26th November 2009, 09:22 PM
Process of aieee examination?
what is the process of aieee examination?
3rd December 2009, 09:58 PM
AIEEE is a national level competition for addmission to various engineering colleges across the country.
first paper consist of questions from (PCM) of 12 class cbse level with equal weightage.each question carries 3 mars,there is negetive marking(1 mark for each 3 wrong answers). second paper,consist of mathematics and amtitude test,to check the mathematical as well as picture perseption qualities of student. however, b.tech student should have to appear for only first paper,and students who want to do b.arch should have to appear for both (first & second) papers. |
4th December 2009, 06:38 AM
it is an objective type exam, consisting of maths ,physics and chemistry for engineering students with negative marking foe wrong questions.
4th December 2009, 02:23 PM
after the exams are over and results are declaired.....u will have to fill a option form online...giving your choice of stream and college....."this is applied only if your score is above the cutoff marks...." then in few days allotment of college will be done..and u will be alloted a college where your marks were eligible....
if no college is alloted then u have to wait for the second round of councelling and againn u have to give choices of ur intrested college and branch....."all this happens online--u dont have to move out of ur house"...when the college is alloted then u have to report the college in 2 weeks along with the original certificates for verification...... |
3rd January 2010, 11:59 PM
AIEEE is conducted by cbse india for NITs and various engineering colleges in india...u have to fill the application form of aieee and have to give entrance exam...ddmission will be based on ur all india rank in counsiling
4th January 2010, 10:13 AM
aieee is regarded as one of the prestigious and toughest exam of india.it is non-subjective ie. it is objective exam.
it constist of 3 paers ie pcm there is negative marking of 0.25 for each incoorect answers |
4th January 2010, 11:00 AM
this exam based on 10+2 level. this exam conduct on may 26th in all over india and exam only based on three subject phy, chemistry and mathematics.exam time only for 3hr. and results wil be declared on lasy month of may. best of luck |
4th January 2010, 09:58 PM
exam would consist of 2 papers-
1st paper-for B.E./B.Tech. courses. it consisits of 3 parts- physics,chemistry,maths of equal weightage with objective type questions 2nd paper-for B.Arch and B.Planning it consists of maths,aptitude test and drawing. there is negative marking for each incorrect answer.1/4 mark of the total alloted maks for that question will be diducted. exam will be conducted on 24th april,2010. timings are-- 1st paper-9:30am-12:30pm 2nd paper-2:00pm-5:00pm for more details visit www.aieee.nic.in |
5th January 2010, 05:55 PM
aieee is a national level exam...it is not online ..you have to solve by writhing..
to is useful to give you addmisssion for varios courses in different colleges,... for detaits visit there official website..good luck |
9th January 2010, 03:06 AM
Entrance examination would consist of two papers i.e. 1st paper consisting of three parts of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics of equal weightage with objective type questions for BE/B.Tech courses and
2nd paper – consisting of Mathematics,Aptitude Test and Drawing for B. Architecture and B. Planning. The Aptitude Test is designed to evaluate candidate’s perception, imagination, observation, creativity and architectural awareness. |
20th January 2010, 02:44 AM
Entrance examination would consist of two papers i.e. 1st paper consisting of three parts of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics of equal weightage with objective type questions for BE/B.Tech courses and 2nd paper – consisting of Mathematics,Aptitude Test and Drawing for B. Architecture and B. Planning. The Aptitude Test is designed to evaluate candidate’s perception, imagination, observation, creativity and architectural awareness. here will be objective type questions with four options having single correct answer. For each incorrect response one fourth (1/4) of the total marks allotted to the question would be deducted for more information visit: http://aieee.nic.in/aieee2010/aieee/welcome.html |
28th January 2010, 11:29 AM
the aieee exam contains two papers containing physics,chemistry,maths,and the other subjected you have opted for.there will be negative marking for every question you done wrong.after a month your result will be out and you will be called for the councilling according to your marks you have scored.
30th January 2010, 03:18 AM
aieee application date has gone but process is simple just 2 papers containing maths as one and physics ,chemistry combined as other this decides your rank in all india basis if tie comes maths paper marks is the tie breaker ........
8th February 2010, 01:12 PM
in the exam paper you will get objective type question and the time period will be of 3 hrs. for getting admission in NIT's you have to get rank under 2000.afetr that you wil be called for the councilling .
