23rd January 2018, 09:44 AM
What is the eligibility for NEET 2018 and what all formalities I need to fulfill?
Can I attempt NATIONAL ELIGIBILITY CUM ENTRANCE TEST - NEET 2018 after my B.Sc. in Biotechnology? How to apply for it? What all formalities I required to fulfill?
24th January 2018, 02:43 PM
NEET examination is conducted by CBSE. It is conducted for admission of candidates in medical courses.
The common eligibility to appear for entrance examination is that candidate must have passed or appearing for 12th board examination. Candidate must have PCB stream in 12th and have scored minimum 50%. The minimum age limit is 17 years. The application form for examination will be available online. To get detail information click at http://www.cbseneet.nic.in. |
24th January 2018, 02:47 PM
NEET (National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test) is an Entrance Exam conducted once in every year by CBSE. This exam is conducted for getting admission in MBBS/ BDS/ or medical related field.
Eligibility criteria: - The candidate should have completed their 10+2 or its equivalent education in physics, chemistry, biology/ biotechnology with 50% from any recognised board. - There is 10% relaxation for SC/ ST candidates and 5% for PwD candidates. - The age should be between 17 - 25 years. - There is age relaxation for reserved candidates based on the government rules. If you fulfill the eligibility requirements then you can apply for the exam. The application process is as follows: - You need to visit the official website of NEET. - Fill the application form with all the required details. The application forms are available in the month of January. - You need to upload the scanned copies of photo & signature. - You need to pay the registration fees through online or through DD. For general candidates it is 1400, for SC/ ST/ PH it is 750. - After filling and submitting the form take the print out of the confirmation page. You need to attend and qualify the exam in merit so that you can admission into medical field. For more details about notifications, application forms you can visit the official website of NEET. |
24th January 2018, 09:05 PM
NEET refers to National Eligibility cum Entrance Test and same is a common entrance examination held for offering admission in undergraduate medical degree course across medical colleges of India.
The basic qualifications required for appearing in NEET 2018 are given below:- * You must be an Indian citizen with your age not lying under 17 years by the 31st December 2018. For NEET 2017, there are was no upper age limit and so for any details regarding age limit for NEET 2018 you need to wait till the notification is released for NEET 2018. * You must have completed your Class 12th with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as main subjects with at least 50% marks from a recognized board. Marks relaxation of 10% is allowed for candidates belonging to reserved category. So being a student of B.Sc in Biotechnology you are eligible for appearing in NEET if you satisfy the above mentioned basic qualifications required for NEET. For more details regarding NEET as well as for filling application form for same you can refer to the link www.cbseneet.nic.in. |
24th January 2018, 11:25 PM
The eligibility to appear for NEET is :-
Candidate must have passed 12th from a recognised board. Candidate's age must be minimum 17 years as on 31st year of appearing for examination. There are maximum three attempts to appear for examination. Candidate must have scored 50% and passed 12th with PCB stream. Candidates having all the mentioned qualification are eligible to appear for examination. For more details visit at www.cbseneet.nic.in. |