23rd July 2010, 12:53 AM
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Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

Hello sir, i am a student of b. pharm 7th semester. Till now i have scored a good % (80+). But i am confused that what i will do after that. whether i do m.pharm or pharm d. please tell sir the best colleges for m. pharm in India. Also tell some scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam. Thank you sir.

23rd July 2010, 02:20 AM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam


In order to meet the growing demand for management education every university has a scheme of scholarship about 30% in M.Pharm.
the scholarship will be given to the students who had scored above 80% in thier B.Pharm.
23rd July 2010, 12:25 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

there are many universities which give you scholarship if you have scored well in your bachelor degree... so you can ask for the scholarship from the college you wish to do your M PHARM AND PHARM D ...Or GATE exam wil be use full for you for the scholarship
yakohama national university has joined japan world bank scholarship for graduate students you can check out their through this website
23rd July 2010, 04:19 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

Scholarships for m pharm at USA

Pharmacist Scholarships APhA Foundation USA: APhA Auxiliary / APhA Foundation Student Pharmacist Scholarships in cooperation with the APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists.About the Scholarship
During the year 2000, the APhA Auxiliary decided to cease operations and transfer their assets to the APhA Foundation. Previously the Auxiliary had conducted the Irene Parks Student Loan Fund that provided $500 loans to pharmacy students. Wishing to maintain a focus on students, the Auxiliary and Foundation reached an agreement to convert the loan program into a student scholarship fund that would be titled the APhA Auxiliary/APhA Foundation Student Pharmacist Scholarship Programme.

This scholarship program aims to recognize students who choose to invest their time in active involvement with their school’s APhA – ASP chapter to help shape the future of the profession while managing the demands of a full-time pharmacy curriculum.

In 2009, a total of nine scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each will be awarded. The goal of the Foundation is to award at least one scholarship per APhA-ASP region. Among these nine scholarships, seven are named scholarships recognizing gifts made by individuals or groups who wish to support the development of future leaders within the profession. Currently, there are seven named scholarships recognizing Mary Louise Andersen, the Boyle Family, Marvin and Joanell Dyrstad, Gloria N. Francke, Robert D. Gibson, Samuel H. Kalman and Paul A. Pumpian.

General Eligibility Criteria
• Complete at least one academic year in the professional sequence of courses.
• Earn a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.75 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent grading
system) in required pharmacy courses.
• Submit a transcript to verify your GPA (unofficial is fine)
• Be an active member in the APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP). This
does not mean that the applicant must hold a leadership position but the applicant must show
active participation in their chapter’s activities.
• Submit an essay of no more than 500 words addressing the following topic:

How do you plan to use your experiences as a student pharmacist to create positive change in pharmacy practice?
Discussion points may include but are not limited to: personal experiences related to patient care projects, community service programs, political advocacy, internships, work etc.

• Submit two letters of recommendation.
???? One letter from a college official or faculty member who can speak to the applicant’s leadership involvement with APhA-ASP and

???? A second letter from a non-academic reference (i.e. pharmacist-employer, community service contact, pharmacy association or other membership
association representative). This letter should address the applicant’s strengths in areas not involving academics or APhA-ASP involvement.

???? Both letters should be sent with your submission packet (if possible) in a sealed, signed envelope from the letter writer. If you are unable to send it with your submission, please be sure the letter writer clearly references your name and school in order to avoid confusion with other applicants.

• Submit a current resume or CV.
• Submit a listing of pharmacy and non-pharmacy related activities that demonstrate the
applicant’s community involvement and leadership skills. Please note activities for which
academic credit was received.
• Previous APhA Auxiliary/APhA Foundation Student Pharmacist Scholarship recipients are not
eligible; however, previous applicants are welcome to reapply.

Application and Selection Process
A completed application will consist of a signed and dated application checklist, application form, a transcript verifying your GPA, essay, two letters of recommendation, resume/CV, and listing of activities postmarked by Monday, December 1st, 2008. All copies of the application and supporting documents should be mailed to the following address:

Scholarship Selection Committee
APhA Foundation
1100 15th Street, NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20005-1707
Grading Scale

The Scholarship Selection Committee will review applications and score them according to the following point system:
10 points Essay
25 points Pharmacy Related Activities 25 points Non-Pharmacy/Community Activities 20 points Grade Point Average 20 points Letters of Recommendation
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23rd July 2010, 05:40 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

same problem here also please suggest for which course should we go ?
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23rd July 2010, 08:40 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

You can do M.Pharm after finishing your B.Pharm.
It would offer you good career in pharmaceutical industries, multi national companies manufacturing chemicals, drugs, Bio-technology based industries.

