30th December 2011, 02:13 AM
Previous years IAS prelims and mains question papers?
iam going to appear in IAS examination 2012 for the first time. i have done my graduation in botany also completed MBA iwth HR n FINANACE . sir i dont have any knowledge regarding the exam pattern pls suggest which optional subject should i selectfor prelim n main . pls send me previous 10 years IAS prelims n main question papers with answers. |
30th December 2011, 02:59 PM
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PREVIOUS YEAR MODEL PAPERS OF IAS EXAM I have attached some of the previous year model papers of IAS exam in this post for your reference.. kindly check it over.. hope it helps for your preparation... POINTS TO NOTE : -> To know more about the IAS exam eligibility, optional subjects, qualification etc., watch the video presented by Dr K Subburam, Principal SRM Arts & Science College.. CLICK HERE!!! -> There are lot of sources available in the net as well as in books for IAS preparation.. just try to put your best and hard work then for sure you will clear the exam... -> Also attached some of the other files in support of your preparation.. check it out if needed... -> Any more queries, feel free to leave a post in our forum.. ![]() Quote:
31st December 2011, 10:59 AM
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12th January 2012, 08:36 PM
please sent me previous paper of preliminary exams to my id of.( [email protected])
9th March 2012, 05:18 PM
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6th May 2012, 09:46 PM
My name is sinija...i would like to get the previous preliminary upsc question papers with answers...pls send it to my email id [email protected]
12th May 2012, 09:33 PM
31st May 2012, 07:37 PM
I just completed my inter and joining in Degree(B.Sc) computers.My aim is to become an IAS officer so please kindly help me how to prepare these three years for prelims as well as mains...I'm interested in psychology so can i choose that as my optional?Also suggest me the books required for preparation. Waiting for your valuable answer.... Thank you, Your's sincerely, M.Surya, [email protected] |
3rd June 2012, 04:13 PM
i would like to get the previous preliminary upsc question papers with answers...pls send it to my email id [email protected]. Your's sincerely, Rajinder Singh Rawat. |
29th June 2012, 06:39 PM
Hai sir im Divya priya.v doing 3rd year B.E i waana become an IAS officer could you please guide me....in which part i should concentrate more sir? which paper to choose for prelims and mains sir? ho many year preparation is needed ? send this detais to this id sir [email protected] please sir........wating for ur reply sir......thank you.....
21st August 2012, 05:13 PM
hi! i want 10 year solved qustn paper of ias prelim & main . So, it will be kind of u if u cn send dis to me at my mail adres i.e., [email protected]
21st August 2012, 07:13 PM
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IAS Preliminary Exam Reference Books: ![]() Guide To UPSC (IAS) Civil Services Preliminary Exam: General Studies (Paper - 1) by G.K.P. Publisher: G. K. Publications Pvt. Ltd ![]() CSAT: Civil Services Aptitude Test (Paper II) by Madhukar Bhagat Publisher: Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited ![]() IAS Prelims/CSAT Civil Services: 18 Years General Studies Topic-Wise Solved Papers (1995-2012) by Disha Experts Publisher: Disha Publication ![]() General Studies For Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2012 (Paper - 1) by TMH Publisher: Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.-New Delhi IAS Main Exam Reference Books: ![]() IAS Mains General Studies Chapterwise Solved Papers 2011-1997 by Siddharth Mittal Publisher: Arihant Publications ![]() UPSC Portal IAS General Studies Mains Examination Topic Wise Question Analysis by UPSCportal Editorial Board Publisher: UPSC Portal ![]() UPSC Portal IAS Main General Studies Solved Papers (2001-2010) by Sachchida Nand Jha Publisher: Upscportal Publications Here i have mentioned the name of some reference books which you can use too to prepare for this examination. Please go through the list once. You may find the books useful. Along with the books i have also uploaded the previous year question papers and practice papers. Please go through them as well. Hope this helps. :-> :-> |
29th August 2012, 09:16 PM
IAS Papers
Important Facts about India: Least populous district: Yanam Most literate district: Aizawl Least literate State: Bihar - 47% Most densely populated State: West Bengal Most literate State: Kerala Largest State (areawise): Rajasthan Smallest State: Goa Most populous State: UP Least populous State: Sikkim Southern most point: Indira Point Maximum North-South distance: 3214 km Maximum East-West distance: 2933 km Golden quadrilateral connecting 4 metros: distance: 5846 km Major Ports on coastline: 12 Biosphere Reserves and their location.: 1. Nilgiri - Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka 2. Nanda Devi - Uttar Pradesh (part of Chamoli, Pithorgarh and Almora districts and Meghalaya ( part of Garo hills) 3. Nokrek - Meghalaya 4. Manas - Assam 5. Sunderbans - West Bengal 6. Gulf of Mannar - Tamil Nadu 7. Great Nicobar - (A & N Islands) 8. Simlipal - Orissa 9. Dibru-Saikhowa - Assam 10. Dihang Dibang - Arunachal Pradesh 11. Kanchenchunga - Sikkim 12. Pachmarhi - Madhya Pradesh 13. Agasthyamalai - Kerala 14. Achanakamar -Amarkantak- Parts of MP and parts of Chattisgarh Length of rivers (in km): Indus - 2900 Brahmaputra - 2900 Ganga - 2510 Godavari - 1450 Narmada - 1290 Krishna - 1290 Mahanadi - 890 Kaveri - 760 West flowing small rivers of India: Sabarmati, Mahi, Dhandhar, Kalinadi, Sharavathi, Bharathapuzha, Periyar East flowing small rivers of India: Subarnarekha, Baitarni, Brahmani, Penner, Palar Agriculture - Crop Seasons: India has two crop seasons. a) Kharif: Rice, Jowar, Bajra, Ragi, Maize, Cotton, Jute Sowing: June/July Harvest: September/October b)Rabi: Wheat, Barley, Peas, Rapeseed, Mustard, Gram. Sowing: October/December Harvest: April/May Model Question: Candidates should attempt all question strictly in accordance with the instructions given under each questions. The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question. 1. Answer anyone of the following questions (in about 250 words): 30 (a) What was the character of social religious reforms in the 19th Century and how did they contribute to the national awakening in India (b) The crisis of the colonial order during 1919 and 1939 was directly linked to the constitutional reforms,disillusionment and militant anti-colonial struggles. Elucidate 2. Answer any two of the following questions (in about 150 words each) : 15×2 = 30 (a) What are the salient features of the Government of India Acts of 1858 and 1909? (b) Do you think Mahatma Gandhi’s support to Khilafat Movement had diluted his secular credentials? Give your argument based on the assessment of events. (c) Evaluate the contribution of revolutionary terrorism represented by Bhagat Singh to the cause of India’s Struggle of independence. 3. Write about the following (not 20 words each) : 2×15 = 30 (a) Age of Sangam Literature (b) Bhakti (c) Ashtadhyayi of Panini (d) Charvakas (e) Ajivikas (f) Gandhara Art (g) Mlechchas (h) Lingayats (i) Megasthenes (j) R. C. Dutt (k) Nagarjunakonda (1) Pastoralism (m) Rudramadevi (n) Sati (0) Ramanuja 4. Answer any two of the following questions (in about 125 words each) : l0×2=20 (a) Explain how the Himalayan and the Tibetan highlands play an important role in the development of the South West monsoon. (b) Technological changes have brought in a major shift in the use of roads as transport corridors in India. How far do you agree with this view? (c) Explain the nature and causes of growing slum problems in the metropolitan cities of India. 5. Write notes on the following (in about 20 words each): 2 x 5= 10 (a) Special Economic Zone (SEZ) (b) Inceptisol (c) Jarawas (d) Indira Point (e) Causes of Chambal Ravines 6. Answer anyone of the following questions (in about 250 words) : 30 (a) What is a Constitution? What are the main sources of the Indian Constitution? (b) Bring out the differences between the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy. Discuss some of the measures taken by the Union and State Governments for the implementation of the Directive Principles of State Policy. 7. Answer anyone of the following questions (in about 250 words): 30 (a). What is regionalism ? In which way regionalism has affected the Indian Polity. (b). what are the Main determination of voting behavior in India? 8. Answer any two of the following questions (in about 150 words each): 15×2 = 30 (a) What are the exceptions when the President of India is not bound by the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers? (b) What is pro tem Speaker? (c) Under what circumstances, Parliament may legislate on State subjects? 9. Answer the following questions (in about 20 words each): 2 x 5 = 10 (a). What is criminalization of politics? (b). How president of India elected? (c). what is casting vote? (d). what is the difference between council of Minister and Cabinet? (e). what is the importance of Right to constitutional remedies? 10. Answer anyone of the following questions (in about 250 words): 30 (a). what were the main recommendations of the Platform for Action (PFA) adopted at the Beijing Women Conference 1995? (b) Discuss the steps to get rid of child labour in India. 11. Answer any two of the following questions (in about 125 words each): l0×2=20 (a) What is stealth technology? (b) Differentiate between Natural and Cultural heritage. (c) What is value-based politics? 12. Write notes on any two of the following (in about 125 words each) : I0×2=20 (a) Integrated Child Services (lCDS) Development (b) Prime Minister’s 5-point agenda for India’s development as a knowledge society (c) The Lokpal Bill. 13. Write short notes on the following ( in about 20 words each ) 2 x 5 = 10 (a) Yakshagana (b) PACE. (c) Footloose Industries (d) The Statue of Liberty (e) Genome |
29th August 2012, 09:19 PM
IAS Papers
