11th August 2011, 04:14 PM
Solved papers of AFCAT Exam?
hai frnd i want afcat solved papers......airforce common admission test. reply me soon.
11th August 2011, 06:03 PM
AFCAT will be of 2 hours with multiple choice of questions, and the sections are:
1. Reasoning 2. Numerical ability 3. Verbal ability (English) 4. General Awareness, GK 5. General Aptitude The number of questions would be around 100+.. Some patterns of the papers are attached below..... |
11th August 2011, 06:48 PM
enjoy friend AFCAT EXAM
Objective Solved GK For AFCAT EXAM GK For AFCAT Air Force Common Admission Test Exams in India Solved GK for AFCAT Air Force jobs. Solved Gk for Armed Paper exams 1. The world is divided into (a) 12 time zones (b) 20 time zones (c) 24 time zones (d) 36 time zones Ans.a 2. Which one of the following operations does NOT bring about a chemical change? (a) Pressing dried up nitrogen tri-iodide (b) Mixing solid sodium bicarbonate with solid tartaric acid (c) Bringing phosphorus and oxygen in physical contact with each other (d) Passing electric current through acidified water Ans.b 3. Monday as the first day of the month will be found in which one of the following groupings of the months of 19997 (a) January-March-October (b) February-March-Noveinbl:r (c) March—September»December (d) February-April-July Ans.b 4. February will have ’30 days, after (a) 100 years (b) 200 years (c) 300 years (J) 400 years Ans.d 5. Consider the following features of DNA :I 1. DNA is a larger molecule in human l cells and contains the genetic infonna- tion about that person. 2. The chemical composition of DNA of an individual is rarely found in another person. 3. Excepting the identical twins, no two » persons are the same on the basis of the chemical composition of DNA. Which of these feature(s) of DNA has/have been found useful in criminal investigations? (a) 1 alone (b) 1 and 2 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 alone Ans.d 6. Consider the following statements as• sociated with Mediterranean climate : 1 l. It is so named because it ocurs exten- sively in the periphery of Mediter- ranean sea. 2. These lands are exposed to hot, dry, land winds during the summer months. 3. The seasonal range of temperatures is considerably less than that in other areas of corresponding latitudes, Which of these statements are correct? (a) 1,2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, and 3 Ans.a 7. The 1999 French Open doubles cham- pionship was won by (a) Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi (b) Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupati (c) ]an—Michaels Gambil and Thomas Master (d) Carlos Moya and Alex Conretja Ans.b 8. The trinity of Camatic music included (a) Thiagaraja, Papanasam Sivan and Syama Sastri (b) Krishnamurthi Sastrigal, Mani Iyer and Papanasam Sivan (c) Thiagamja. Muthuswami Deekshithar and Sysma Sastri (d) Muthuswami Deekshithar, Ilango Adigal and Mani Iyer Ans.c 9. As per the given estimates of the Economic Survey of Govt. of India in which one of the following years did the agriculture and allied sectors have a nega- tive rate of growth, since 1992-937 (a) 1994-95 (b) 1995-96 (c) 1996-97 (d) 1997-98 Ans.b 10. After 1991, the Centra] Govemment implemented various far-reaching reforms in the area of taxation. This was based on the recommendations of the (a) Wanchoo Committee (b) Rajah Chelliah Committee (c) Raj Coimnittee (d) Narsimhan Committee Ans.d best of luck |
11th August 2011, 06:49 PM
enjoy friend AFCAT EXAM
