21st April 2015, 11:58 AM
Can I apply for private polytechnic college teachers post if I have completed my B.Tech course with back papers?
I have completed my B.Tech course but with some back papers. I have written all those papers and waiting for result. Can I teach in a private polytechnic college before getting the result? I just wanted to start the job as teacher and probably with experience move into good colleges.
23rd April 2015, 01:46 AM
No, their is no chance to start the job as teacher in private polytechnic college because you completed your b.tech with some back papers.
24th April 2015, 02:05 AM
You cannot apply for teacher post in private polytechnic college if you have backlogs in your B.Tech course. However, once you clear your backlogs, you can definitely apply for teacher post. Hence you should try to clear your backlogs as soon as possible and then apply for teachers post in the private polytechnic colleges. Since you have already given the back papers and waiting for result, so have more patience and wait for the result and then apply. This is because once applied they will ask for your result during interview and if you cannot show your certificate on account of back papers you will not be preferred for the job. Hence, wait till result and then apply. If the interview process is scheduled late; by when you may receive the result and they do not ask for marks in B.Tech course during application then you can apply or else you should not apply.