30th May 2010, 11:28 PM
dear friend,
AIEEE si the engineering entrance exam conducted to get into good college except IIT. the exam duration if three hours and the questions are asked from Maths,physics and chemistry. for more information you can log on to www.aieee.nic.in |
31st May 2010, 02:45 AM
dear friend,
AIEEE examination for this has already been passed you can sit next year. process for AIEEE exam is that you must have passed your 12th or appearing 12th exam. you can get more details from www.aieee.nic.in |
31st May 2010, 04:03 AM
dear friend,
first of all, if you are 12th appearing or you have completed your 12th then only you are eligible to sit for the exam and you can get more details from following website: www.aieee.nic.in |
31st May 2010, 09:50 AM
my dear friend
AIEEE exam was over in the month of april. The Process of aieee examination fill up is as below: during filling up the form you must be careful and you should read the information boucher given. two colored photographs are required. and you must use HB pencil to fill up the form. |
31st May 2010, 11:50 AM
dear friend, AIEEE exam is conducted by CBSE board in every year.
The exam is organized every year in last april. A student who want to pursue either B.Tech or B.Arch can appear in this exam. This is a exam which offers student to take admission in many colleges in any where in India. The criteria is just pass +2, or an appearing student can also appear in this exam. This is the most reputed exam after IIT-JEE because in DCE,NIT,Thapar univ, KIIT a student can take admission. so be well prepared for it. for more information kindly visit the official website of AIEEE , which is: www.aieee.nic.in good luck. |
1st June 2010, 01:37 AM
Hello friend,
Each of the above mentioned test papers is of duration of 3 hours. The students are given the freedom to sit for either one or two papers provided the timing of the two does not clash so it is subject to the restrictions imposed by the schedule of the test. |
12th July 2010, 05:23 PM
The AIEEE exam is organized over the nation to collect the good science students for engineering colleges .
Seats are filled up in the various colleges by the AIEEE-AIR rank. It consists of one papers of 3 hours cantaining the syllabus of physics ,chemistry and mathematics. If you got the more marks then the cut off ,then yoou wiill be called for the AIEEE counseling.....and hence you will get the colleges according to your rank. |
12th July 2010, 05:32 PM
The AIEEE exam is organized over the nation to collect the good science students for engineering colleges .
Seats are filled up in the various colleges by the AIEEE-AIR rank. It consists of one papers of 3 hours cantaining the syllabus of physics ,chemistry and mathematics. If you got the more marks then the cut off ,then you will be called for the AIEEE counseling.....and hence you will get the colleges according to your rank. |
14th July 2010, 07:40 PM
Properly do the 10+2 syllabus for pcm. This is the most reputed exam after IIT-JEE because in DCE,NIT,Thapar univ, KIIT a student can take admission. so be well prepared for it. for more information kindly visit the official website of AIEEE,www.cbse.nic.in |
15th July 2010, 03:05 AM
hi friend
for giving the aieee exam you have to fill the form of the aieee eaxm which you can get it from the offficial website of the aieee which is www.aieee.nic.in and after that you have to give the exam and based on your performance of the exam you will get a rank and based on the rank you will be called for the admission in various colleges |
30th August 2010, 01:57 PM
Dear Friend,
AIEEE is one of the toughest exam for engineering entrance process. it is the national level exam for engineering. this exam contains two papers 1st paper consist of questions from (PCM) of 12 class of equal number,each question carries 3 marks,there is negetive marking(1 mark for each 3 wrong answers). 2nd paper,consist of mathematics and aptitude test,to check the mathematical as well as picture puzzelling. Good luck. |
31st August 2010, 10:34 PM
Hello friend,
It is an entrance exam for B.Tech/ B.Arch Courses across Indian colleges / universities. Every year, in the month of may/June this exam is held. Applications are to be submitted in the month of april/ march. For more details... visit here [http://aieee.nic.in/] |
2nd September 2010, 11:54 AM
the AIEEE conducts an exam based on the complete syllabus of +2....
it consists of pcm and biology also(optional)... rank is given on all india basis and state level rank too along with category rank.... after many rounds of counseling you can get your desired branch and college |
2nd September 2010, 06:15 PM
hello friends. first paper consist of questions from (PCM) of 12 class cbse level with equal weightage.each question carries 3 mars,there is negetive marking(1 mark for each 3 wrong answers).