I have provided some of the best Colleges offering M.Pharm:-
1.University college of Pharm.Science, Warangal, Andhra
2.Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Pharm.Science, Coimbatore. T.N.
3.Govt.College of Pharmacy, Bangalore
4.Bombay college of Pharmacy,
5.Nagpur University, Dept. of Pharm.Science

Regarding scholarship, you can try at Homi Bhaba Centre for Science Education. Their website is

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13th August 2010, 11:35 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

i have qualified gpat 2010 exam & planning for m pharm.
kindly guide me about scholarship for which i m eligible.
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19th August 2010, 11:50 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

other than g.pat you can go through the m.s degree program in any foreign university where you get scholarship
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20th August 2010, 12:21 AM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

i have qualified gpat 2010 exam & planning for m pharm.
kindly guide me about scholarship for which i m eligible.
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3rd September 2010, 09:00 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

i am a female student of Pharm D 7th semester scoring a good percentage and wanted to know if i can complete my last year on scholarship abroad......right now i am doing my pharm D from Pakistan so please can u suggest me something for this
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6th September 2010, 08:38 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

hello friend if you qualify gpat exam and on the basis of your gpat score you take admission in your b.pharma then you will be given a stifend of rs 12000 per month .
and also you can see other scholarships which are provided if you want to go abroad for studies
you can appear in GRE exam and if you score above 1400 then you will get a full scholarship
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9th September 2010, 10:01 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

i have qualified gpat exam and my rank is 2755 will u give me scholarship plz clear which student eligibforle to got scholarship
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10th September 2010, 09:46 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

hi dis surya i got 1520 rank in pgcet.but i hav financieal problem.plz infoam if hav any sponcers or any loans fr m pharmacy.
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11th September 2010, 01:15 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

Originally Posted by noproblem View Post
hello friend if you qualify gpat exam and on the basis of your gpat score you take admission in your b.pharma then you will be given a stifend of rs 12000 per month .
And also you can see other scholarships which are provided if you want to go abroad for studies
you can appear in gre exam and if you score above 1400 then you will get a full scholarship
is it given officially that the stipend for gpat qualified students would be 12k... Plz reply...
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27th September 2010, 12:14 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

Iam a b.pharm 3rd year student.can iknow the m.pharm exams in abroad?
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27th September 2010, 01:46 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

i have qualified gpat exam & AIR is 1410. plz inform about application procedure for stipend.
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6th October 2010, 10:05 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

I take addmision in m.pharma in this session 2010. now i dont have gpat card .can i m eligible for scolarship if i qulified gpat in 2011
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9th October 2010, 06:50 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

I am in 7th semester of bpharm csir or other govt authorities provide scholarship on entrance basis other than gpat.
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10th November 2010, 11:33 AM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

hallo sir
I have qualified gpat exam 2010 now im studying mpharm in bangalore i want to apply for scholarship how should i apply?
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15th November 2010, 08:43 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

i want to complete my m.phrm from Japan and i am at my final semester of b.phrm...i have >82% till now.can i get scholarship?
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12th February 2011, 12:36 AM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

i want to do m.s in pharmacy in UK. as the duration of course is only 1nhaf year is it acceptable in india for further job purpose??/
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29th March 2011, 03:58 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

Hello sir..m in 8 sem n having back in seventh sem,,,is i am eligible to give gpat and also tell me where to apply if not in gpat to persui mpharm...
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29th May 2011, 10:10 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

watz the entrance test for pharm d
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1st June 2011, 01:54 AM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

sir i have qualified in gpat and know i want know the exams for which i am eligible for other than niper
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21st June 2011, 09:12 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

hi ,i m doing M pharm in Pharmacognosy,i want to know about scholarship related to this subject,and what are the jobs available in this field.please kindly guide me...
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15th August 2011, 07:06 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

hi i'm studying pharm.d 1st year in riper.if i should get some scholar ship from any other university what shall i do plsssssssssssss guide me. and even my dad is a govt employeeb so i donot have fees reembracement even and it's burden 2 pay huge amount of fees for the course and other expenses even so pls guide me.so i need scholarship sir.
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15th August 2011, 08:26 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

i wanna get scholarship
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14th September 2011, 10:36 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

im not gpat qualified and im belonging to NT category,and im belonging to NT category,i had taken admission to M.pharm(pune univercity),is there any scholarship
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15th September 2011, 11:09 PM
Bishwajit Giri
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

There are some scholarship schemes other than GATE/GPAT ,such as:

Basically,if you are in Govt. colleges,then I think you must get scholarships , named Merit-cum-Means.