Objective Solved GK For AFCAT EXAM GK For AFCAT Air Force Common Admission Test Exams in India Solved GK for AFCAT Air Force jobs. Solved Gk for Armed Paper exams 1. The world is divided into (a) 12 time zones (b) 20 time zones (c) 24 time zones (d) 36 time zones Ans.a 2. Which one of the following operations does NOT bring about a chemical change? (a) Pressing dried up nitrogen tri-iodide (b) Mixing solid sodium bicarbonate with solid tartaric acid (c) Bringing phosphorus and oxygen in physical contact with each other (d) Passing electric current through acidified water Ans.b 3. Monday as the first day of the month will be found in which one of the following groupings of the months of 19997 (a) January-March-October (b) February-March-Noveinbl:r (c) March—September»December (d) February-April-July Ans.b 4. February will have ’30 days, after (a) 100 years (b) 200 years (c) 300 years (J) 400 years Ans.d 5. Consider the following features of DNA :I 1. DNA is a larger molecule in human l cells and contains the genetic infonna- tion about that person. 2. The chemical composition of DNA of an individual is rarely found in another person. 3. Excepting the identical twins, no two » persons are the same on the basis of the chemical composition of DNA. Which of these feature(s) of DNA has/have been found useful in criminal investigations? (a) 1 alone (b) 1 and 2 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 alone Ans.d 6. Consider the following statements as• sociated with Mediterranean climate : 1 l. It is so named because it ocurs exten- sively in the periphery of Mediter- ranean sea. 2. These lands are exposed to hot, dry, land winds during the summer months. 3. The seasonal range of temperatures is considerably less than that in other areas of corresponding latitudes, Which of these statements are correct? (a) 1,2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, and 3 Ans.a 7. The 1999 French Open doubles cham- pionship was won by (a) Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi (b) Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupati (c) ]an—Michaels Gambil and Thomas Master (d) Carlos Moya and Alex Conretja Ans.b 8. The trinity of Camatic music included (a) Thiagaraja, Papanasam Sivan and Syama Sastri (b) Krishnamurthi Sastrigal, Mani Iyer and Papanasam Sivan (c) Thiagamja. Muthuswami Deekshithar and Sysma Sastri (d) Muthuswami Deekshithar, Ilango Adigal and Mani Iyer Ans.c 9. As per the given estimates of the Economic Survey of Govt. of India in which one of the following years did the agriculture and allied sectors have a nega- tive rate of growth, since 1992-937 (a) 1994-95 (b) 1995-96 (c) 1996-97 (d) 1997-98 Ans.b 10. After 1991, the Centra] Govemment implemented various far-reaching reforms in the area of taxation. This was based on the recommendations of the (a) Wanchoo Committee (b) Rajah Chelliah Committee (c) Raj Coimnittee (d) Narsimhan Committee Ans.d best of luck |
11th August 2011, 06:52 PM
enjoy friend many more questions and answers Directions: The following 10 (ten} items
consist of two statements, one labelled as Assertion A’ and the other labelled as Reason R`. You are to examine these two statements carefully and decide J the Asser- tion A and the Reason R are individually true and y’so, whether the reason is a cor- rect explanation of the Assertion. Select your answers to these items using the codes given below and mark your answer sheet accordingly: Codes: (a) Both A and R are true and R is me correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A (c) A is tme but R is false (d) A is false but R is tme 11. Assertian (A): Abolition of Sati was the most salutary measure of the Company`s govem» ment. Reason (R): Sati was practised mainly in Punjab, Rajasthan, Madura and the Ganges Valley. Ans.c 12. Asserti0n(A): Detergents form lather with hard water. Reason (R) :• Magnesium and cal- cium form soluble compounds with sul- phonic acid com» ponent of the detergent. Ans.a 13. Assertion (A): Rajya Sabha is a per— manent chamber of the Indian Parliament. Reason (R) z One-third of its mem- bers retire every two years and it is not subject to dissolution. Ans.a 14. Assertion (A): A crow sitting on a