25th January 2018, 07:45 PM
What type of job can I do along side any courses related to Laboratory works after completing B.Sc in Biochemistry?
After having completed the B.Sc in Biochemistry what next can be done? I'm interested in performing laboratory works so what exactly I should do for that? Are there any further courses related to my interest which can be done along side any job?
22nd February 2018, 11:55 PM
As per your interest in laboratory works, you should go for Ph.D course. To do Ph.D, it is necessary to complete M.Sc in your interested subject or Biochemistry as you have already mentioned.
So, after completing B.Sc in Biochemistry , you should go for M.Sc course and then, go for Ph.D course . These courses will help you to be a junior scientist who usually works in laboratory. I prefer you not to do any job along with Master degree as this jobs may affect your study. And this time, you need to pay more attention in M.Sc course study instead of doing any job. |