1) Silver Jubilee Endowment Trust Scholarship for B.Tech/B.Pharm/B.Arch/MCA
Award Value : Rs.750 /month
Eligibility : The candidate should be a student of B.Tech/B.Pharm/ B.Arch/ MCA.
Process : Based on Income/Financial background and academic performance. Number of Scholarships :24

2) LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme
Award Value :- Rs. 800 /month
Eligibility : The candidate should be a student of B.Tech/B.Pharm
For more details visit :-http:// www.licindia.in
No. of scholarships : 50

3) ISRO Scholarship Program
Award Value :- Rs. 860 /month
For more details visit :-http:// www.isro.org
No. of scholarship : 60

4) Indian Oil Corporation Limited Scholarship
Award value :- Rs 500 /month
For more visit :-http:// www.iocl.com
No. of scholarships :- 150
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13th October 2011, 11:13 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

can the college allow for free scolarship
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21st December 2011, 12:17 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Hi I think you're wrong

Thank you! I always wanted to write in my site something like that. Can I take part of your post to my blog?
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30th July 2012, 05:26 PM
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Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

hi, this is hardeep mahida,i just got admition in m.pharm. but i m not qualified gpat. and i want to scholiarship so there is any exam 4 schoiarship.... plzz giv sugation ...
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30th July 2012, 08:31 PM
Mr. Avinash singh
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 65
Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

Scholarships for M. pharma at USA

Pharmacist Scholarships Alpha Foundation USA: Alpha Auxiliary Alpha Foundation Student Pharmacist Scholarships in cooperation with theAlpha Academy of Student Pharmacists.About the Scholarship
During the year 2000, the Alpha Auxiliary decided to cease operations and transfer their assets to the Alpha Foundation. Previously the Auxiliary had conducted the Irene Parks Student Loan Fund that provided $500 loans to pharmacy students. Wishing to maintain a focus on students, the Auxiliary and Foundation reached an agreement to convert the loan program into a student scholarship fund that would be titled the Alpha Auxiliary Alpha Foundation Student Pharmacist Scholarship Programe.

This scholarship program aims to recognize students who choose to invest their time in active involvement with their school’s Alpha – ASP chapter to help shape the future of the profession while managing the demands of a full-time pharmacy curriculum.

In 2009, a total of nine scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each will be awarded. The goal of the Foundation is to award at least one scholarship per Alpha -ASP region. Among these nine scholarships, seven are named scholarships recognizing gifts made by individuals or groups who wish to support the development of future leaders within the profession. Currently, there are seven named scholarships recognizing Mary Louise Andersen, the Boyle Family.

General Eligibility Criteria
• Complete at least one academic year in the professional sequence of courses.
• Earn a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.75 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent grading
system) in required pharmacy courses.
• Submit a transcript to verify your GPA (unofficial is fine)
• Be an active member in the Alpha Academy of Student Pharmacists Alpha -ASP). This
does not mean that the applicant must hold a leadership position but the applicant must show
active participation in their chapter’s activities.
• Submit an essay of no more than 500 words addressing the following topic:

How do you plan to use your experiences as a student pharmacist to create positive change in pharmacy practice?
Discussion points may include but are not limited to: personal experiences related to patient care projects, community service programs, political advocacy, internships, work etc.

• Submit two letters of recommendation.
???? One letter from a college official or faculty member who can speak to the applicant’s leadership involvement with Alpha -ASP and

???? A second letter from a non-academic reference (i.e. pharmacist-employer, community service contact, pharmacy association or other membership
association representative). This letter should address the applicant’s strengths in areas not involving academics or Alpha -ASP involvement.

???? Both letters should be sent with your submission packet (if possible) in a sealed, signed envelope from the letter writer. If you are unable to send it with your submission, please be sure the letter writer clearly references your name and school in order to avoid confusion with other applicants.

• Submit a current resume or CV.
• Submit a listing of pharmacy and non-pharmacy related activities that demonstrate the
applicant’s community involvement and leadership skills. Please note activities for which
academic credit was received.
• Previous Alpha Auxiliary Alpha Foundation Student Pharmacist Scholarship recipients are not
eligible; however, previous applicants are welcome to reapply.

Application and Selection Process
A completed application will consist of a signed and dated application checklist, application form, a transcript verifying your GPA, essay, two letters of recommendation, resume/CV, and listing of activities postmarked by Monday, December 1st, 2008. All copies of the application and supporting documents should be mailed to the following address:

Scholarship Selection Committee
Alpha Foundation
1100 15th Street, NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20005-1707
Grading Scale

The Scholarship Selection Committee will review applications and score them according to the following point system:
10 points Essay
25 points Pharmacy Related Activities 25 points Non-Pharmacy/Community Activities 20 points Grade Point Average 20 points Letters of Recommendation.

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24th March 2013, 04:28 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

hello sir.i,m studying bpharmacy 1st year now.can i go to NIPER caoching from bpharmacy 2nd year?please reply soon sir...
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6th May 2015, 10:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Scholarship exams for studying m.pharm or pharm d other than GPAT exam

Hello sir.
I am first year Pharm.D. student . I am. Now I am finnancialy poor . so I want any schlorship. For me .
Thank you
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Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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