3rd June 2011, 03:46 PM
What are the career opportunities after completion of Diploma in Nursing?
I had completed Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery in Assam Nurses' Midwives' and Health Visitors' Council, working as a staffnurse in mission hospital in assam since to tilldate. I wanted to go for PBBScNursing but my parents could not afford it, so can I get any help from the govt for the course? Is it possible to get an admission tis year through govt? I orginally belonged to tripura.
3rd June 2013, 10:30 PM
i completed general nursing and midwifery course on 2010.now i have 2 and half year experince in medical ward.i would like to change my proffession.pls give me the details of another course
11th April 2015, 02:58 PM
Best the career opportunities after completion of Diploma in Nursing as given below:::::::::>>>>>>
:: Nursing Administration :: Dietetics :: Biophysics :: Psychology :: Microbiology :: Maternal Nursing :: Community Health Nursing :: Mental Health Nursing :: Child Health Nursing :: Biochemistry :: Nursing Research & Statistics :: Medical and Surgical Nursing |