high•tension wire flies away when the current is switched on. Reason (R): When the current is switched on, the crow experiences an electrical shock. Ans.c 15. Assertion (A): Wood is one of the strongest materials known. Reason (R); Stretched cellulose microlibrils em- bedded in lignin in the secondary wall give strength to the wood, Ans.a 16. Asserrion(A): The Mauryas ach- ieved political supremacy over the whole of India, Reason (R): The Mauryan army was the largest known to ancient India. Ans.b 17. Assertian (A): After leaving the Indian National Congress, Subhash Chandra Bose formed the Forward Block. Reason (R) 1 Indian National Army had a Gandhi Brigade. Ans.c 18. Assertivn (A): Sun glasses have curved surfaces but they do not have any power, Reason (R): In a sun glass, one surface is concave while the other is convex. Ans.c 19. Assertion (A): At a workshop to educate mothers on the “A to Z of bring- ing up a child”, the experts advised against inducing vomiting or aspirat- ing out kerosinc oil in the event of its ac- cidental consumption by a child. Reason (R) 2 Fumes of kerosine oil cause pneumonia of lungs. Ans.b 20. Assertion (A): Lord Curzon parti- tioned Bengal, Reascn (R): The Congress was split between the Moderates and Extremists. Ans.bbest of iuck |
11th August 2011, 06:54 PM
many q and answer best of luck 21. Match List I (Name ofthe revoluti0n»
ary tried in a conspiracy case) with List II (Name of conspiracy case) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List] List Il , A. Ram Prasad 1. Lahore Conspiracy Bismil case B. SuryaSen 2. Kakori Conspiracy case C, ArvindGhosh 3. Chittagong Armoury Raid D. Bhagat Singh 4. Alipore Bomb Codes: (a) A B ,C D 4 2 3 I (b) A B C D 2 3 4 l (c) A B C D 3 4 l 2 (d) A B C D 4 l 2 3 Ans.b 22. In which one of the following sets of public sector enterprises, was the process of disinvestment announced in the Union budget of 1998-997 (a) GAIL. VSNL, CONCOR and IOC (b) GAlL, VSNL, ONGC and BHEL (c) GAH., MTNL, CONCOR and SCL (d) MMTC, MTNL, VSNL1md IOC Ans.d 23. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes `given below the Lists: List I List ll A. Syphilis l. Vibrios B. Sore throat 2. Bacilli C. Cholera 3. Spirilla D. T.B. 4. Cocci (Tuberculosis) Codes: (a) A B C D 3 4 2 1 (b) A B C D 3 4 l 2 (c) A B C D 2 4 3 1 (d) A B C D 4 2 l 3 Ans.c 24. Which one of the following conver• sions takes place in the process of photosynthesis? (a) Heat energy to kinetic energy (b) Thermal energy to chemical energy (c) Thermal energy to electromagnetic energy (d) Electromagnetic energy to chemical energy Ans.b 25. Mateh Listl with Litt ll and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: ListI List II (Characteristic) (Places) A. River 1. Sariska B. Plateau 2. Singrauli C. Sanctuary 3. Bhimn (Wildife) 4. Hadauti D. Mining Codes: (a) A B C D 3 4 2 l (b) A B C D 3 4 l 2 (c) A B C D 4 3 l 2 (d) A B C D 4 3 2 1 Ans.b 26. Consider the following statements: Keratin is 1. a protein. 2. ahonuone. 3. present in hair. 4. present in nails. Which of these statements are correct? (a) 1 and2 (b) land4 (c) Zrand 3 (d) l, 3 and 4 Ans.d 27. Consider t.he following statements: PSLV•C2 was launched by ISRO l. and it carried two foreign statellites. 2. and it was the first multiple satellite. 3. on 26th May, l999. Which of these statements are correct? (a) land2 (b) land3 (c) 2and3 (d) l,2and3 Ans.d 28. When the offices of both the President and the Vice—President of India are vacant, who will discharge their functions? (a) Prime Minister ` (b) Home Minister (c) Chief Justice of India (d) The Speaker Ans.c 29. Consider the following foreign travellers: 1. Nicolo Conti. 2. Abdur Razzaq. 3. Bernier. 4. Tavemier. Among them, those who visited the Vijayanagara Empire include (a) l,2and3 (b) land2 (c) l,3and4 (d) 2and4 Ans.b 30. If the level of atmospheric pollution increases. enjoy dear friend ... |
