16th January 2016, 11:11 AM
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What is the eligibility criteria followed for doing M.Sc Nursing in Kerala Government colleges?

What is the eligibility criteria followed for doing M.Sc Nursing in Kerala Government colleges? Can you please explain me the steps which I need to follow to apply for the course? It will be really helpful if you can answer me soon on the same?

Thank you!

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16th January 2016, 11:35 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria followed for doing M.Sc Nursing in Kerala Government colleges?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is the eligibility criteria followed for doing M.Sc Nursing in Kerala Government colleges? Can you please explain me the steps which I need to follow to apply for the course? It will be really helpful if you can answer me soon on the same?

Thank you!
Those candidates who have completed B.Sc in Nursing with above 50% marks from a recognized university are eligible for M.Sc in Nursing course.

Your age should be above 18 years.
17th January 2016, 12:11 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria followed for doing M.Sc Nursing in Kerala Government colleges?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is the eligibility criteria followed for doing M.Sc Nursing in Kerala Government colleges? Can you please explain me the steps which I need to follow to apply for the course? It will be really helpful if you can answer me soon on the same?

Thank you!
Applicants who are interested to pursue M.Sc in Nursing in Kerala are required to have a Bachelor Degree in Nursing from a university recognized by UGC. Only Indian citizens are eligible to apply for the course.

- Applicants who have passed a regular, full time degree are eligible for admission. Applicants must have a score of more than 55% at Graduation level. Apart from this, an admission test will be carried out for granting admission to the applicants.
17th January 2016, 11:08 PM
Join Date: Dec 2013
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Posts: 2,986
Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria followed for doing M.Sc Nursing in Kerala Government colleges?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is the eligibility criteria followed for doing M.Sc Nursing in Kerala Government colleges? Can you please explain me the steps which I need to follow to apply for the course? It will be really helpful if you can answer me soon on the same?

Thank you!
You must complete B.Sc in Nursing or its equivalent qualification from a recognized university to be eligible for M.Sc in Nursing through Kerala Government college. You should have scored at least 50% in your graduation to apply for the M.Sc in Nursing course through Kerala university.The admission for M.Sc in Nursing through Kerala university is based on the entrance examination organized by the concerned university. You need to qualify in the entrance exam in order to get admission for M.Sc in Nursing course.

Government Colleges Offering M.Sc in Nursing in Kerala:

Govt. Nursing College
Official website - http://contvpm.org/
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