10th September 2012, 01:11 AM
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What is meant by company secretary?

wat is company secretary n wat people do apftr dis course ?

10th September 2012, 10:21 AM
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Default Re: What is meant by company secretary?

Company Secretary is a very important position in the private and the public sector company in India. Today it is necessary for any company whether private or public sector that has paid a share capital of Rs 5 crores to appoint a Company Secretary. Failing to do so, strict action can be taken against the company.

The section 383A of te Companies Act, 1956 makes it mandatory for such companies to appoint a Company Secretary.

To make it simple for you, the Company Secretary is a managerial type position in big companies. The role of CS is quite critical. Company Secretary has to ensure that the company is following the rules and regulations by the central government.

Company Secretary has to ensure smooth operation of the company. He/She is also responsible to ensure that board of directors are operating within in laws of the country. CS also ensures that the decisions taken by the Board of Directors are implemented within the timeframe.

Company Secretary offers advice to Board of Directors of the Chairman related to issues such as corporate, legal, secretarial, administrative, tax etc. He/She also plays the role of mediator between the company and law enforcement agency or the company and the government of India/state.

It is also the responsibility of the Company Secretary to keep the annual records of the company and list of shareholders. He also has to interact with shareholders on the behalf of the company. In many companies Compay Secretary is also an senior board member.

The Company secretary course is offered by the Institute of Company Secretaries Of India (ICSI) in India. There are three stages of the Company Secretary course:

Foundation Course

>> English and Business Communication

>> Elements of Business Laws and Management

>> Economics and Statistics

>> Financial Accounting

Foundation course is the entry level course for the Company Secretary. Candidate who has completed 12th from any stream is eligible to apply for the Foundation Course. The duration of Foundation course is 8 months.

Intermediate Course

>> General and Commercial Laws

>> Company Accounts

>> Cost and Management Accounting

>> Tax Laws

>> Company Law

>> Economic and Labour Laws

>> Securities Laws and Compliances

The duration of Intermediate course is 10 months. In order to be eligible, candidate is required to complete graduation course with at least 50 percent marks.

Final Course

>> Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency

>> Company Secretarial Practice

>> Drafting ,Appearances ,Pleading

>> Strategic Management , Alliances and International Trade

>> Advanced Tax Laws and Practice

>> Due Diligence and Corporate Compliance Management

>> Governance , Business Ethics and Sustainability

>> Financial , Treasury , Forex Management

The duration of Final course is 10 months and only candidates who have completed Intermediate course would be eligible for it.
10th September 2012, 02:26 PM
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Default Re: What is meant by company secretary?

What is minimum salary of company secretary?
10th September 2012, 06:02 PM
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Default Re: What is meant by company secretary?

Company Secretary

Company Secretary acts as a bridge between the management and the directors, government and the shareholders.

Company Secretary is a professional whose role in a corporate set up is that of an advisor for legal matters. A Company Secretary is a very important member of the company’s management.

Company secretaries job involves guiding the directors on the laws and suggesting ways to improve the functioning of the company.

CS course has divided into three parts:-
1-Foundation Programme
2-Executive Programme
3-Professional Programme
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10th September 2012, 11:13 PM
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Default Re: What is meant by company secretary?

Institute of Company Secretaries of India(ICSI) is the institute which is responsible for conducting exams for the COMPANY SECRETARY COURSES.
The Company Secretary Course Comprises of three Courses.They are
1.Foundation Course
2.Executive Course
3.Professional Course
- One is supposed to qualify the 1st Course to be eligible for 2ND Course and to qualify the 2ND course to be eligible for 3rd course.
Eligibility Criteria for CS :-
- You should pass in 12Th in any Stream from any recognized board for Foundation Course.
- If you are a Graduate,you can directly enter in to Executive Course.
- Generally the entrance exams are conducted in the month of August/September.
The duration of CS course is 2 years after graduation and training will be necessary if you want to like participate cs course,
In CS training is not restricted to participate only.You have to under go 15 months training in cs to get the member ship of ICSI
For further Information http://www.icsi.in
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10th September 2012, 11:32 PM
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Default Re: What is meant by company secretary?

Hi dear............

C.S stands for Company Secretaryship. Company Secretary is a professional course which is managed by The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) which is constituted under the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 to grow and control the profession of Company Secretaries in India. Company secretary are required to be appointed by those companies who’s paid up capital is of Rs.50 lakhs according to the Companies Act.