Important Facts about India: Least populous district: Yanam Most literate district: Aizawl Least literate State: Bihar - 47% Most densely populated State: West Bengal Most literate State: Kerala Largest State (areawise): Rajasthan Smallest State: Goa Most populous State: UP Least populous State: Sikkim Southern most point: Indira Point Maximum North-South distance: 3214 km Maximum East-West distance: 2933 km Golden quadrilateral connecting 4 metros: distance: 5846 km Major Ports on coastline: 12 Biosphere Reserves and their location.: 1. Nilgiri - Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka 2. Nanda Devi - Uttar Pradesh (part of Chamoli, Pithorgarh and Almora districts and Meghalaya ( part of Garo hills) 3. Nokrek - Meghalaya 4. Manas - Assam 5. Sunderbans - West Bengal 6. Gulf of Mannar - Tamil Nadu 7. Great Nicobar - (A & N Islands) 8. Simlipal - Orissa 9. Dibru-Saikhowa - Assam 10. Dihang Dibang - Arunachal Pradesh 11. Kanchenchunga - Sikkim 12. Pachmarhi - Madhya Pradesh 13. Agasthyamalai - Kerala 14. Achanakamar -Amarkantak- Parts of MP and parts of Chattisgarh Length of rivers (in km): Indus - 2900 Brahmaputra - 2900 Ganga - 2510 Godavari - 1450 Narmada - 1290 Krishna - 1290 Mahanadi - 890 Kaveri - 760 West flowing small rivers of India: Sabarmati, Mahi, Dhandhar, Kalinadi, Sharavathi, Bharathapuzha, Periyar East flowing small rivers of India: Subarnarekha, Baitarni, Brahmani, Penner, Palar Agriculture - Crop Seasons: India has two crop seasons. a) Kharif: Rice, Jowar, Bajra, Ragi, Maize, Cotton, Jute Sowing: June/July Harvest: September/October b)Rabi: Wheat, Barley, Peas, Rapeseed, Mustard, Gram. Sowing: October/December Harvest: April/May Model Question: Candidates should attempt all question strictly in accordance with the instructions given under each questions. The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question. 1. Answer anyone of the following questions (in about 250 words): 30 (a) What was the character of social religious reforms in the 19th Century and how did they contribute to the national awakening in India (b) The crisis of the colonial order during 1919 and 1939 was directly linked to the constitutional reforms,disillusionment and militant anti-colonial struggles. Elucidate 2. Answer any two of the following questions (in about 150 words each) : 15×2 = 30 (a) What are the salient features of the Government of India Acts of 1858 and 1909? (b) Do you think Mahatma Gandhi’s support to Khilafat Movement had diluted his secular credentials? Give your argument based on the assessment of events. (c) Evaluate the contribution of revolutionary terrorism represented by Bhagat Singh to the cause of India’s Struggle of independence. 3. Write about the following (not 20 words each) : 2×15 = 30 (a) Age of Sangam Literature (b) Bhakti (c) Ashtadhyayi of Panini (d) Charvakas (e) Ajivikas (f) Gandhara Art (g) Mlechchas (h) Lingayats (i) Megasthenes (j) R. C. Dutt (k) Nagarjunakonda (1) Pastoralism (m) Rudramadevi (n) Sati (0) Ramanuja 4. Answer any two of the following questions (in about 125 words each) : l0×2=20 (a) Explain how the Himalayan and the Tibetan highlands play an important role in the development of the South West monsoon. (b) Technological changes have brought in a major shift in the use of roads as transport corridors in India. How far do you agree with this view? (c) Explain the nature and causes of growing slum problems in the metropolitan cities of India. 5. Write notes on the following (in about 20 words each): 2 x 5= 10 (a) Special Economic Zone (SEZ) (b) Inceptisol (c) Jarawas (d) Indira Point (e) Causes of Chambal Ravines 6. Answer anyone of the following questions (in about 250 words) : 30 (a) What is a Constitution? What are the main sources of the Indian Constitution? (b) Bring out the differences between the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy. Discuss some of the measures taken by the Union and State Governments for the implementation of the Directive Principles of State Policy. 7. Answer anyone of the following questions (in about 250 words): 30 (a). What is regionalism ? In which way regionalism has affected the Indian Polity. (b). what are the Main determination of voting behavior in India? 8. Answer any two of the following questions (in about 150 words each): 15×2 = 30 (a) What are the exceptions when the President of India is not bound by the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers? (b) What is pro tem Speaker? (c) Under what circumstances, Parliament may legislate on State subjects? 9. Answer the following questions (in about 20 words each): 2 x 5 = 10 (a). What is criminalization of politics? (b). How president of India elected? (c). what is casting vote? (d). what is the difference between council of Minister and Cabinet? (e). what is the importance of Right to constitutional remedies? 10. Answer anyone of the following questions (in about 250 words): 30 (a). what were the main recommendations of the Platform for Action (PFA) adopted at the Beijing Women Conference 1995? (b) Discuss the steps to get rid of child labour in India. 11. Answer any two of the following questions (in about 125 words each): l0×2=20 (a) What is stealth technology? (b) Differentiate between Natural and Cultural heritage. (c) What is value-based politics? 12. Write notes on any two of the following (in about 125 words each) : I0×2=20 (a) Integrated Child Services (lCDS) Development (b) Prime Minister’s 5-point agenda for India’s development as a knowledge society (c) The Lokpal Bill. 13. Write short notes on the following ( in about 20 words each ) 2 x 5 = 10 (a) Yakshagana (b) PACE. (c) Footloose Industries (d) The Statue of Liberty (e) Genome |
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