11th August 2011, 06:55 PM
many q and answer best of luck 21. Match List I (Name ofthe revoluti0n»
ary tried in a conspiracy case) with List II (Name of conspiracy case) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List] List Il , A. Ram Prasad 1. Lahore Conspiracy Bismil case B. SuryaSen 2. Kakori Conspiracy case C, ArvindGhosh 3. Chittagong Armoury Raid D. Bhagat Singh 4. Alipore Bomb Codes: (a) A B ,C D 4 2 3 I (b) A B C D 2 3 4 l (c) A B C D 3 4 l 2 (d) A B C D 4 l 2 3 Ans.b 22. In which one of the following sets of public sector enterprises, was the process of disinvestment announced in the Union budget of 1998-997 (a) GAIL. VSNL, CONCOR and IOC (b) GAlL, VSNL, ONGC and BHEL (c) GAH., MTNL, CONCOR and SCL (d) MMTC, MTNL, VSNL1md IOC Ans.d 23. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes `given below the Lists: List I List ll A. Syphilis l. Vibrios B. Sore throat 2. Bacilli C. Cholera 3. Spirilla D. T.B. 4. Cocci (Tuberculosis) Codes: (a) A B C D 3 4 2 1 (b) A B C D 3 4 l 2 (c) A B C D 2 4 3 1 (d) A B C D 4 2 l 3 Ans.c 24. Which one of the following conver• sions takes place in the process of photosynthesis? (a) Heat energy to kinetic energy (b) Thermal energy to chemical energy (c) Thermal energy to electromagnetic energy (d) Electromagnetic energy to chemical energy Ans.b 25. Mateh Listl with Litt ll and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: ListI List II (Characteristic) (Places) A. River 1. Sariska B. Plateau 2. Singrauli C. Sanctuary 3. Bhimn (Wildife) 4. Hadauti D. Mining Codes: (a) A B C D 3 4 2 l (b) A B C D 3 4 l 2 (c) A B C D 4 3 l 2 (d) A B C D 4 3 2 1 Ans.b 26. Consider the following statements: Keratin is 1. a protein. 2. ahonuone. 3. present in hair. 4. present in nails. Which of these statements are correct? (a) 1 and2 (b) land4 (c) Zrand 3 (d) l, 3 and 4 Ans.d 27. Consider t.he following statements: PSLV•C2 was launched by ISRO l. and it carried two foreign statellites. 2. and it was the first multiple satellite. 3. on 26th May, l999. Which of these statements are correct? (a) land2 (b) land3 (c) 2and3 (d) l,2and3 Ans.d 28. When the offices of both the President and the Vice—President of India are vacant, who will discharge their functions? (a) Prime Minister ` (b) Home Minister (c) Chief Justice of India (d) The Speaker Ans.c 29. Consider the following foreign travellers: 1. Nicolo Conti. 2. Abdur Razzaq. 3. Bernier. 4. Tavemier. Among them, those who visited the Vijayanagara Empire include (a) l,2and3 (b) land2 (c) l,3and4 (d) 2and4 Ans.b 30. If the level of atmospheric pollution increases(a) the length of the day will increase (b) the length of the day will decrease (c) the length of the day will remain the same (d) one will not be able to make any prediction about the length of the day purely on the basis of the level of pol- lution Ans.d. enjoy dear friend ... |
11th August 2011, 08:37 PM
Dear friend,
There are many pattern of AFCAT exam. you can easily get all kind of questions for your preparation with previous year solved papers from the link below. http://www.jbigdeal.com/2011/02/afcat-question-paper-2011-indian-air.html Thank you |
11th August 2011, 08:38 PM
Dear friend,
There are many pattern of AFCAT exam. you can easily get all kind of questions for your preparation with previous year solved papers from the link below. http://www.jbigdeal.com/2011/02/afcat-question-paper-2011-indian-air.html Thank you |
12th August 2011, 12:36 AM
![]() Quote:
This exam is conducted for Short Service Commission SSC / Regular in Technical and Ground Duty Branches for Male & Female candidates. If you want to be a part of Air force then you have to write this exam. The posts in the exam are: Ground Duty. Flying branch. Technical branch. As you have asked for the papers for AFCAT,i have mentioned in a file attached. AFCAT Papers: |