second paper,consist of mathematics and amtitude test,to check the mathematical as well as picture perseption qualities of student. however, b.tech student should have to appear for only first paper,and students who want to do b.arch should have to appear for both, thanking you . best of luck |
2nd September 2010, 07:12 PM
Dear friend
In AIEEE exam you have to give the test for three papers : 1.Math 2.Physics 3.Chemistry ALL question come in objective form. Math paper contain 125marks . Physics and chemistry combinely contain 125 marks. When your marks come above the cut off marks then you will be called for counseling. According to your rank you will get college. Best of luck. |
2nd September 2010, 07:47 PM
dear friend,
AIEEE stands for all india counsil for technical education.it is a government agency.its function is to arranges national level examination for admission in various engineering colleges across the country like NITs. there are only one stage in this exam.there is one written test based on the syllabus of 12th board.it involves three subjects e.g. physics, chemistry and mathematics.all subjects has equal weightage. there is about 100 questions.each question carries 3 mars,there is negative marking(1 mark for each 3 wrong answers) i.e. one third marks will be deducted for wrong answers. for b.tech student there is only one paper.but for b.arch. students there is second paper also. second paper,consist of mathematics and aptitude test,to check the mathematical as well as picture perception qualities of student. good luck. |
20th March 2011, 02:00 PM
AIEEE is a national level competition for addmission to various engineering colleges across the country. first paper consist of questions from (PCM) of 12 class cbse level with equal weightage.each question carries 3 mars,there is negetive marking(1 mark for each 3 wrong answers). second paper,consist of mathematics and amtitude test,to check the mathematical as well as picture perseption qualities of student. however, b.tech student should have to appear for only first paper,and students who want to do b.arch should have to appear for both (first & second) papers. thank |
29th March 2011, 04:06 PM
AIEEE stands for All India Engineering/Architecture Entrance Examination.
Paper 1 Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics Objective Type Questions with equal weightage to Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics Paper 2 Mathematics - Part I Aptitude Test - Part II & Drawing Test - Part III Objective Type Questions Objective Type Questions Questions to test drawing aptitude B.E. / B. Tech. Paper - 1 B. Arch / B. Planning Paper - 2 For more information, visit: http://aieee.nic.in/aieee2011/aieee/welcome.html |
29th March 2012, 08:47 PM
AIEEE is a national level competition for addmission to various engineering colleges across the country.
first paper consist of questions from (PCM) of 12 class cbse level with equal weightage.each question carries 3 mars,there is negetive marking(1 mark for each 3 wrong answers). second paper,consist of mathematics and amtitude test,to check the mathematical as well as picture perseption qualities of student. however, b.tech student should have to appear for only first paper,and students who want to do b.arch should have to appear for both (first & second) papers. |
29th March 2012, 08:49 PM
AIEEE is a national level competition for addmission to various engineering colleges across the country.
first paper consist of questions from (PCM) of 12 class cbse level with equal weightage.each question carries 3 mars,there is negetive marking(1 mark for each 3 wrong answers). second paper,consist of mathematics and amtitude test,to check the mathematical as well as picture perseption qualities of student. however, b.tech student should have to appear for only first paper,and students who want to do b.arch should have to appear for both (first & second) papers. |
14th June 2012, 04:42 PM
Dear candidate,
AIEEE is one of the prestigious engineering entrance exam of India that is conducted by CBSE at national level. After qualifying this exam, candidates get admission in top NITs, IIITs and other deemed universities of India. Every year nearly 11 lakh students apply for this exam and near about 26000 students get selection in good colleges mentioned above. AIEEE question paper consists of 90 questions of 4 marks each making it total of 360 marks each. There are 30 questions from each section i.e. Physics, Chemistry and Maths. There is also negative marking of -1 for each wrong answer. A candidate can give this exam only four times and he must have passed 10+2 with at least 60% marks in PCM. To apply for this exam, you will have to fill the form available in December or January. Best of Luck!! |
15th June 2012, 01:34 AM
Hi dear,
AIEEE is a national level competition for addmission to various engineering colleges across the country. first paper consist of questions from (PCM) of 12 class cbse level with equal weightage.each question carries 3 mars,there is negetive marking(1 mark for each 3 wrong answers). second paper,consist of mathematics and amtitude test,to check the mathematical as well as picture perseption qualities of student. however, b.tech student should have to appear for only first paper,and students who want to do b.arch should have to appear for both (first & second) papers. Thanks |
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