8th December 2014, 09:38 PM
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How can I prepare for CAT? Suitable books for preparation?

which book to be followed for CAT coming year entrance.
And how to prepare for CAT easily?
Please let me know immediately
thank you in advance

10th December 2014, 10:19 PM
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Default Re: How can I prepare for CAT? Suitable books for preparation?

Tips for preparation of CAT examination

Here are few tips that will help you to score wellin your CAT exam.

1. Adapt your skill level: You are the one who knows more about yourself so try to cultivate your skills as per your knowledge, like suppose if you are weak in any subject or in any particular field of subject, try to learn the basics of it first and move up with increasing the difficulty level.

2. Identify your strong and weak areas: Always try to strike harder on those study areas where you know that you are weak, but that does not mean that you should forget or leave your strong points behind. Keep an eye on your strong study areas also but put more stress on your weak links.

3. Allow yourself to be your own boss: Never try to study under anybody's fear. Make you own time table, prepare your own way, give as much effort as you want, spare only as much time for studies as you want, but that should not have any effect on your output, it only means to study the way you want and in your own style.

4. Solve books and question papers: Solve questions from the books mentioned below or from any book you wish to and do solve previous years sample and mock papers as much as you can, as this will only enhance your efficiency and will lead you to your ultimate goal.

5. Manage time: Time management is of very much importance for any candidate to be able to clear CAT examinations. Prepare a good schedule for your studies as well as for other works.

6. Start with basic topics: Basic topics should be touched tried and touched first as that will enhance your mental ability and will clear your basic concepts, which will ultimately help you to clear the exam.

7. Fitness: Always try to keep you mind and body fit as without physical and mental fitness all your efforts are worthless.

Some best coaching Institutes you might want to join are:

1. TIME.

2. IMS.

3. Career Launcher.

4. Professional Tutorials.

These are some of the best books for the preparation of CAT exam:

1. Analytical and Logical Reasoning for CAT
Author- B.S. Sijwali, Ajay Singh
ISBN- 8183482708

2. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehensionfor CAT
Author- Arun Sharma, Meenakshi Uphadyay
ISBN- 0071332138

3. Quantitaive Aptitude for CAT
Author- Arun Sharma
ISBN- 0071332146

4. Study Package for CAT Online(with CD)
Author- Meenakshi Upadyay, Arun Sharma
ISBN- 0071329412

5. The Pearson Complete Guide for CAT
Authhor- Nishit K Sinha
ISBN- 8131722090

Kindly refer these books and prepare for your examination.
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