20th April 2015, 07:35 PM
Scope of agricultural engineering? Is there any entrance exam for admission in this course?
Experts please do tell me that what is scope of agriculture engineer and jobs ?And any entrance test is there for admission this field?
21st April 2015, 12:46 AM
Agriculture Engineering is gaining popularity in present time. It is one of the preferred streams for most of the students who wish to make a career in engineering stream.
There is immense job opportunities in the private as well as the public sector. After completion of Agriculture Engineering of Bachelor's degree in agriculture, you have following opportunities: >>Becoming Agriculture Research Scientist. You can go for the ARS NET exam to become lecturers in colleges. >>You can become Agriculture Development officer or Block Development officer. >>You can get jobs in Agriculture marketing, Banking, Forestery, Home Science and Diary technology. >>Some of the government organizations where you can get jobs 1. Indian Agriculture Research Institute. 2. National Seeds Corporation Limited. 3. State Farms Coporation of India. Indian Council of Agriculture and Research conducts entrance exam every year for bachelor's degree in agriculture engineering. For any more details about this exam, visit www.icar.org.in. |
21st April 2015, 01:00 AM
Yes, there is an entrance test for the admission in bachelor's degree in agriculture. Indian Council of Agriculture and Research conduct entrance exam every year for undergraduate courses in agriculture.
Official website of ICAR: www.icar.org.in. Scope of Agriculture engineering: 1. In private sector, you can get jobs in ~~Dairy technology. ~~Food Science and Technology. ~~Sericulture ~~Veterinary Science. ~~ Horticulture. 2. In public sector: ~~Scientist in Indian Agriculture Research Institute. ~~Agriculture development officers. ~~Assistant plantation manager. ~~Technical Manager. |
21st April 2015, 11:46 AM
Agriculture engineering has very vast scope beyond of the limits what we can think.
Jobs are available easily and in wide range such as-Research, Bnaking,seeds development,farm houses........ ICAR held entrance test every year at national level for admission in best colleges across India. Also in some of the private engineering colleges agriculture science can be studied. |
21st April 2015, 11:44 PM
As well know that Agriculture is the most important sector and the backbone for the Indian Economy.Almost all rural India is totally dependent on agricultural employment and its allied activities like fisheries,poultry,animal husbandry and diary. As India is a primarily an agricultural country,its growth and development of Indian economy mainly depends on agriculture and its related growth.
After such course you can hold one of the following positions- 1.Soil Scientist 2. Agronomist 3. Microbiologist 4. Plant Physiologist Well-paid careers are available for qualified agricultural engineers in fields like - - -------# Government organizations # Public sector organizations, # Agribusiness firms, # Food processing # Retail industry, # Research organizations and Laboratories, # Banks and Financial corporations, # Sales and Management, In the government organizations, a fresher can expect a salary between Rs 20,000/- to Rs 25,000/- per month and increments are given as per the regular government policy of any government job. Along wit this all the government benefits also come along. |