a resister of resistance R = 100O, a battery of variable potential difference, two galvanometers and two resistances of 106O and 10-3O are given. Draw the circuit diagram and indicate clearly position of ammeter and voltmeter.

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Question 30. A point object is moving with velocity 0.01 m/s on principal axis towards a convex lens of focal length 0.3m. When object is at a distance of 0.4 m from the lens, find
(a) rate of change of position of the image, and
(b) rate of change of lateral magnification of image.

Posted By: Singh Is King Answer Count : [0] Post Your Answer
Question 31. A spherical ball of radius R, is floating in a liquid with half of its volume submerged in the liquid. Now the ball is displaced vertically by small distance inside the liquid. Find the frequency of oscillation of ball.

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Question 32. In a photoelectric setup, the radiations from the Balmer series of hydrogen atom are incident on a metal surface of work function 2eV. The wavelength of incident radiations lies between 450 nm to 700 nm. Find the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectron emitted.
(Given hc/e = 1242 eV-nm).

Posted By: Singh Is King Answer Count : [0] Post Your Answer
Question 33. A small ball of radius ‘r’ is falling in a viscous liquid under gravity. Find the dependency of rate of heat produced in terms of radius ‘r’ after the drop attains terminal velocity.

Posted By: Singh Is King Answer Count : [0] Post Your Answer
Question 34. In Searle’s apparatus diameter of the wire was measured 0.05 cm by screw gauge of least count 0.001 cm. The length of wire was measured 110 cm by meter scale of least count 0.1 cm. An external load of 50 N was applied. The extension in length of wire was measured 0.125 cm by micrometer of least count 0.001 cm. Find the maximum possible error in measurement of young’s modulus.

Posted By: Singh Is King Answer Count : [0] Post Your Answer
Question 35. An ideal diatomic gas is enclosed in an insulated chamber at temperature 300K. The chamber is closed by a freely movable massless piston, whose initial height from the base is 1m. Now the gas is heated such that its temperature becomes 400 K at constant pressure. Find the new height of the piston from the base.

If the gas is compressed to initial position such that no exchange
of heat takes place, find the final temperature of the gas.

Posted By: Singh Is King Answer Count : [0] Post Your Answer
Question 36. Write balanced chemical equation for developing a black and white photographic film. Also give reason why the solution of sodium thiosulphate on acidification turns milky white and give balance equation of this reaction.

When a PHOTOGRAPHIC FILM is treated with HYPO,the AgCl on the film reacts with the Na2S2O3 n forms a complex Na3[Ag(S2O3)] along with NaBr.

Hence the reaction is AgCl+Na2S2O3------->Na3[Ag(S2O3)]+NaBr.

When HYPO is reacted with SULPHURIC ACID,it forms Sodium Sulphate along with Sulphurdioxide and Sulphur along with water.


Is it correct??

Posted By: Singh Is King Answer Count : [1] Post Your Answer
Question 37. An element crystallizes in fcc lattice having edge length 400 pm. Calculate the maximum diameter of atom which can be placed in interstitial site without distorting the structure.

Posted By: Singh Is King Answer Count : [0] Post Your Answer
Question 38. If the cathode is a Hg electrode, the maximum weight (g) of amalgam formed from this solution is

(A) 200
(B) 225
(C) 400
(D) 446

D is correct

Posted By: Singh Is King Answer Count : [1] Post Your Answer
Question 39. Extraction of zinc from zinc blende is achieved by

(A) electrolytic reduction
(B) roasting followed by reduction with carbon
(C) roasting followed by reduction with another metal
(D) roasting followed by self-reduction

B is correct option

Posted By: Singh Is King Answer Count : [1] Post Your Answer
Question 40. STATEMENT-1
In an elastic collision between two bodies, the relative speed of the bodies after collision is equal to the relative speed before the collision.


In an elastic collision, the linear momentum of the system is conserved.

(A) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.

B is correct

Posted By: Singh Is King Answer Count : [1] Post Your Answer
Question 41. STATEMENT-1
A block of mass m starts moving on a rough horizontal surface with a velocity v. It stops due to friction between the
block and the surface after moving through a certain distance. The surface is now tilted to an angle of 300 with the horizontal and the same block is made to go up on the surface with the same initial velocity v. The decrease in the
mechanical energy in the second situation is smaller than that in the first situation.


The coefficient of friction between the block and the surface decreases with the increase in the angle of inclination.

(A) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.

C is correct

Posted By: Singh Is King Answer Count : [1] Post Your Answer
Question 42. STATEMENT-1
If the accelerating potential in an X-ray tube is increased, the wavelengths of the characteristic X-rays do not change.


When an electron beam strikes the target in an X-ray tube, part of the kinetic energy is converted into X-ray energy.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.

B is correct

Question 43. STATEMENT-1
The formula connecting u, v and f for a spherical mirror is valid only for mirrors whose sizes are very small compared
to their radii of curvature.


Laws of reflection are strictly valid for plane surfaces, but not for large spherical surfaces.

(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.

C is correct Answer

Question 44. Consider a neutral conducting sphere. A positive point charge is placed outside the sphere. The net charge on the sphere is then,

(A) negative and distributed uniformly over the surface of the sphere
(B) negative and appears only at the point on the sphere closest to the point charge
(C) negative and distributed non-uniformly over the entire surface of the sphere
(D) zero


Question 45. A ray of light travelling in water is incident on its surface open to air. The angle of incidence is ?, which is less than the critical angle. Then there will be

(A) only a reflected ray and no refracted ray
(B) only a refracted ray and no reflected ray
(C) a reflected ray and a refracted ray and the angle between them would be less than 180° - 2?
(D) a reflected ray and a refracted ray and the angle between them would be greater than 180° - 2?


Question 46. A resistance of 2 O is connected across one gap of a metre-bridge (the length of the wire is 100 cm) and an unknown resistance, greater than 2O, is connected across the other gap. When these resistance are interchanged, the balance point
shifts by 20 cm. Neglecting any corrections, the unknown resistance is

(A) 3 O
(B) 4 O
(C) 5 O
(D) 6 O


Question 47. The largest wavelength in the ultraviolet region of the hydrogen spectrum is 122 nm. The smallest wavelength in the infrared region of the hydrogen spectrum (to the nearest integer) is

(A) 802 nm
(B) 823 nm
(C) 1882 nm
(D) 1648 nm

(B)- Transition from 8 to n = 3 will produce smallest wavelength in infrared region.

Question 48. In an experiment to determine the focal length (f) of a concave mirror by the u–v method, a student places the object pin A on the principal axis at a distance x from the pole P. The student looks at the pin and its inverted image from a
distance keeping his/her eye in line with PA. When the student shifts his/her eye towards left, the image appears to the right of the object pin. Then

(A) x < f

(B) f < x < 2f

(C) x = 2f

(D) x > 2f

B - Due to parallax
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