To turn out to be a company secretary a candidate must pass the foundation course, executive program and professional course which were earlier known as Foundation Examination, Intermediate Examination and Final Examination which are conducted by institutes and later they have to undertake for practical training to be eligible for the membership as a Company secretary.

Basic Eligibility::

CS: -

For pursuing this program the minimum requirement is 10+2 or equivalent examination. Graduates and post graduates who have passed final exams of ICWAI or ICAI are also eligible for this program.


CS - Tax laws, Economic laws, Labour laws, Company law.

CS – There is a bright scope for company secretary in consulting firms, banks, financial institutions, private companies and other regulatory bodies. An individual as company secretary can get a salary ranging from Rs.20,000 to Rs.25,000 in a reputed company in private sector.

Few job types under this field: -


Managing Director

Board of Directors of a Company

Subjects for CS course:

For more details visit official website of ICSI

Good luck............
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11th September 2012, 02:55 AM
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Default Re: What is meant by company secretary?

A Company Secretary is a senior managerial position which exists in private as well as public organizations.

The principal role of a Company Secretary is-
1. To ensure that the administration of a company is efficiently ruin, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the state or states where the company and its offices are located.

2. The decisions which are taken by the Board of Directors of a company are implemented effectively under the guidance of a Company Secretary.

In India there are provisions in the Companies Act whereby the role of a Company Secretary is defined. Every company which has a paid up share capital exceeding Rs. 50 million or 5 crores, is required by law to appoint a Company Secretary. In India, such an appointed person needs to be a member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. When a company has ten lakhs or more paid up capital, it does not need to have a full time Company Secretary but a compliance certificate has to be signed by a practicing Company Secretary in the presence of the Registrar of Companies. These rules are specified in Section 383 A of the Companies Act of1956.

In India, a Company Secretary has several responsibilities such as-

1. Signing of the annual returns of a company which is listed on the stock exchanges of the country.

2. They can also issue various certificates on behalf of the company.
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11th September 2012, 09:09 PM
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Default Re: What is meant by company secretary?

To my dear friend
CS is company secratary is a professional course in private/public.This course has a three stages they are
>Foundation level
>Executive level
>Professional level
* you have to complete your 12th stage
* If you are complete your graduate then you can join directly to executive cource.
The entrance exam for CS is conducted in august and september.
For more details check below site.www.icsi.In
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12th September 2012, 07:58 PM
mustafa tahasildar
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Default Re: What is meant by company secretary?

Originally Posted by @mi. View Post
wat is company secretary n wat people do apftr dis course ?

Company Secretary is a very important position in the private and the public sector company in India.
Today it is necessary for any company whether private or public sector that has paid a share capital of Rs 5 crores to appoint a Company Secretary. Failing to do so, strict action can be taken against the company.
Company Secretary acts as a bridge between the management and the directors, government and the shareholders.
Company secretaries job involves guiding the directors on the laws and suggesting ways to improve the functioning of the company.

CS course has divided into three parts:-
1-Foundation Program me
2-Executive Program me
3-Professional Program-me

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13th September 2012, 12:01 PM
mustafa tahasildar
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Default Re: What is meant by company secretary?

Originally Posted by @mi. View Post
wat is company secretary n wat people do apftr dis course ?


*A secretary is a representative of the company who is selected to carry out the ministerial or administrative duties.

*He is mainly anxious to make sure that the relationships of the company are accomplished according to the provisos of the Companies Act and articles of association of the company.

*The Company Secretary is responsible for the efficient administration of a company, particularly with regard to ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and for ensuring that decisions of the Board of Directors are implemented

Attached Files
File Type: pdf The_Companies_Secretaries_Amendment_Act_2006.pdf(200.9 KB, 162 views)
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14th September 2012, 11:44 AM
mustafa tahasildar
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Default Re: What is meant by company secretary?

Originally Posted by @mi. View Post
wat is company secretary n wat people do apftr dis course ?

*Company Secretary is a very important position in the private and the public sector company in India.

*Today it is necessary for any company whether private or public sector that has paid a share capital of Rs 5 crores to appoint a Company Secretary.

*Failing to do so, strict action can be taken against the company.

*Company Secretary acts as a bridge between the management and the directors, government and the shareholders.

*Company secretaries job involves guiding the directors on the laws and suggesting ways to improve the functioning of the company

CS course has divided into three parts

*Foundation Program me

*Executive Program me

*Professional Program-me


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